
Wang Hongbin went to Cili County to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

author:Zhangjiajie in the palm of your hand


Wang Hongbin went to Cili County to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

Zhangjiajie News (Reporter Li Chengyi, Tuo Xingliang, Liu Zihua) "July 1st" is imminent, on June 29, Wang Hongbin, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, went to Cili County to carry out a visit and condolence activities, visited and condoled the old cadres and old party members, and extended sincere greetings and good wishes to the majority of party members in the city through them.

Wang Hongbin went to Cili County to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

Wang Hongbin went to the homes of two veteran cadres and party members, had a long talk with them, inquired about their health and family conditions, and thanked them for their long-term contributions to the cause of the party and the state. Knowing that they were suffering from illness, Wang Hongbin encouraged them to maintain a good attitude, follow the doctor's instructions to receive treatment, moderately strengthen physical exercise to enhance their physical fitness, and strive to recover as soon as possible and enjoy a happy old age.

Wang Hongbin also pointed out that our current happy life is inseparable from the arduous struggle of the older generation of Communist Party members. Relevant departments should earnestly strengthen their care and care for veteran comrades, give them the greatest care and support within the scope of policies, and provide due guarantees for veteran comrades to seek medical treatment and daily life.

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Wang Hongbin went to Cili County to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

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