
Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

author:A page of history

"Now that the child is gone, we don't want money, so we want to ask for an explanation, why does the hospital use my child as a guinea pig without the knowledge of our family?"

In May 2019, a 6-year-old boy died in Beijing Boren Hospital.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

The child's name is Fan Yuzhe, because he has leukemia, he was sent to Boren Hospital by his parents for treatment, but the family spent more than 4 million yuan on treatment, and even gave the child a "double lung transplant", but the child still left.

The parents were grief-stricken, and when they were sorting out their children's medical records, they found that something was wrong, because their 6-year-old son was treated as a "guinea pig" by the hospital without their knowledge.

At the same time, during the child's hospitalization, Fan Yuzhe's relevant medical records actually had a "yin and yang version".

So what's going on here? Why did this hospital dare to use a 6-year-old child as a "guinea pig"?

Let's find out!

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

1. A two-and-a-half-year-old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia

Fan Yuzhe's hometown is in Kunshan, Jiangsu.

In 2015, Fan Yuzhe, who was only two and a half years old at the time, was sent to the hospital by his parents because of symptoms such as high fever that did not go away.

Soon the test results came out, and the child was diagnosed with leukemia, and in an instant, the parents felt that the sky was about to fall.

Because Fan Yuzhe's family is very good, his parents immediately arranged for him to be transferred to the hospital and sent the child to Shanghai for treatment.

In 2016, Fan Yuzhe recovered and was discharged from the hospital, but less than a year later, leukemia recurred again.

Because the child was treated in Shanghai at the beginning, the parents quickly took him to Shanghai for medical treatment.

However, this time Fan Yuzhe's recurrence was very serious, and after the doctor's examination, he recommended that he not only have a bone marrow transplant, but also have his testicles removed.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Although Fan Yuzhe is only a few years old, he is a boy after all, if the male physiological characteristics are removed, what will he do in the future?

In order to keep their son's testicles, the parents asked around for better hospitals and doctors, hoping to give their son a "full" body.

Later, an expert in Shanghai suggested that they go to Beijing for treatment, and the expert recommended Beijing Boren Hospital, which was suspected of using Fan Yuzhe as a "guinea pig".

The couple took the child to Beijing overnight, and after the examination, the doctors at Boren Hospital told them that the child's testicles could be saved.

At that time, the couple was also satisfied with the treatment plan given by the doctor, so they decided to seek medical treatment in Boren.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Because the child needs a bone marrow transplant, Fan Yuzhe's parents, as well as relatives at home, have undergone bone marrow matching, but the matching rate is not high, just "haphasgeneous", the doctor told them that in this case, after the bone marrow transplant, the child's rejection reaction will be relatively large, so let them be prepared.

Of course, a bone marrow transplant is the only way to save the child, even if it is very risky.

So in October 2017, Fan Yuzhe underwent a bone marrow transplant, and as predicted, because it was a haploidentical transplant, the child had a very serious rejection reaction on the third day after surgery.

At that time, Boren rescued the child, and drew a lot of blood from the child's father, and then beat the blood into the child's body.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

A few months have passed in a blink of an eye, and in February 2018, Fan Yuzhe's situation finally recovered a lot.

At that time, Boren's doctor checked and said that the child could be discharged from the hospital and go home, but he needed regular check-ups.

The couple originally thought that the child's condition would get better and better, but half a year later, the child fell ill again, but this time it was not a recurrence of leukemia, but an infection with Epstein-Barr virus.

According to the test results given by Boren Hospital at that time, the reason why the child was infected with the virus was because the child's body had not returned to a healthy state after the bone marrow transplant surgery, which was caused by low immunity.

The couple didn't know what this meant, but they saw that after the child was rescued, the body had a very serious rejection reaction, and even later, the child couldn't leave the ventilator for a moment.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Fan Yuzhe's rejection reaction spread all over the body, not only the skin and liver organs, etc., but even later, even the child's eyes, nails, etc., also had rejection.

The hospital issued a critical illness notice, but the couple was reluctant to give up.

They are not short of money, they only hope to save their son, so they ask the hospital to continue to rescue them, praying that the child can turn around.

However, the miracle did not happen, and as Fan Yuzhe's condition became worse and worse, the doctor told them that a lung transplant was needed to stay alive.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

2. The smallest patient of "double lung transplantation" in mainland China

The reason why he had a lung transplant was because Fan Yuzhe's body had rejected it, which had caused his lungs to be damaged.

A child of a few years old, he can't always carry a ventilator with him for the rest of his life, so the hospital recommends a lung transplant.

Moreover, Fan Yuzhe's situation requires a double lung transplant, because his age is too young, it can be said that the risk of surgery is very high, but since the hospital has proposed a treatment plan, in order to save their son, Fan Yuzhe's parents are still willing to give it a try.

However, Boren Hospital was unable to do this lung transplant.

As with Fan Yuzhe's bone marrow transplant before, he was introduced to another hospital for treatment, and after the operation was completed, the child was transferred back to Boren Hospital.

Fan Yuzhe's parents didn't think much about it, and according to the arrangement of Boren Hospital, in February 2019, they transferred the child to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, waiting for the child to be transplanted for lung transplantation.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Speaking of this lung transplant, there is nothing wrong with it, because the expert who did the operation is Chen Jingyu, a famous medical professor in the mainland, but although the transplant was successful, not long after the operation, this little boy who had been fighting against the disease for several years still unfortunately passed away, so what is going on?

