
Can "Hanging Neck Fitness" cure cervical spondylosis? It seems simple, but what are the hidden risks?

author:Ju County release

In recent years, the elderly "hanging neck fitness" has become popular on the Internet. Just last month, a tragedy occurred in Chengxi Township, Dianjiang County, Chongqing Municipality, where a man in his 50s died while imitating an online video for a "neck fitness". This has also sparked a renewed discussion about this type of movement. What is "Hanging Neck Fitness"? Can cervical spondylosis really be treated? Here's what the experts have to say.

Can "Hanging Neck Fitness" cure cervical spondylosis? It seems simple, but what are the hidden risks?

"Neck Hanging" is an emerging fitness method, which seems simple, but in fact it is full of risks. Specifically, people attach a so-called "cervical retractor" to a high place, such as a tree branch or gym equipment, and then hang their head in it, and their body swings with the rope. This modality is believed by some to relieve neck and shoulder pain and even prevent and treat cervical spondylosis.

Can "Hanging Neck Fitness" cure cervical spondylosis? It seems simple, but what are the hidden risks?

Zhao Yu, Chief Physician and Doctoral Supervisor of the Department of Orthopedics, Peking Union Medical College Hospital: There is a certain scientific basis for neck hanging, and there should be a doctor who recommends it to patients. Because in the treatment of cervical spondylosis, there is this "suspension traction" treatment. However, the weight of suspension traction is limited, that is, a few kilograms, and it is more dangerous to say that you have completely added your own weight like looking at it in the park.

"Hanging neck" is inappropriate, and in severe cases, high paraplegia or even fatal

Experts said that although "hanging neck fitness" mimics the medical treatment of cervical spine traction in some aspects, it is fundamentally different from clinical treatment. Blind "hanging neck" not only can not fitness, but also has great potential safety hazards, may damage nerves and spinal cord, and in serious cases, it will lead to high paraplegia, or even fatal.

Zhao Yu, Chief Physician and Doctoral Supervisor of the Department of Orthopedics, Peking Union Medical College Hospital: In fact, there are many potential hidden dangers, that is, there are a few patients themselves who do not know. The first is that the patient has a deformity at the base of the skull and does not know. The second is whether there is a deformity of the atlantoaxial vertebrae, I don't know. The third is whether there is such cervical instability, I don't know. Fourth, the current blood circulation of the spinal cord, I don't know. Fifth, I don't know what kind of cervical spondylosis this patient belongs to. These do not know that there are various risks when the cervical spine is suspended, such as cervical instability, which may cause cervical spine misalignment, resulting in cervical spinal cord injury, paralysis and even death.

Not all patients with cervical spondylosis are candidates for traction therapy

Many people choose to perform "cervical traction" when treating cervical spondylosis. Doctors emphasize that not all patients with cervical spondylosis are candidates for traction therapy. Clinically, there are many types of cervical spondylosis, only cervical and radiculopathy may benefit from traction, while patients with vertebral artery and spinal cervical spondylosis should not undergo traction.

Experts emphasize that even if traction treatment is done in a regular hospital, it is necessary to strictly abide by the operating specifications and requirements, because the cervical spine is the most vulnerable part of the human spine, and the nerves are dense, and once the operation is improper, the consequences are unimaginable.

Patients with severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or severe cervical spondylosis should not be retracted

When performing cervical traction in a regular hospital, the doctor will precisely control the angle, weight and time of traction according to the specific situation of the patient. For example, the traction angle is usually 15 to 30 degrees from the bed in the supine position, the weight is between 8 and 10% of body weight, and each traction time is about 20 to 30 minutes, 1 time per day. In addition, there are clear indications and contraindications for traction therapy, such as patients with mild cervical spondylosis may be suitable for traction, while patients with severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or severe cervical spondylosis are contraindicated.

Can "Hanging Neck Fitness" cure cervical spondylosis? It seems simple, but what are the hidden risks?

Zhao Yu, Chief Physician and Doctoral Supervisor of the Department of Orthopedics of Peking Union Medical College Hospital: The cervical spine is divided into two parts, and the upper cervical vertebra is the 1-2 segments of the cervical vertebrae, which we call the upper cervical vertebrae. 3-7 (nodes) belong to the lower cervical vertebrae. The vital center of the respiratory circulation is in the neck 1-2 (nodes), 3-7 (nodes) of the cervical vertebrae, which basically govern our limbs. Once the cervical spine is damaged, it can lead to paralysis of the limbs. In addition, the spinal cord of the cervical spine is very fragile, and sometimes it is like the state of the tofu brain, and it will basically be damaged when touched, and this damage is irreversible.

According to experts, although severe cervical spondylosis can be life-threatening, surgical treatment is required. However, since cervical spondylosis is a disease caused by the accumulation of strain, almost everyone will suffer from cervical spondylosis to varying degrees in their lives, so there is no need to be anxious.

Source: Beijing Daily client

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