
Overnight, there were two news from the Chinese Super League, and Wu Lei's hat trick was really praised!

author:A habitat for football fans

The first news is: Shanghai Port 3-1 Zhejiang, winning 10 consecutive wins in the Chinese Super League.

It was a great game, wide open, the referee dared to play cards and dare to deny himself, and the players and referees played very well. It can only be said that it is better than the group stage of the last round of the European Cup, most of the first two rounds are still good, and the new promotion rules affect the excitement. Hurry up and give the national football team a naturalized midfield foreign aid, maybe the top 18 will not be embarrassed. Does anyone remember? The most crucial game for us to reach the last 18 was a 2-1 win over Thailand in the first leg to take three valuable points. In that game, Wu Lei scored a goal to participate in the victory, in order to receive Wei Shao's wonderful pass, he sprinted desperately regardless of the risk of injury, and slammed into the goal frame to score the ball to the limit. Not to mention four goals and one assist in two games against Singapore. Not only did he perform well in the club, but Wu Lei also tried his best in the national football team. His ability is too limited, many times he will miss the opportunity and miss the single knife, but after all, he is the best striker in the national football team, whether it is the club or the national football team, he has scored the most goals, we should give our best striker more respect.

It's a pity that many people don't know why they are staring at Wu Leihei, people win the championship in China and have the courage to play football abroad, there is no bad temper, no scandal, no negative news, whether it is the league or the World Cup qualifiers, he is the number one scorer, and even donates money to football players, I don't know what to do has been in Hei Wulei. It also shows that as long as someone can pass the ball, Wu Lei can perform well. When encountering a strong team, the midfield was suppressed, and Wu Lei was useless. Wu Lei's technical shortcomings are caused by the use of advance and retreat, I don't know if you have watched the early games of the East Asian team? At that time, Wu Lei's various skills were still very balanced, but his instantaneous start speed and sense of grabbing points were indeed very prominent, and the follow-up introduction of foreign aid in East Asia, invited foreign teachers, and the overall formation and play of East Asia was dismantled, and Wu Lei's advantages in this area were infinitely magnified, and gradually formed the view that some people think that Wu Lei can't do anything except shooting.

As the old saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. In the current national football team, Wu Lei is the most prominent, in the case of the team's overall poor play, will you blame the leader or everyone? It can only be said that the decadent national football team has created deformed feelings among fans, and neither can they hate, nor can they love. You're right, it's very extreme for us to get into the top 18, and everyone's credit, effort and luck have been put to good use, including the efforts of the Singapore team. But we scored a total of nine goals, and Wu Lei scored five, so there is nothing wrong with his greatest meritorious service. Of course, Wang Dalei, Bai Helamu, Wei Shao and other people who participated in scoring goals and scoring points are very important, and Singapore's Fandi and Sonny are also meritorious friends. Each one is very critical, after eating four steamed buns, the role of each steamed bun is the same, not the fourth steamed bun is the most important. Just over halfway through the schedule, he scored 20+ goals, and Wu Lei is about to break the single-season personal goal record.

What kind of stuff is Zhejiang playing? Playing two goals behind is the same as leading, and the weather is hot, are you tired of the harbor? In the last three minutes, one more person also let the family walk slowly with the ball. said that Wu Lei was bad, look at the substitute striker who was replaced by the harbor in the back, he can really make people laugh to death. The year-old Wu Lei stood there, looking at the Asian wolves around him, but it was a pity that no one of the young players took over him! Jet Wu Lei is unstable alone, look at Li Shenglong's several opportunities to compare, you will know how powerful Wu Lei is. In addition, Rusa's red card Li Shenglong really can't get rid of it, and it is estimated that there will be no time to enter the back of any one, and it is outrageous to make up ten minutes for this game so smoothly. Maybe if you think it's too hot in Henan, you don't want to go. Wu Lei really didn't get black, not to mention anything else, his running position is really world-class, the national football midfielder will give you an Oscar, and your value will be 10 times higher. Wu Lei's running position is really good, Wu Lei needs someone to pass the ball, the national football team has no such person, the midfield of the harbor is really good, Oscar is too strong, breakthroughs, passes, and shots are too reasonable.

A good striker is not done by himself, there are stars like Messi, but there are several in the world, if the national football team has a good midfielder, there is the ability to pass the ball forward, with Wu Lei, there must be a play, 90% of the ball of the national football team is the defender to fight for the top, this kick is not strength at all, called luck, if the two points fall at our feet, there will be the ball, most of them will lose the ball! The national football team is too poor in basic skills, and the problem of dribbling and passing! I have always liked Wu Lei, not because of scoring 3 goals. It's that he has been determined to be a good player since he was a child, and he has been working hard for it, no tattoos, no clubbing, hard work on the field, and in the men's football team, this is even a bit of an alternative persistence! Although the single knife has been criticized, it is only because of the running, cooperation, hard work and other places that there are really nothing to say. Stealth and blame the striker? The midfield is fully suppressed, the defense is too late, and who can blame if the ball can't be passed behind him. Wu Lei is good, but he should be glad to be born in this era, the top among the short people, but don't forget that there is Oscar, look at the Olympic nuclear next year, the efficiency will be halved more than once, there is no super foreign aid, under the premise of the five foreign aid in the Chinese Super League, the level and quality of foreign aid and local players are almost the same, and the good days are basically over.

The second news is: Wu Lei scored a hat trick.

I just want to ask: In the case of the Chinese Super League letting go of five foreign aids, 17 games and 19 goals are leading the scorer list, how can some fans be satisfied. Wu Lei is equivalent to a top foreign aid, that is, worse than his teammate, real star, and former Chelsea main Oscar. In fact, there are a lot of foreign aid single knives that don't enter, mainly foreigners don't enter the single knife, we don't feel it, Wu Lei is our own people, so I am very impressed. It is true that a single knife does not enter this, but at the same time, it is also important to note that if you change to someone else, you will not be able to run so many single knives. is really strong, Wu Lei is still the only player in China. There are many people who don't score with a single knife, and Messi doesn't score with a single knife! Wu Lei's third goal was a single knife, didn't he score? Wu Lei and other strikers should be treated equally. Although the biggest credit for Wu Lei's goal is Oscar, who is also a unique foreign aid, Wu Lei himself is indeed the last fig leaf of the national football team. You say that other people can, but Wu Lei has scored a lot of goals in La Liga, Europa League and Copa del Rey back then, and he also scored a goal against Barcelona, which has been verified, which has not been denied, right? The domestic striker is indeed the best, but Wu Lei's skills are as rough as ever. Wu Lei's characteristics are still too simple, and it is difficult for point-grabbing strikers to play in the national football team, and I still hope that the top 18 matches can play well.

Overnight, there were two news from the Chinese Super League, and Wu Lei's hat trick was really praised!

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