
Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

author:Workshop of Broken Thoughts

What exactly does a successful meat pigeon game use to impress players? Is it the weird and curious props and many combinations in "The Combination of Isaac"? Or is it the gorgeous and dazzling painting style and the bond of the gods in "Hades"? Or the full-screen special effects and crazy mowing of the grass in Vampire Survivors? After playing dozens of meat pigeon games in depth, I think "strange painting style", "diverse construction", and "refreshing operation" are the answers to this question, and "Endless Dreams", which recently underwent closed beta, also gave the same answer.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

Swiss Army knife in a meat pigeon

"Endless Dreams" is a meat pigeon game with the main plot of entering the dream world, similar to the setting of "Inception", allowing players to enter all kinds of bizarre and out-of-control dreams, and sign contracts with dreamers with special personalities to calm the dream. The construction of dream scenes is full of characteristics, from the deep sea to 996 office workers, each scene has its own special mechanism, you can incarnate a coin charge in the "priceless treasure", or you can race against time to clock in to work in the "multiple assessment".

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

"Endless Dreams" provides players with six genres to choose from, namely Blade (melee), Lianzhu (barrage), Xinmang (laser), Phantom Array (continuous output), Inspiration (little brother fight), Star Ring (surround support), each with different characteristics and gameplay. Characters from each genre not only have specific skills, but they also have "reverberations" within the game (isn't the producer really a fan of The End of the Decame?). "Echoes" can be used as a trial enhancement of character traits, which we'll focus on later.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

(Hades players will feel very familiar when they see this scene)

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

The closed beta currently only opens three chapters of the main story, and it also corresponds to the three large dungeons that players often enter. There's a lot to explore and build genres into. There are also advanced material copies of the characters, etc., which are carried out in a level mode similar to "Hades" or "Isaac".

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

"Endless Dream Echo" also has a vampire-like survival mowing gameplay, in the dungeon "Nightmare Trial", players need to control the character to survive for a specific period of time, defeat the monster will get materials, pick up a certain amount of materials can randomly get echo enhancement, and the satisfaction is very strong after molding.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

While mowing the grass frantically, players can also obtain resources by being a two-dimensional shopkeeper, and simulation management is also an indispensable part of "Endless Dreams", players can obtain a resource called "New Moon Coins" by selling dream puppet peripherals, and then buy gacha tickets, character upgrade materials, etc.

The process of operation is also relatively simple, players put the made dream puppet peripherals into the goods area, and then pack them with the store staff and hand them over to the corresponding customers, even if the task is completed, click on the screen to complete the whole content, but the AI store staff is very intelligent in the whole process, and many times I am watching them busy while sipping melon seeds.

Warlike players are also blessed, in addition to PVE, the PVP link of "Endless Dreams" is also doing well, but because I play more vegetables in this area, so there is not much experience, players can get tokens through the arena or nightmare trials every week to buy character development resources, and it is more cost-effective to play a dozen occasionally.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

It can be said that "Endless Dream Back" is a universal Swiss army knife in the meat pigeon game, and a variety of ways to play can make it a "meal replacement" for many well-known meat pigeon games.

The combination of the lineup depends on the brain hole

Different from any action pigeon game I've played, players in "Endless Dreams" can control a total of three dream spirits to break through the dungeon, each dream spirit is full of characteristics, such as the eldest lady's "dream of getting rich" is full of local tyrant atmosphere, her guns shoot bullets like gold coins, and for example, the background of the tough guy character "Dream of War" is a battlefield full of artillery fire, and his big shield and heavy punches can be attacked, retreated and defended, making people feel full of security.

My initial lineup is Dream of the Future, Dream of Healing and Dream of Absurdity, which is a very standard output + burst + survival lineup, which can make the player's damage curve very smooth while taking into account the endurance. Future Dream, as the blade of melee combat, needs to enhance the instantaneous echo as a continuous output, the absurd dream as a reminder gives a sense of déjà vu as the "Desert Emperor", and the dream of healing provides a buff. I mainly use two ideas, one is to trigger the instantaneous genre with basic attacks and to burst output through substitutions. The exclusive reverberation of the Ridiculous Dream Spiral Stabbing Sword + is the first to appear, and you can use the basic attack to hit as many summons as possible, and the trigger echo of the future dream can give the basic attack a chance to trigger the instant.

