
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

author:History is particularly cold
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article

●—≺ Preface ≻—●

During the Japanese occupation of Tohoku Province, the people here were divided into three classes, and the Chinese were classified as the lowest, and they did not even have the right to eat rice, and they were found to be beaten to death.

However, the ban on eating rice is only the tip of the iceberg of the life of the Chinese people during the puppet Manchurian period, and under the brutal rule of Japan, the life of the Chinese people can be described as "inferior to cattle and horses".

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

●—≺ 掠夺 ≻—●

"Rice and white flour economic criminals have suffered the croppers; Farmers have no right to eat, take a bite, economic criminal! was beaten, electrified, couldn't get it right, went into the dog pen, dyed the yellow spring with his life, where to complain? ”

This passage is a popular folk slip during the Japanese occupation of Northeast China, reflecting how the people of Northeast China lived under the devastation of Japan during that period, and every word in the slip is full of blood and tears.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

According to an article in the Red Culture Network titled "Never Let Chinese Eat Chinese Rice!" According to the article "Déjà vu Plan Tong", during the Spring Festival of 1944, Mrs. Li, who lived in Qinghe Village, Heilongjiang Province, secretly ate a bowl of rice with her grandson in the middle of the night.

On the second day, the child went outside to play, and because he hadn't eaten rice for a long time, his stomach was not used to it for a while, so he spit out a little rice as soon as the cold wind blew, and it happened to be discovered by a Japanese soldier on patrol.

When the Japanese soldiers saw this, they were punched and kicked, and the beaten child vomited blood and died, and it was not too late, the Japanese then arrested all six members of Mrs. Li's family to the barracks, and released wolf dogs to bite the family to death.

From what happened to this family, it is not difficult to see what kind of life the people of Northeast China lived under Japanese rule during the puppet Manchurian period.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

In 1931, with the invasion of the Kwantung Army, the land of Northeast China fell into the hands of the Japanese invaders, and the people living on this land were like "abandoned children" thrown away by the Nationalist Government, and could only be bitten by jackals.

After occupying the Northeast, Japan sent a large number of pioneer groups to move to the Northeast according to the previous plan, and supported the puppet Puyi to ascend the throne, and established the puppet Manchukuo in the following year, intending to permanently occupy the Northeast.

With the establishment of Japan's subordination system to the puppet state of Manchukuo, the Japanese side openly established the "Japan-Manchukuo Joint Economic Committee" to ensure the hegemony and high degree of colonial rule over Northeast China.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

In 1937, the Japanese government formulated the "Twenty-Year Million Household Immigration Plan" in a vain attempt to "assimilate Manchuria" by moving a large number of Japanese into Northeast China, and turn Northeast China into a territorial extension of Japan.

In addition to the Japanese, there were also a large number of Koreans who moved into Tohoku under the arrangement of the Japanese government, but the Japanese side did not let Koreans live in the black land, but asked them to provide services to Japan.

At that time, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had broken out in full swing, and the Japanese army expanded the front to North China and East China in a short period of time, requiring a large amount of logistics supplies, so the Northeast was regarded as the rear of the Japanese army, and a large number of people were summoned or captured to serve the army on the front line.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

After the Japanese launched a full-scale invasion of China, in order to ensure the supply of materials to the Japanese troops on the front line, the Japanese puppet authorities issued a decree called the "Important Industrial Control Law", which expanded the scope of plundering the northeast region.

The decree stipulated that all heavy industries in the Northeast were under the control of the Kwantung Army, and in addition to some light industries, including cement, paper, textiles, sugar and milling, were also included in the scope of the rule.

However, taking away part of the light industry in Northeast China was only the beginning, with the continuous expansion of the Japanese invasion front, the agriculture in Northeast China was also controlled by Japan, and the local Chinese people even had a luxury of eating small food.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

●—≺ Northeast rice, Northeast people can't eat ≻—●

"My home is on the Songhua River in northeast China, where there are forest coal mines, and soybean sorghum all over the mountains."

The short lyrics at the beginning of the song "On the Songhua River" speak of the abundant resources in Northeast China, where soybean production exceeds half of the whole of China.

As the main agricultural product in Northeast China, soybean has become the main reliance of the Japanese puppet authorities to earn foreign exchange through exports, and it is also an important strategic material needed by the Japanese army.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

After the outbreak of the full-scale war of resistance, Japan urgently needed to develop heavy industry and chemical industry, and in order to ensure that it would exchange industrial products from Germany, which was also part of the fascist camp, Japan chose to use soybeans as collateral.

In October 1937, the Japanese began to control soybeans, and the soybeans grown in the land of Tohoku became a tool for the invaders to exchange strategic resources for themselves.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

In the following year, the Japanese offensive began to show fatigue, the amount of munitions increased sharply, and production and daily necessities became increasingly scarce, so the Japanese puppet authorities promulgated the "Rice Grain Management Law" and the "Major Grain Domination Law", and adopted a monopoly policy on the purchase and sale of grain in the northeast region.

In order to better implement this policy, Japan set up the "Manchurian Grain and Cereal Company" in northeast China to exercise strict control over the production, distribution, and price of rice, and stipulated that except for the Japanese and puppet Manchurian officials, Chinese were strictly prohibited from eating rice, and violators would be punished as "economic criminals."

