
When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Lao Zhao, your physical condition is not optimistic, it is a big problem to continue like this." Doctor Li in the hospital looked at Lao Zhao and said seriously.

The story begins with a sudden rainstorm day. Lao Zhao, a retired power engineer, is usually physically strong and likes to exercise on a bicycle. However, on this morning, the weather was not beautiful, and it suddenly began to rain heavily. Lao Zhao accidentally slipped on the way home, and the whole person fell on the slippery ground, with multiple abrasions on his body.

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

Lao Zhao endured the pain and pushed his bicycle to a nearby hospital. When Dr. Li treated his wounds, he found that Lao Zhao's face was unusually pale, his hands were still trembling slightly, and his breathing was short.

"Lao Zhao, have you felt unwell lately?" Dr. Lee asked with concern.

"Hey, it's been hot these two days, I always feel dizzy, chest tightness, and I always wake up when I sleep at night." Lao Zhao waved his hand, as if he was talking about trivial things.

Doctor Li's brows furrowed even tighter: "Lao Zhao, these symptoms of yours are likely to be a precursor to heat stroke, especially for the elderly, you should pay special attention to avoid heat stroke in summer." Once many people suffer from heat stroke, they will choose to drink water as soon as possible, which is actually a misunderstanding. ”

When Lao Zhao heard this, his eyes widened in surprise: "What? Shouldn't I drink water immediately after heat stroke? ”

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

Next, Dr. Li patiently explained to Lao Zhao.

"Heat stroke is an acute condition caused by high temperatures, which can lead to coma and even death in severe cases. Older people have reduced physical function, are susceptible to high temperatures, and are at higher risk of heat stroke. ”

Dr. Lee further explained, "During heat stroke, the body's body temperature regulation function is abnormal, and heat accumulation in the body causes symptoms such as dizziness, chest tightness, and sweating. If left untreated, it can lead to serious consequences such as high fever, confusion, and convulsions. ”

Dr Lee continued, "Many people think that they should drink water as soon as they suffer from heat stroke, but in reality, drinking water directly may worsen the condition. Because after heat stroke, the electrolyte imbalance in the human body, drinking a large amount of water directly will dilute the electrolytes in the body, resulting in electrolyte imbalance. ”

Dr Lee adds, "The correct way to deal with this is to cool down first and then replenish electrolyte-containing beverages such as salt water, sports drinks, etc. This helps to restore the electrolyte balance in the body and relieve the symptoms of heat stroke. ”

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

Dr. Li shared a case: "Not long ago, there was an Uncle Li, who was about the same age as you, and suffered from heat stroke while working outside in the summer. Immediately after returning home, he drank a lot of water, but instead of getting better, he fell into a coma. The family rushed to the hospital, where they were rehydrated and cooled down before they were out of danger. So, Lao Zhao, you have to remember that you can't drink a lot of water in the first time after heat stroke. "The right way to deal with heat stroke

Dr. Lee continued, "The proper way to deal with heat stroke includes the following steps. ”

Dr. Li explains: "Immediately after heat stroke, the patient should be moved to a cool and ventilated place, undressed, wiped with a wet towel, or used an electric fan, air conditioner, etc. to help cool down. ”

Dr Lee further added, "Studies have shown that rapid cooling can effectively reduce the risk of heat stroke and reduce heat build-up in the body. Especially for the elderly, cooling measures should be rapid and effective. ”

"After heat stroke, you should supplement drinks containing electrolytes, such as salt water, sports drinks, etc." "This helps restore the electrolyte balance in the body and relieves the symptoms of heat stroke." ”

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

"Studies have shown that electrolyte-containing beverages can quickly replenish lost salts and minerals in the body, helping to restore fluid balance and reduce the discomfort caused by heat stroke. ”

"If the symptoms of heat stroke are severe, such as high fever, confusion, convulsions, etc., you should seek medical attention immediately. Especially for the elderly, after heat stroke, they should go to the hospital for professional treatment in time. ”

Dr Lee added, "Studies have shown that the severity of heat stroke is closely related to the timeliness of treatment. Seeking medical attention in a timely manner can effectively reduce the risk of heat stroke and avoid serious consequences. ”

In order to help Lao Zhao better understand, Dr. Li also talked in detail about the prevention of heat stroke.

