
Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

author:A strong country is a sword

At present, it seems that in the coming period, the Arab League's self-defense counterattack is bound to set off greater energy.

The S3 season, which many netizens feared, that is, the third world war, or the more dangerous nuclear war, could break out because of this.

Some people may say that the swordsman is purely unfounded, or afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

However, just as our ancestors said, everything is foreseen, and if nothing is prepared, it will be wasted, and in the most critical stage of the Sino-US game, we must be fully prepared to be invincible and not lose the good game.

Discuss the sword of a strong country, accompany you to witness the evolution of the world's great changes unseen in a century!

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

The main reason why the swordsman believes that the situation in the Middle East may be rapidly expanded, or even on the verge of getting out of control, is that it has become a wrestling field for the great powers, and the five major spheres of influence are entangled here.

There are not only factors from Russia's strength, but also from the United States, as well as Indian Prime Minister Modi's inflated ambitions, not to mention the strategic considerations of the Middle East sphere of influence itself.

China, as the most important force in the world today, will of course also participate in this.

If you want to hide, you can't hide!

Just like the Russian-Ukrainian war, when Brother Long's energy reaches a certain level, they will do everything they can to call Brother Long to the scene or drag him into the water, only then will they rest assured.

What's more, we have too many interests in the Middle East, which is also a vital part of the BRICS platform and the Belt and Road Initiative, and plays a role in determining China's global strategy.

Let's not talk about it, let's get to the point, and analyze the future direction of the situation in the Middle East from different angles.

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

First of all, under the mediation of Brother Long, the Arab self-defense and counterattack alliance in the Middle East has been rapidly formed, and Israel and the United States must understand that this is their last chance.

Because it is the last chance, their mode of war is very cruel and bloody, and they will kill them as soon as they come up.

We must look at this matter from both positive and negative aspects, and only in this way can we understand what the considerations are.

As far as the Arab countries are concerned, they will surely think that we have been riding on the head of the United States and Israel for fifty or sixty years, and we have been forcibly stationed by the United States, which is one of the few spheres of influence on this earth that is still in a semi-colonial state.

Although we have money, as long as Lao Mei's skin is thick enough, we are just keeping it for them temporarily, and our money is their money, don't worry!

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

Therefore, when the Arab countries in the Middle East represented by Saudi Arabia saw the rapid rise of the eastern powers, and Russia also firmly dragged the whole of Europe behind, they immediately consciously integrated.

Although the current sixth war in the Middle East has not yet started in full swing, with Israel and Lebanon entering a state of war, the Houthis are also fighting with the United States, and in fact the sixth Middle East war has already begun.

Interestingly, at Brother Long's suggestion, the name was changed this time, and it was called the Arab League's self-defense counterattack, which was to remind Arab countries to take the initiative to fight for their rights and work together to get rid of the shackles and barbaric colonial policies of the United States.

On the other hand, the reason why the United States and Israel are so arrogant, whether it is the genocidal massacre against the Palestinians or the large-scale use of white phosphorus incendiary bombs, a weapon of mass destruction banned by the United Nations, against Lebanese civilians from the beginning, is an attempt to intimidate the surrounding spheres of influence through such barbaric policies.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that he wants to create a neo-Nazi butcher for himself, and then, under the thick cover of the United States, he hopes to psychologically destroy the surrounding Arab countries in the Middle East that oppose the United States and Israel.

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

In the final analysis, it is the overall game situation that worries the United States and Israel.

The relative strength of the United States has declined so rapidly that it cannot take advantage of any game with Russia or the Houthis in Yemen.

Under this overall situation, if it drags on for too long, the prospects of the United States and Israel will certainly be worrisome, so in their minds, they can only resort to a quick and brutal solution to the problem.

This is the bottom-line thinking of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden administration.

It is precisely because of this that this round of the Middle East war and the Russian-Ukrainian war present two completely different states, although the Russian-Ukrainian war has greater casualties, it is a traditional war between soldiers, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is more like Israel's unilateral massacre of the surrounding civilians, they are going to adopt this extreme policy to find an opportunity, and finally let the hegemony of the United States and Israel in the Middle East linger!

