
Playing with a mobile phone for a long time causes the wrist to be "deformed"? These are the real "mobile phone diseases"

author:Doctor Director He
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In modern society, smartphones have become almost a necessity in people's lives. Whether it's for work or play, many people spend a lot of time staring at their phone screens every day. Using mobile phones for a long time can have a lot of negative effects on our physical health, and these problems are called "mobile phone diseases". Today, we're going to explore these issues and offer some effective solutions to help you avoid these health risks.

Wrist deformity and tenosynovitis

Prolonged use of your phone, especially frequent typing and swiping, can lead to overuse of your wrists and fingers, which can eventually lead to tenosynovitis. Tenosynovitis usually presents with swelling, stiffness, and pain in the wrists and fingers. Acute tenosynovitis can be caused by sudden overuse, while chronic tenosynovitis is caused by long-term repeated use.

If left untreated, the joints of the wrists and fingers may become "deformed", seriously affecting daily life. Many people may not realize that this "deformity" of the wrist is actually a typical symptom of tenosynovitis. If you find yourself experiencing pain or stiffness in your wrist or fingers after using your phone, it's best to rest immediately and consider seeing a doctor to avoid further worsening of the problem.

Playing with a mobile phone for a long time causes the wrist to be "deformed"? These are the real "mobile phone diseases"

Eye strain and decreased vision

Staring at a phone screen for long periods of time can lead to paralysis of the accommodative muscles of the eyes and fatigue of the ciliary muscles. Many people may have experienced the situation of looking at their mobile phones for a long time and their eyes are sour and blurry. Frequent use of smartphones can lead to macular disease, glaucoma, and in severe cases, permanent vision damage.

In order to reduce eye fatigue, it is recommended that you look up at an object 20 feet (about 6 meters) away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes of using your mobile phone to give your eyes a chance to relax. This simple 20-20-20 rule can significantly reduce the strain on your eyes. Properly adjusting the brightness and contrast of the mobile phone screen and avoiding using the mobile phone in strong or low-light environments can also effectively reduce eye discomfort.

Playing with a mobile phone for a long time causes the wrist to be "deformed"? These are the real "mobile phone diseases"

Cervical spondylosis

Playing with your phone with your head down can increase the tension in your neck muscles, leading to neck muscle strain. Mild cases may feel neck stiffness and pain, while severe cases may induce cervical spine diseases, such as intervertebral disc herniation, vertebral artery insufficiency, etc., and in more severe cases, may even cause stroke symptoms such as cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. To prevent cervical spondylosis, it is important to maintain proper posture.

When using a mobile phone, try to raise the mobile phone to eye level and avoid lowering your head for a long time. For those who need to work with a mobile phone for a long time, it is recommended to use a mobile phone holder or other auxiliary tools to reduce the pressure on the cervical spine. Doing some neck stretching exercises regularly can help relax tense muscles and prevent the occurrence of cervical spondylosis.

Playing with a mobile phone for a long time causes the wrist to be "deformed"? These are the real "mobile phone diseases"

Muscle strain and poor posture

If you keep your head down and play with your phone in one position for a long time, not only your neck muscles will feel tired, but the muscles of your entire body will also be affected. Maintaining the same position for a long time can easily lead to muscle tension throughout the body, causing discomfort and possibly even muscle damage.

Especially in the lumbar spine, prolonged sitting and poor posture can easily lead to lumbar spine disease and back pain, which may turn into chronic pain in the long run. Poor posture can also lead to low back pain and frozen shoulder, which are often overlooked in everyday life, but their negative effects on the body can be significant.

In order to prevent these problems, it is recommended that when you use your mobile phone, you should stand up and move, bend over, twist your waist, and shake your hands to soothe the muscles in all parts of your body. Muscle strain can be reduced by adjusting your sitting position, keeping your back straight, and avoiding holding one position for long periods of time.

Playing with a mobile phone for a long time causes the wrist to be "deformed"? These are the real "mobile phone diseases"

Dry eyes and decreased sleep quality

Dry eyes caused by the use of mobile phones are a problem that many people face. Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to damage to the tear glands, reducing the secretion of tears, which in turn affects the normal function of the eyes. If dry eye symptoms persist, it can lead to corneal inflammation, damage to epithelial cells, and even vision loss.

In order to prevent dry eye syndrome, in addition to controlling the use time of the mobile phone, appropriately adjusting the brightness of the mobile phone screen and avoiding the use of the mobile phone in a strong or low-light environment can also effectively reduce the burden on the eyes. Using a mobile phone for a long time, especially before going to bed, can cause the brain to be overexcited and affect falling asleep.

The blue light produced by the mobile phone screen can inhibit the secretion of melatonin, slow down the speed of falling asleep, and lead to a decrease in sleep quality. In order to improve sleep quality, it is recommended to avoid using mobile phones as much as possible an hour before bedtime to create a good sleeping environment.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!

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