"Older people should try to avoid going out during the hot hours of midday in the summer and choose to do outdoor activities in the morning and evening. ”

Dr. Lee further explained, "Studies have shown that temperatures are highest and UV rays are strongest during the midday period, and the risk of heat stroke is highest among the elderly. The temperature is lower in the morning and evening, which is suitable for outdoor activities. ”

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

Dr. Lee explains: "In summer, you should drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, but you should pay attention to small amounts and avoid drinking a lot of water at one time. ”

Dr Lee adds, "Studies have shown that drinking small amounts of water often can effectively maintain water balance in the body and avoid electrolyte imbalances caused by drinking a lot of water. Elderly people should carry water bottles at all times and rehydrate them in time. ”

Dr. Lee advises, "Older people should wear loose, breathable clothing in summer to help dissipate heat and avoid discomfort in hot environments. ”

"Studies have shown that loose-fitting and breathable clothing can help the body dissipate heat better and reduce the risk of heat stroke. Older people should choose cotton or linen clothing, which is sweat-wicking and breathable, and suitable for summer wear. ”

"In summer, you should eat a light diet, eat more water- and vitamin-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables and vegetables, and eat less greasy and spicy foods. ”

"Studies have shown that a light diet can help maintain electrolyte balance in the body and reduce the negative effects of high temperatures on the body. Foods rich in water and vitamins can help replenish the nutrients lost in the body and strengthen the body's resistance. ”

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

When Lao Zhao accepted Dr. Li's advice and decided to get rid of his inappropriate summer habits and properly replenish water and electrolytes, he suddenly thought of another question: "Dr. Li, I always feel that I can't sleep well at night in summer, is there any way to improve it?" ”

Dr. Lee nodded and continued, "Maintaining a good night's sleep is indeed a problem for the elderly due to the high summer temperatures, and here are a few suggestions. ”

Dr. Lee explains, "High summer temperatures can easily lead to a decrease in sleep quality, and the elderly should pay attention to the following points to improve their sleep. ”

"Bedrooms for the elderly should be kept cool and ventilated, with the use of electric fans or air conditioners, but be careful not to blow directly to the body," says Dr Lee. ”

Dr. Lee further explains, "Studies have shown that a cool bedroom environment can help improve sleep quality and reduce nighttime awakenings due to high temperatures. Older people should keep their bedrooms at a proper temperature and avoid overheating or overheating. ”

"Older people should choose breathable bedding such as cotton or linen sheets and duvet covers, which can help keep the body comfortable," Dr Lee advises. ”

"Studies have shown that breathable bedding can help dissipate heat and reduce sleep discomfort caused by sweating," Dr Lee explains. Older people should choose sweat-wicking and breathable bedding to keep them comfortable at night. ”

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

"Moderate exercise can help older people stay healthy and sleep better, but avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime," says Dr Lee. ”

"Studies have shown that moderate exercise can improve blood circulation, enhance physical fitness, and help improve sleep quality. However, strenuous exercise before going to bed can stimulate the nervous system and interfere with falling asleep. ”

"Older people should avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages in the summer, as these substances can affect sleep quality. ”

"Studies have shown that caffeine and alcohol can stimulate the nervous system and affect sleep quality. Older people should avoid drinking these drinks at night and choose warm water or herbal teas to help improve sleep quality. ”

When the elderly suddenly suffer from heat stroke in summer, the first time is not to drink water, and many people may fall into a misunderstanding!

After listening to Dr. Li's detailed analysis, Lao Zhao deeply felt the seriousness of the matter, and he made up his mind to change his lifestyle habits to avoid these health risks. Dr. Li encouraged him: "Lao Zhao, as long as you follow up on time and follow the doctor's advice, your health problems will gradually improve." ”

Through this unexpected trip to the hospital, Lao Zhao not only learned a lot about heat stroke, but also learned how to improve his health by changing his lifestyle. For all the elderly, scientific living habits, reasonable summer diet and sleep are important links to maintain health.

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