
Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Your esophageal problems have a lot to do with your eating habits and must be adjusted as soon as possible." The doctor said solemnly to Uncle Li. When Uncle Li heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Doctor, what's wrong with me?" How serious is it? ”

Uncle Li, who is over 60 years old, is a retired bus driver who usually likes to cook at home, especially all kinds of vegetables. This morning, he rarely slept in bed, slept lazily on an empty stomach for a long time, felt dizzy when he woke up, and suddenly his eyes were dark when he got up, and the whole person fell to the ground. The fall frightened him, and he immediately realized that there might be something wrong with his health, so he rushed to the hospital.

Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

After careful examination, the doctor frowned slightly and continued: "You have some inflammation in your esophagus, which may be related to some of the vegetables you usually eat. Especially in the elderly, there are three kinds of vegetables that must be eaten less, otherwise the esophageal problem will be more serious. ”

Uncle Li was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and did eat vegetables a lot recently, especially green peppers, tomatoes and onions, so he nodded and admitted. Seeing this, the doctor said solemnly: "Especially green peppers, the elderly must stay away." Although green peppers are rich in vitamins, they are very irritating to the esophagus and can easily cause inflammation in the esophagus. ”

When Uncle Li heard this, he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, why does green pepper have such a big stimulation to the esophagus?" ”

The doctor put down the medical record folder in his hand and began to explain in detail: "Green peppers contain capsaicin, which can irritate the esophageal mucosa, especially for the elderly, the esophageal mucosa is relatively fragile, and long-term consumption of green peppers is easy to cause esophageal inflammation and even increase the risk of esophageal cancer. ”

Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

Uncle Li nodded while listening, thinking: It seems that I will have to eat less green peppers in the future, and I can't be greedy.

The doctor continued: "The second vegetable is the tomato. Although tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, they are high in acidity, and long-term empty stomach or excessive consumption will irritate the esophagus and trigger or aggravate esophageal inflammation. ”

Uncle Li was completely attracted at this time, and he found that the tomatoes he loved to eat were also so risky.

The doctor went on to say, "The third vegetable is onions. Onions contain volatile capsaicin, which has a strong stimulating effect on the esophagus, especially when eaten raw, which can damage the esophageal mucosa and increase the risk of esophageal inflammation. ”

Uncle Li slapped his thigh and praised again and again: "It seems that these vegetables are also particular, you have to pay attention to them in the future!" ”

Seeing that he was so focused, the doctor continued: "In addition to these three vegetables, the elderly should also pay attention to controlling the total amount of diet and maintaining a balanced diet. Eating gentle, non-irritating foods can help protect the health of your esophagus. ”

Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

Uncle Li nodded and decided to adjust his eating habits in strict accordance with the doctor's advice from today onwards. Seeing this, the doctor cited a few specific cases to strengthen Uncle Li's cognition.

"There was a patient who was about the same age as you and liked to eat green peppers and onions, but because of long-term irritation, it caused inflammation in the esophagus and finally had to undergo surgery. After the doctor's advice, he adjusted his eating habits, and his condition gradually improved. ”

Uncle Li was shocked when he heard this, and quickly wrote down the doctor's advice. Seeing this, the doctor told a more typical case.

"There is also an old lady who likes to eat tomatoes, especially on an empty stomach. As a result, in the long run, she developed severe esophagitis, which was relieved after treatment and dietary adjustments. Highly acidic foods are very irritating to the esophagus. ”

Uncle Li sighed: "It seems that these eating habits really need to be changed. ”

Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, especially for the elderly, eating habits have a very big impact on health. A large body of data suggests that a sensible diet can significantly reduce the risk of esophageal disease. In addition to eating less green peppers, tomatoes, and onions, it is important to pay attention to the variety of your diet and avoid over-reliance on certain foods. ”

Uncle Li sighed a lot, left the hospital gratefully, and immediately began to adjust his eating habits according to the doctor's advice after returning home. Over time, he found that his physical condition had indeed improved and the feeling of dizziness had decreased.

However, the story doesn't end there. Uncle Li was at the community center one day and found that there were many elderly people who had similar eating habits. He decided to share his experiences and doctors' recommendations at community events.

"Dear friends, eating habits have a great impact on our health. The doctor told me that there are three vegetables that must be eaten sparingly, especially in the elderly, and that is green peppers, tomatoes and onions. You must pay attention! ”

Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

Old friends in the community listened with relish and said they wanted to go home and tell their children. Uncle Li felt extremely relieved and felt that his experience had not only helped him, but also helped more people.

So, here's a question: In addition to eating less green peppers, tomatoes, and onions, what other ways can help the elderly prevent esophageal diseases?

There are many ways to prevent esophageal disease, and here are some that can be effective:

Maintain a healthy diet: Eat foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Avoid foods that are highly acidic and irritating to reduce damage to the esophagus.

Drink water in moderation: Ensure adequate water intake every day to keep the esophagus moist, which helps the smooth passage of food and reduces friction and irritation in the esophagus.

Chew slowly: Chew slowly when eating, avoid large pieces of food from entering the esophagus directly, and reduce the burden on the esophagus.

Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Both smoking and alcohol consumption can damage the esophageal mucosa and increase the risk of esophageal disease, so you should try to quit smoking and limit alcohol intake.

Avoid overheating and cold: Eat at a moderate temperature and avoid excessively hot or cold foods to reduce irritation to the esophageal mucosa.

Maintain weight: Obesity increases the risk of acid reflux, which can damage the esophageal mucosa, and maintaining a healthy weight can be effective in preventing esophageal disease.

Regular check-ups: Regular health check-ups, especially if you have symptoms of esophageal discomfort, seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the condition.

Through the above methods, combined with paying attention to dietary habits, the elderly can prevent esophageal diseases more comprehensively and effectively and improve their quality of life.

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[1] Sun Chunrong. Perioperative care of patients with simultaneous hypopharyngeal-esophageal multiple primary carcinoma with third-degree laryngeal obstruction, Chinese Journal of Acute and Critical Care Nursing, 2024-02-10

Should the elderly stay away from green peppers? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to have problems with your esophagus, don't eat more of 3 vegetables

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