It turned out that because Fan Yuzhe had been treated for leukemia for a long time, his body's immunity could not withstand such a major operation at all, so with the postoperative multiple organ failure, the child finally passed away regretfully.

Although the child's life was not saved in the end, Fan Yuzhe's parents also did their best.

From the child's diagnosis of leukemia at the age of two and a half to the child's death at the age of 6, in more than three years, they spent more than 4 million yuan in order to treat the child.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Nearly half of the cost of treatment was spent on Beijing Boren Hospital.

The child's condition is very bad, and they are also prepared that the child may not recover, so at first, Fan Yuzhe's parents took care of the child's funeral, and they didn't think to ask for an explanation, until they sorted out the child's medical records later, and they found out the problem.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

3. There is a "yin and yang version" of the diagnosis and treatment record

The child's mother said that they had noticed something was wrong long before the child had a double lung transplant.

It's just that they were busy operating on the child at that time, and they didn't think much about it.

It turned out that in February 2019, when Fan Yuzhe was transferred to the hospital to wait for a lung transplant, he was tortured by illness every day and couldn't eat or sleep well.

Because Fan Yuzhe had been in Boren Hospital for leukemia treatment before, the doctors from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital took the child's previous treatment plan and took a look.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

He said that the child's antibiotic dosage was too high, and suggested that the medication in this area be reduced.

Unexpectedly, after reducing antibiotic drugs, Fan Yuzhe's situation is really much better.

Seeing that the child was finally able to eat, the couple was happy, but they were also worried about whether there would be a problem with the previous treatment plan?

So they took care of the child in the hospital alone, and one went to Boren Hospital and found a reason to collect all the original medical records of the child.

The child's mother wanted to ask Boren's doctor at that time, but when she thought that the child would have to be treated in Boren in the future, she didn't ask, "I was worried about wearing small shoes for the child, but I didn't expect it to hurt the child!" The child's mother said with tears in her eyes.

So where is the problem with the so-called "yin and yang version" of diagnosis and treatment records?

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

In August 2018, when Fan Yuzhe was urgently admitted to the hospital for treatment due to viral infection, the relevant records of Boren Hospital at that time showed that the child's viral infection was "positive", but in the original medical records kept by the child's mother, the child's viral test result was "negative" on that day.

A similar situation also appeared in September 2018, when the original medical record in the hands of the child's mother stated that the child's EBV was "positive", but the ward rounds and treatment plans for this day were treated as "negative".

One yin and one yang, the treatment plan is naturally different, so the child's parents suspect that the child was killed by the wrong treatment plan, which is also understandable.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Of course, this is not the most devastating part of the child's parents, because the child's mother saw three unbelievable words when sorting out the medical records: subject.

This is strange, without the knowledge of the child's parents, why did Boren Hospital take Fan Yuzhe as a "subject"?

To put it bluntly, who gave them the courage to use a child of a few years old as an experiment?

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

4. Children who are suspected of being treated as "guinea pigs" by the hospital

The word "subject" appeared on September 10, 2018, on a "EBV-CTL cell infusion review form" given to Fan Yuzhe by Boren Hospital.

It reads, "Subject Fan Yuzhe", and through understanding, if you want to let the child be a subject, you need to inform the family, and you also need to sign a relevant agreement, and if the family agrees that the child will be a "subject", then the whole treatment is free.

And the problem also arises here, because all of Fan Yuzhe's treatments are not free, and the hospital has never told the child's parents to let the child be a "clinical subject".

Thinking that the child was treated as a "guinea pig" by the hospital without knowing it, Fan Yuzhe's parents were grief-stricken, and they couldn't be resurrected after death, but they had to seek justice for the child no matter what.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

What made Fan Yuzhe's parents collapse was not only these.

Because in March 2019, the National Health Commission clarified the management measures for "somatic cell clinical research", and it was piloted from March 2019, which also means that Fan Yuzhe received the somatic cell therapy project in 2018, and at this time, the National Health Commission has not yet issued management measures.

In addition, in May 2016, the state has stopped the application of "somatic cell immunotherapy" for clinical treatment, if you want to conduct clinical research, you do need "subjects", but the relevant processes and regulations are very strict.

Obviously, this is Boren Hospital's use of Fan Yuzhe as a "subject", but it did not follow the process and regulations.

So how did the hospital respond?

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Seeing that the matter was getting bigger and bigger, the hospital gave the statement that according to Fan Yuzhe's situation at that time, EBV-CTL was the most effective way to treat it, but the hospital did not respond to whether the relevant diagnosis and treatment methods were compliant and whether the family was aware.

Fan Yuzhe's parents applied for a medical appraisal from the relevant departments, but for them, all they could do was seek justice.

Since their child fell ill, they have been in tears every day, and they have lost everything, especially after the death of their child, they don't know how to adjust their mentality and start a new life.

Fan Yuzhe, a 6-year-old boy with leukemia, spent 4 million yuan on treatment, and his family only learned that he was used as a guinea pig after his death

Especially after learning that there was a problem with their son's treatment plan, they couldn't sleep all night, thinking that they had harmed the child.

So, friends, what do you think about this? Feel free to leave a message and tell us what you think!

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