It is precisely because of this bottom-line thinking that when Israeli Defense Minister Gallant visited the United States two days ago to seek support, American politicians threatened Lebanon, saying,

Don't think we're going to stop Israel, Netanyahu is a terrifying person, he can do anything when he launches a rush, you're afraid, it's better to give in!

This is not so much hysterical intimidation as a perversion of their future after feeling that the future is uncertain.

But in any case, the war in the Middle East will become more brutal, there is no doubt about that, because Israel and the United States are mainly fighting against the sky.

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

Secondly, we must not underestimate India as a country, they are also very ambitious, and they are destined to complicate the situation even more.

What do you mean by that?

Recently, because the Houthis and other spheres of influence in the Middle East have attacked British, American and Israeli freighters in the Red Sea, it has created a very embarrassing situation.

The fact that the US aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower was kicked in the ass in the Red Sea is the best illustration of this, and if we let go of the issue of strategy and tactics, and work backwards from the final result, at least it can show that their defensive missiles are simply not enough, so that the Houthis will frequently succeed.

But no one expected that under such circumstances, India would stand up very much and take the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of transporting weapons to Israel, which shows that Modi has tied himself to the same boat as the United States and Israel.

Many people don't understand this and think that it doesn't fit in with India's stuffy fortune at all, but as long as we look at the map of the spice project below, we will understand everything.

The United States has drawn a pie for India, hoping to connect India, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Europe.

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

More importantly, the Arabian Sea is only part of the Indian Ocean, and India has always considered itself the natural boss of the sea.

Before the outbreak of the current round of the Middle East war, because the United States adopted a fragmentation policy of pulling and stepping on the Middle East, India was far ahead in the Middle East and the South Asian subcontinent, and if the 22 countries in the Middle East were united under the integration of the eastern powers, the Middle East countries represented by Saudi Arabia would inevitably overpower India.

In this case, Modi began to use shady tricks for the sake of India's global hegemony and the game between India and the Middle East.

Hit it off with the United States and Israel.

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

It is at this level that India is not so much for the interests of the United States and Israel as for the initiative of India's hegemony, and their appetite is very big!

In this context, the spokesman for Allah in Lebanon has seriously warned the Indian government that if they continue to supply weapons to Israel, the Indian embassy in the Middle East will become a target for the Arab world.

Regardless of the final outcome, one thing is clear, under the strategic ambition of Modi Laoxian, and under the millennium game situation between India and the Middle East to fight for dominance in the Indian Ocean, India will definitely use more energy to target the Middle East!

It's a given.

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

In addition, Russia certainly wants to be able to interact with the Middle East.

For example, in order to consolidate the current strategic situation, Russia even did not hesitate to stop the expansion plan of the BRICS countries.

Why did Putin do this?

The truth is very realistic.

They are seriously lacking in energy now, and blindly expanding their membership will only lead to serious trouble, and they will even be brought in by the United States and Western traitors.

Therefore, for Russia, in order to truly implement the China-Russia-China iron triangle strategy and put the current favorable situation in place, they must make a trade-off.

Consolidating the situation in the Middle East comes first!

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

Of course, the entire global village knows one thing, and the biggest impact on the global pattern at present has to be Brother Long, and Brother Long's strategic choice will play a vital role.

So the question is, how will Brother Long choose?

The answer is very cruel.

The Middle East has become the whirlpool and center of this round of great power game, if you don't get involved, you don't deserve to be a big brother at all, and others don't look down on you at all, and if you get involved, you risk getting into huge trouble.

What should Brother Long do?

Eyes look at six ways, ears listen to all directions,

Rise to the challenge and take the initiative;

Keep an eye on the old beauty, use your strength to fight,

Strategize and win a thousand miles.

Israel is killing itself, India is not small in ambition, and the war in the Middle East is destined to expand rapidly

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