It's a very regular combo, and the way this reverberation is matched in the actual game is quite explosive, and the key to both ideas is to trigger as many instants as possible and summons to play high output. The damage numbers on the screen gave me a lot of positive feedback, and I knew that this was the lineup I put together in the opening scene with a very dark face, and as the number of characters available increased, I gradually became addicted to the joy of teaming.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

When I got the five-star character Hero Dream, the Future Dream temporarily returned to the warehouse to retire. The combination of Hero's Dream and Absurd's Dream gave me a lot of surprises. The Hero's Dream skill "Enlightenment" uses a giant sword to gather enemies around you and deal damage, and then ends it by switching the Ridiculous Dream skill "Ridiculous Curtain Call". This trick is especially effective against mobs in the Dao.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

After I got the five-star character "Mirror Dream",I simply gave up the more traditional "Tactics of War" thinking,Remove the survival bit,Directly chose the violent push map,"Mirror Dream" as a role with laser as output,It is suitable to be placed in the background with other characters to play explosive output,Now,My output method has become "Hero's Dream" to gather monsters,And then through "Ridiculous Dream" and "Mirror Dream" to play a full screen of lasers and stand-ins, especially the echo can make the giant sword, clown stand-in and laser trigger each other, very easy to use.

The frequent changes in the team also represent a change of thinking, and although I am currently using the three-gold violent push, it does not mean that the blue or purple characters are useless, on the contrary, there are many videos of players using the blue lineup to push the picture, and it does not look weak at all.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

Meat pigeon game evolution code

The traditional action meat pigeon will inevitably make players feel bored after going through the process of chopping melons and vegetables, and it is undoubtedly necessary to evolve into a new meat pigeon mode if you want to prolong the life of the game. This is where we have to mention the innovative in-game reverberation system.

The first is the diversity of reverberations, which not only have a variety of trigger methods, but also have a wide variety of options to choose from. Trigger methods can be timed, basic attack, enter battle, survival, movement, substitution, etc. The wide variety of reverberations can completely subvert the original attack form, and choosing the right reverberation can turn defensive-biased operators like "Dream of War" from defense to offense, and can also double summoned character stand-ins like "Dream of Absurdity".

The frequency and probability of skill release corresponding to each echo trigger method are very different, which leads to more content for players to consider when building the corresponding skill school, and it happens that there are many characters in the game, and each character has its own skill triggering method, such as the dream of the future of the newcomer who opened up the wasteland character mentioned above, he can completely bring good damage through the basic attack trigger instantaneously, and the dream of getting rich with the long-range barrage as the core of the Lianzhu character can play a more violent rain of bullets through frequent movement, Of course, this doesn't mean that the character's echo choices are fixed, which brings us to our next point.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

That is the inclusiveness between the echoes, usually when we play an action game where we can switch roles, the team usually considers the compatibility between functions and skills, and in "Endless Dreams", players also need to consider the matching degree between different echoes. Each character in the game has their own Echo and Echo, which only affects themselves and the latter affects the entire party. For example, after selecting Character A's movement trigger echo. Switching to Character B will also take effect, and conversely, Character B will also trigger Character A's Basic Attack Trigger Echo through Basic Attack. The reverberations are interlocking and easy to understand, and it's easy to get a firework scene in a game.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

What's even more interesting is that characters who are outside the game can also build resonances, and if the player draws the corresponding reverberation, it is necessary to weigh whether the benefits are greater than the in-play characters. If there are enough reverberations of each character, you can trigger the bright echoes, which plays the role of flowering on the bar, and in a game, players have to consider the combination of different echoes, but also grab the echoes of specific characters to trigger the bright effect, which is full of variables and makes people happy. In addition, the game can also grab "support skills", and release earth-destroying ultimates or powerful survival skills by accumulating energy, and the selection of "support skills" is not limited to the characters on the field, so the collocation becomes richer. After a few days of trial play, I can only choose some more conventional ways to play in a limited time, and the space left by the game for everyone to live is actually quite broad.