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

Japan divides the people of the Tohoku region into three classes, the first class being Japanese, the second class being Koreans and Russians, and the Chinese living in this land are classified as the lowest.

In terms of food, the Japanese can eat all kinds of fine grains, and can also receive 30 catties of flour, rice, and 10 catties of soybeans every month, Koreans and Russians can only eat small rice mixed with rice, and the food that Chinese can eat every month is only more than 20 catties of cornmeal and some mixed beans.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, in order to provide war materials for the Japanese army, Japan's plundering of the resources of Northeast China further escalated, and it completely reached the point of madness, and the "Grain Management Law" was promulgated to replace the "Main Grain Domination Law" in the past.

In the "Grain Management Law", all miscellaneous grains such as barley, buckwheat, adzuki beans, mung beans, and peas are included in the scope of control, and the policy of "grain loading" is enforced, forcing farmers to sell their grain at low prices, which is tantamount to stealing grain from farmers in Northeast China.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

●—≺ Eating enough becomes a luxury ≻—●

With the promulgation of the "Grain Management Law", the Chinese living in the northeast could not eat even the most basic coarse grains, and many people were starved to death.

According to statistics, after Japan compulsorily signed a contract with the peasants to "sell the load," it took away the grain of the Chinese peasants at a price of one yuan per 100 kilograms, and set the amount of "load" to be paid, and the peasants had to pay the grain in full, regardless of the harvest of the peasants.

In addition to selling low-cost grain to the Japanese, Chinese living in the northeast have lost their freedom to even eat, and before they could only eat white rice, but with the increasing demand for food by the Japanese army, the Chinese could not even eat white noodles and meat.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

According to a person in Liuchun, during the puppet Manchurian period, Japanese and Chinese children received Japanese-style education in Japanese schools, but both Chinese and Japanese students had to bring rice to school.

But all this rice is for the Japanese to eat, and the most intolerable thing for Chinese is that the school stipulates that you must eat one imperial meal called "Hinomaru" every week, that is, white rice has no side dishes, only a sour red plum is placed in the middle, which looks like a Japanese flag, and the purpose is to eat this meal without forgetting the emperor.

Whenever Liu Chun and the other Chinese students saw this scene, they would hate it to the root of their teeth, and in private they would spit on and curse little Japan to finish it quickly.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese intensified their plundering of the Northeast, but at this time, Liu Chun's sister was born.

At that time, not to mention rice and white flour, I couldn't even eat corn and sorghum rice, so I could only eat multigrains and millet.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

Liu Chun's mother was malnourished and could not produce enough milk to feed the baby, so Liu Chun took a train to the countryside to try to make some bud rice noodles and sorghum rice, and to be on the safe side, he deliberately put on a Japanese school uniform.

I didn't think that just after getting off the train, Liu Chun was stopped by the Japanese police, and searched for the food he carried, because Liu Chun was still young at the time, and he was wearing a Japanese school uniform, so he was not arrested, but was slapped twice by the Japanese police.

Due to his mother's long-term starvation, Liu Chun's sister died soon after she was born because she couldn't drink enough milk.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

The tragedy of Liu Chun's family was only a microcosm of the life of the people in Northeast China during the Manchurian period, and there were many people who were more unfortunate than his family; if the Chinese dared to steal food, they would become "economic criminals"; once discovered by the Japanese, they would be beaten or fined, and at worst they would be ruined and imprisoned.

The perverted Japanese do not regard the Chinese as human beings at all, and all "economic criminals" who are found will be beaten to death by the Japanese, and it is common for them to be beaten to death, and as for those who are in prison, most of them will not be heard from again, or they will be tortured to death in their cells, or they will be arrested and used as coolies.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

●—≺ Summary ≻—●

Up to now, only a century has passed since the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but in less than a hundred years, many people have forgotten those humiliating years, and even whitewashed the Japanese invaders.

Although hatred is not worth promoting, it should not be forgotten that since Japan has been able to do such things in the past, it means that they will also repeat their previous behavior in the future, and as long as this nation is given the opportunity, they will inevitably make a comeback.

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years

Key sources of information:

1. The original article was published on the Red Culture Network on December 6, 2021: "Never let Chinese eat Chinese rice!" Déjà vu "Project Pass"? 》

People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years
2. The original article was published in Heilongjiang Daily: "Japanese immigrants in Northeast China's agricultural operations have brought profound disasters to local farmers"
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years
3. The original article was published in Proceedings of the Academic Conference of the Society of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History and Historical Materials No. 7 - Research on Modern Chinese History and Historical Materials, December 1, 2007: "Proceedings of the Academic Conference of the Society of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History and Historical Materials No. 7 - Research on Modern Chinese History and Historical Materials"
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years
4. The original article was published in the Journal of Social Sciences of Jiamusi University on August 15, 2018: "Research on the Life and Social Impact of Workers in Puppet Manchukuo"
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years
5. The original article was published in the first edition of "History of the Puppet Manchukuo" by Jilin People's Publishing House in October 1980: ""Grain Loading" and Grain Rationing
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years
6. The original article was published on the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Network on September 1, 2017: "The National Hatred and Family Hate That Can't Be Forgotten in the 14 Years of the Fall of the Northeast"
People were divided into three classes, and they were beaten to death after eating rice, but fortunately, the puppet Manchukuo only existed for 13 years