
The doctor reminds that when you are old, you would rather not drink water for a day, and do not drink water during these 3 times

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Your injury, it might be a little slow to recover." The doctor sighed while treating Uncle Liu's wounds. When Uncle Liu heard this, he chuckled in his heart and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, is this wound a big problem?" ”

Uncle Liu, who is fifty in his sixties this year, fell in love with cycling after retirement. Today's sudden rainstorm caused him to slip while riding, and a large piece of skin was scraped on his knee. He rushed to the hospital to deal with it, but he didn't expect the doctor to find other problems during the examination.

The doctor reminds that when you are old, you would rather not drink water for a day, and do not drink water during these 3 times

After careful examination, the doctor frowned slightly and continued: "Your physical condition is a little dehydrated, have you not paid much attention to hydration recently?" ”

Uncle Liu was a little flustered and nodded. He used to drink plenty of water in the morning and evening, but sometimes he forgot to hydrate when he was busy. The doctor saw his confusion and continued: "Actually, older people have to be particular about drinking water. There are three times when it is better not to drink water than to drink it at all. ”

When Uncle Liu heard this, he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, what are the three times you said?" ”

The doctor smiled, picked up the medical record folder, opened it and began to explain: "First, don't drink water on an empty stomach after getting up. Many people like to drink a large glass of water immediately after waking up in the morning, thinking that it can clear the stomach, but this is not a good habit for the elderly. Drinking a large amount of water on an empty stomach will lead to blood thinning, increase the burden on the heart, and may even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ”

The doctor reminds that when you are old, you would rather not drink water for a day, and do not drink water during these 3 times

Uncle Liu nodded when he heard this, and thought: You have to pay attention to drinking water in the morning in the future.

The doctor continued: "Second, don't drink a lot of water before and after eating. Many people prefer to drink water before meals to increase satiety, or after meals to aid digestion. However, for the elderly, drinking water before and after meals will dilute gastric juice, affect digestive function, and easily lead to indigestion. ”

Uncle Liu was completely attracted now, it turned out that his usual habits were still so exquisite.

The doctor continued, "Third, don't drink water when you wake up at night. The elderly tend to wake up at night, and many people habitually drink some water before going back to sleep. In fact, not only does this increase nocturia, but it can also cause fluctuations in blood pressure and even induce angina pectoris or stroke. ”

Uncle Liu slapped his thigh and praised it again and again: "This is really a good thing, you will have to restrain yourself when you get up at night in the future." ”

Seeing that he was so focused, the doctor continued: "As you get older, your body's functions gradually decline, and you need to pay attention to the way and time you drink water. Pay attention not only to the time, but also to the amount and frequency of water intake. ”

The doctor reminds that when you are old, you would rather not drink water for a day, and do not drink water during these 3 times

Uncle Liu nodded again and again, and decided to change the habit of drinking water from today and adjust it according to the doctor's advice. Seeing this, the doctor cited a few specific cases to strengthen Uncle Liu's cognition.

"There is a patient, who is about the same age as you, and used to get up in the morning and drink a large glass of cold water, but one day he suddenly had angina, and after being sent to the hospital, he learned that his heart was overburdened by drinking a lot of water on an empty stomach."

Uncle Liu was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly wrote down the doctor's advice. Seeing this, the doctor told a more typical case.

"There is also an old lady who used to drink soup before meals and a few glasses of water after meals, and as a result, she suffered from long-term indigestion and stomach problems. After our advice, she got rid of the habit of drinking a lot of water before and after meals, and her stomach problems gradually improved. ”

The doctor reminds that when you are old, you would rather not drink water for a day, and do not drink water during these 3 times

Uncle Liu sighed: "It seems that this drinking water is really asked by the university." ”

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, especially the elderly, you should pay attention not only to the time you drink water, but also the temperature and way of drinking it. For example, it is better to drink warm water than cold water, and it is better to drink slowly than to drink quickly and in large quantities. ”

Uncle Liu left the hospital gratefully, and immediately after returning home, he began to adjust his drinking habits according to the doctor's advice. Over time, he found that his physical condition had indeed improved, and he no longer felt unwell due to the problem of drinking water.

However, the story doesn't end there. Uncle Liu was at the community center one day and found that there were many elderly people who also had similar drinking problems. He decided to share his experiences and doctors' recommendations at community events.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are old, and we have to pay attention to drinking water. I used to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach, before and after meals, and at night, but my physical condition became worse and worse. The doctor told me that it was best not to drink water during these three times. You must pay attention! ”

The doctor reminds that when you are old, you would rather not drink water for a day, and do not drink water during these 3 times

Old friends in the community listened with relish and said they wanted to go home and tell their children. Uncle Liu felt extremely relieved and felt that his experience not only helped him, but also helped more people.

So, here's the question: In addition to being mindful of when you drink water, what other ways can you help older adults maintain healthy drinking habits?

There are many ways for the elderly to maintain healthy drinking habits, in addition to paying attention to time, they can also be done from the following aspects:

Regular and quantitative drinking water: Drink water at a fixed time every day, avoid drinking a large amount of water at one time, and it is recommended to control the daily water intake at about 1500-2000 ml.

Choose warm water: The elderly should choose warm water to drink, avoid drinking too cold or too hot water, warm water is less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract and is easier to be absorbed by the body.

Drink water in small sips: The amount of water should not be too much each time, and it is recommended to drink in small sips to help the body gradually absorb and not increase the burden on the kidneys.

The doctor reminds that when you are old, you would rather not drink water for a day, and do not drink water during these 3 times

Drink clean water: Choose safe and clean water sources, avoid drinking raw or polluted water, and ensure safe water quality.

Avoid drinking plenty of water before bedtime: Drink as little water as possible two hours before bedtime to reduce the frequency of waking up at night and ensure good sleep quality.

Appropriate electrolyte supplementation: Especially in the summer or after heavy sweating, drink drinks containing electrolytes in moderation to replenish the minerals lost due to sweating.

Pay attention to body signals: The elderly have a reduced ability to perceive thirst, so they should take the initiative to drink water and avoid waiting until they are thirsty.

Through the above methods, combined with paying attention to the time of drinking, you can maintain healthy drinking habits more comprehensively and effectively and ensure your health.

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