
In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

author:I can't do it
In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?
"This Chinese couple is a fraudster, they cheated the old lady out of her inheritance, and we didn't get a cent."

This sentence is a statement made in court by the family of Beshal, a British real estate tycoon, who identified Wen Jiansheng and Wen Bilian, the chefs and husband and wife of a local Chinese restaurant, as the "culprits" of defrauding a huge inheritance.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

The reason is that in Bechar's will, he donated all the assets under his name to the two people, and these assets add up to nearly 100 million yuan.

The old lady's family thought that she would not make such a decision, and that they must have deceived Bechar, so they sued the overseas Chinese couple in court, wanting them to "spit out" hundreds of millions of inheritances.

So, are this Chinese couple the so-called "fraudsters" in their mouths? How was this case finally decided?

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

Overseas Chinese in the UK

In the 1940s, Wen Jiansheng's parents came to the United Kingdom and established their own catering business here, and after stabilization, they brought all the juniors in their family here.

At the age of 13, he was taken abroad by his father to help his family industry and learn the crafts of his elders.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

He has three brothers, Wen Jiansheng ranks in the middle, and his ability is the same, not up or down, the elder brother and younger brother are both doctors, and they have a bright future.

Therefore, only he has no career and is suitable for taking over the family's restaurant, but Wen Jiansheng's business ability is really nothing to say, and he has been exposed to it since he was a child, so he can easily make the business prosperous.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

Later, he married Wen Bilian, his wife is also an overseas Chinese, she has lived in Malaysia since she was a child, and after the two got married, they gave birth to three lovely babies soon after.

Although Wen Jiansheng was unsuccessful in his studies, he was lucky enough to get acquainted with a real estate tycoon and received a "big gift".

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

Bonded by "pickles".

The rich woman's full name is Golda Bechar, and she is a local "real estate tycoon" in the United Kingdom, and she has many properties in her name and a very large property.

Wen Jiansheng's elders rented a shop that was her property, and then, in order to expand the industry, he and his wife rented a shop and wanted to open a "Cantonese restaurant".

The three of them bonded over this restaurant, because Beshard's deceased husband had learned Cantonese, so she was very kind when she saw the Chinese couple and was willing to get along with the two, and she would often go to the couple's restaurant to eat.

Speaking of which, they were able to get married thanks to a can of pickles.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

At that time, Mr. and Mrs. Wen would give repeat customers a jar of pickles, which is common in China but rare abroad, to thank them for their support.

After tasting them, Beshar fell in love with these delicious pickles, and after that, every time she came to eat, she would order some pickles.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

Wen Jiansheng and his wife saw that the old man was relatively old, and he usually did not have a family to accompany him, out of etiquette, the couple would stop by to visit Bechar when they were buying goods, and each time they would bring the old lady her favorite pickles.

The friendship between the three grew deeper and deeper, and they often corresponded with each other, and after that, the three of them would spend Christmas together every year and go on vacation together.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

In Bechar's eyes, Wen Jiansheng and his wife are very kind, they never dislike themselves and are willing to accompany her, which can be said to be a dear family member.

In 2004, Beshar passed away, and Wen Jiansheng and his wife received a special "big gift".

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

In the will, the old lady gave 10 million pounds to Wen Jiansheng and his wife, a total of 91 million yuan, which is also all the assets in the old lady's name.

In fact, this will Beshard was written ten years ago, and she saw it in her eyes and remembered the care of this Chinese couple for decades.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

Since the death of her husband, their only son has also died, and her relatives do not want Beshal, so she has to live alone.

Before her death, she stressed with the two husbands and wives many times that she would leave their inheritance to them, and in Bechar's eyes, her family was a bunch of gangsters who only wanted their own money and didn't care about her life at all.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

Source: China Overseas Chinese Network

As a result, Beshar left her entire estate to the couple, and she donated the extra £10,000 to charity, leaving not a penny to her family.

This move puzzled the relatives, and they didn't get a dime, so Wen Jiansheng and his wife were sued in court by them in the name of fraud.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

The final verdict of the case

In 2004, overseas Chinese husband and wife Wen Jiansheng and Wen Bilian were sued in court, and the other party's reason was that "these two are inheritance fraudsters who cheated my mother out of all her money."

As Chinese defendants, this matter has attracted much attention in the UK, and before the truth comes out, they all feel that this matter must be a problem of Chinese couples.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

And during the trial, Beshal's nephew often hinted in court that the Chinese couple went for the old lady's inheritance, and they only dated the old lady in 1990.

They took away the old lady's estate, and according to the law, the deceased's estate also had a share of the family, but we didn't get anything.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

But this is only one side of his story, and it turns out that the couple has been living with Beshar for decades.

Wen Bilian said that Mrs. Beshard had given her many gifts, ranging from diamond jewelry to company shares, but in the end she only accepted the car and bracelets.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

Source: China News Network

This is enough to prove the close relationship between the two families, and it also proves that Wen Bilian and her husband are not so-called "fraudsters".

In addition, she said that Beshar needed to go to the hospital for a check-up, but the old man had no so-called family around him, and only she and her husband accompanied Bechar.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?

In the end, the case ended in the favor of Mr. and Mrs. Wen Jiansheng, and the court found that Bechar's will was valid, so there was no problem with the distribution of her property.

After the case ended, many reporters interviewed the two and asked them what their plans were to get hundreds of millions of inheritances, but Wen Jiansheng said, my life will not change because of this money, and I will still repeat my previous life.

Wen Jiansheng and his wife were able to obtain Bechar's assets, mainly because of sincerity, they treat and care for each other with sincerity, and they will be recognized by Bechar.

In 2004, the 89-year-old British rich woman died, but she left hundreds of millions of inheritances to Chinese cooks, why?


Bechar's life was full of misfortunes, her husband died, her son died young, and she was left alone in the world, and her relatives were for her money, but they cared about it.

But at the same time, she was lucky to be able to meet Wen Jiansheng and his wife, and in the last period, her life was no longer lonely, she had filial children, and felt family affection.


1. China Overseas Chinese Network: "Chinese Inherit the Legacy of British Rich Women: Chinese Pickles Make Them a Family" 2007-12-18

2. China News Network: "Chinese Inherit the Legacy of British Rich Women: Chinese Pickles Make Them a Family" 2007-12-18

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