
The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

author:Interesting history

【Top Ten Heroes in the World: Lao Dan】

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Lao Tzu, a wise man who spanned thousands of years, his thoughts are like a trickle, far-reaching and long-lasting. His Tao Te Ching is not only a treasure of ancient Chinese philosophy, but also an important heritage of world culture. His advocacy of "rule by inaction" and the simple dialectic still influence our thinking and behavior today. As the founder of Taoism, he left a valuable legacy for future generations with his profound wisdom and unique insights.

【Ten Heroes of the World: Confucius】

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Confucius, a great man who is revered as the "Holy Teacher". His life was a constant quest for knowledge and truth. He pioneered the culture of private lectures and spread education to a wider audience. His Confucianism, with "benevolence" as its core, advocates harmony and respect between people. His Analects has become a treasure of ancient Chinese culture and has had a profound impact on later generations.

【The Ten Heroes of the World: Mozi】

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Mozi, a philosopher from a peasant background, was imbued with concern for society and love for the people. The Mohist school he founded advocated equality and harmony between people with "love" and "non-aggression" as the core. His scientific theories also reached a very high level at that time, providing important inspiration for scientific research in later generations.

[Top Ten Heroes in the World: Guan Yin]

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Guan Yin, a wise man who is proficient in the astronomical calendar. His life was a process of exchanging and learning with great thinkers such as Lao Tzu. When he was transferred to Hangu Guan Ling, he met Lao Tzu and obtained the true transmission of the Tao Te Ching. His thoughts and actions reflect the pursuit of knowledge and his love for truth.

【The Ten Heroes of the World: Liezi】

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Liezi, an outstanding representative of the Taoist school. His thinking is characterized by "nobility and emptiness", advocating the pursuit of inner freedom and tranquility. His book Liezi is full of wisdom and philosophy, and has had a profound impact on later generations. His doctrine not only inherited the essence of Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi's thoughts, but also innovated and developed on this basis.

[Top Ten Heroes in the World: Chen Piao]

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Chen Piao, also known as Chen Zhen, was a native of Qi during the Warring States Period, and later entered the Qin State as a guest secretary. He was an erudite thinker, particularly in the field of politics and diplomacy. Chen Piao advocated "Guiqi", that is, attaching importance to equality and justice, and opposing excessive concentration of power and interests. This idea of his was particularly precious in the context of the princes' struggle for hegemony and frequent wars at that time.

Chen Piao was extremely eloquent and good at lobbying monarchs of various countries to achieve his own political goals. He held important positions in many countries such as the states of Qi, Chu, and Qin, and won widespread praise for his outstanding wisdom and talent. Although Chen Piao's works have been lost, his thoughts and deeds have been recorded in historical books such as "Warring States Policy" and "Historical Records", which provide valuable materials for future generations to study the politics, diplomacy and culture of the Warring States Period.

【Ten Heroes in the World: Yangsheng】

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Yangsheng, a native of Wei during the Warring States Period, was a philosopher with a unique ideological system. He advocated "self-esteem", that is, the value and dignity of the individual, and believed that everyone should pursue inner truth and independence. Yangsheng's idea had a distinctly rebellious color in the social environment at the time, but he won people's respect for his profound thoughts and firm beliefs.

Although Yangsheng's writings no longer exist, his ideas have had a profound impact on later generations. His idea of "noble self" provided an important source of thought for later generations of individualistic and humanist thought. At the same time, his ideas also played an important role in promoting the development of ancient Chinese philosophy.

【Top Ten Heroes in the World: Sun Bin】

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Sun Bin, a military strategist of Qi during the Warring States Period, was known for his outstanding military talent and profound attainments in the art of war. He advocated "noble power," that is, attaching importance to the use of military strength and strategic superiority. Sun Bin's military contributions are mainly reflected in the book "The Art of War", which is a treasure of the ancient Chinese art of war and is praised as the "holy book of soldiers" by later generations.

Sun Bin's military thinking emphasized "knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent" and "sharing the same desires from top to bottom," and advocated winning with outwits and overwhelming others with force. This idea of his had a profound impact on the military strategy and tactics of later generations. At the same time, Sun Bin's military thinking also reflected his profound political and philosophical wisdom, which provided valuable ideological wealth for future generations.

[Top Ten Heroes in the World: Wang Liao]

Wang Liao, a native of Zhao during the Warring States Period, was a far-sighted military strategist and strategist. He advocated "being the first", that is, attaching importance to the importance of the first opportunity and the grasp of the initiative. Wang Liao's military thinking centered on "preemptive strike" and emphasized the need to take the initiative in a war and make use of all favorable factors to achieve a rapid victory.

Wang Liao's military thought was of great guiding significance in the Warring States period at that time. His strategic thinking provided strong support for Zhao's victory in the war. At the same time, Wang Liao's military thinking also had a profound impact on the military strategy and tactics of later generations. His ideas have been widely inherited and developed by later generations, and have become one of the treasures in the treasure house of ancient Chinese military thought.

【The Ten Heroes of the World: Erliang】

The Ten Heroes of the World: The Ten Most Influential Thinkers of the Pre-Qin Period

Erliang, a native of Zhao during the Warring States Period, was an outstanding military strategist and strategist. He advocated the "noble queen," that is, the strategic principle of attaching importance to the preemptive strike and waiting for work at leisure. Erliang's military thinking emphasizes the need to remain calm and composed in war, and to be good at taking advantage of the enemy's weaknesses and mistakes to achieve victory.

Erliang's military thought had important practical significance in the Warring States period at that time. He has successfully applied the strategic principle of preemptive strikes in many battles to achieve victory. At the same time, Erliang's military ideas also had a profound impact on the military strategy and tactics of later generations. His ideas have been widely inherited and developed by later generations, and have become an important part of the treasure house of ancient Chinese military thought.

These ten thinkers were all important figures in the pre-Qin period, and their thoughts and actions reflected the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Their teachings not only had a profound impact at the time, but were also widely passed down and developed in later generations. They are a treasure of ancient Chinese culture and an important part of world culture.