Finally, thanks to the convenience of the game, the characters of "Endless Dreams" have a lot of elements of outside development, and these outside development elements are likely to be troublesome for novices during the wasteland period. The most intuitive example of this is that Hades has cram too many resources into the level in the sequel, which directly makes it difficult for players to build, and fortunately the developers have noticed this problem. In Endless Dreams, these problems have been improved, and the developers have neither crammed development resources into the levels, nor have they made character development too difficult for players. Players can return resources by resetting the character through an NPC named Rabbi before level 65, which also allows players to experience as many teams as possible with limited resources and time.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

The rabbi can return all the cultivation materials

Moreover, if you encounter the Tianhu Bureau's crazy mowing of the grass and quickly clear the customs, players don't have to worry about "not having enough", because the system will automatically record the data of the game, and players can freely choose the collocation that has been cleared when challenging the copy that has been cleared, and can skip the lane and directly enter the final boss battle, which can be enjoyable and greatly shorten the time to brush materials.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

The saved stamps can be used directly to re-brush the material

At present, although the outside cultivation occupies a large space, it is still relatively liver-friendly. If you can't beat the dungeon, the only thing that makes people feel like they need to brush it is the character's "spirit costume". Each level unlocks a specific attribute, and it is a test of both perseverance and luck for each attribute to match the character's skills and genre.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

The cultivation of spiritual costume is not complicated, but the entry requires liver

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

Complete Starter Quests to unlock more features

In addition, if you can't beat the dungeon, the way to improve is not limited to the character itself, and the "Dream Weaving Talent" of each dungeon also plays a big role, and the Dream Weaving Talent Talent is upgraded through the currency dropped by the dungeon, and the improvement includes increasing or reducing damage and specific skills. For example, the dungeon "Dream of Getting Rich" can speed up the player's energy accumulation into coins through the Dream Weaving talent.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

The Dream Weaver talent only applies to the corresponding dungeon

Something that could be improved

In the past few days of testing, I often feel that "not enough to play", although there is no physical strength mechanism in "Endless Dreams", but entering the dungeon requires the use of keys and will not directly increase the player's level, corresponding to a system called "Daily Incentive", players clear the dungeon to get activity, and the activity is used to open the gacha in the "Daily Incentive" gacha machine to get experience points and some materials. The player's level is increased by the main quest and gacha. The number of gacha is not unlimited, but it automatically refreshes every once in a while, and in my opinion this is another way of physical strength system, and there is always a feeling of card progress when playing.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

Usually, it takes a few hours to get 100 experience for the gacha

In addition,The improvement of the sense of impact is also the key content that needs to be optimized in the next game,Due to the many types of echoes and special effects,The decline of the strike feel is inevitable,At present, only the five-star character "Chivalry's Dream", "Dream of War" and the four-star character "Dream of the Future" This melee role gives me a feeling of acceptable blow through sound effects and skill effects, and the strike feel of other characters is not very satisfactory.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

The feeling of fighting the dream of war is particularly refreshing

But the flaws are not hidden, after a few days of playing experience, I did find a long-lost sense of coolness in "Endless Dreams", in recent years, meat pigeon games have emerged in an endless stream, and the permutations and combinations of gameplay and routines seem to have reached the point of exhaustion, but fortunately, there are still many innovative developers who can continue to improve and break through, bringing works that can make players' eyes shine, and we are also looking forward to the day when "Endless Dreams" is officially launched.

Can you dream so cool? The meat pigeon game that claims to sweep 1.4 billion dreams is really something

Game Name: Endless Dreams


Overall rating: 9/10

Recommended Audience: Players who like to play games with a full degree of refreshment and meat pigeon


Pay attention to the "Broken Thoughts Workshop", share good games every day, and say goodbye to the game shortage!

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