
Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

author:A strong country is a sword

Zelensky looked at the bad performance of old Biden during the debate, and his heart was cold:

It was you, the old fox, who deceived me to this point, two years ago we had already reached an armistice agreement with Russia, but you did not allow a ceasefire in Ukraine!

It's okay not to stop the fire, but you guys are going to do it together, but you choose to watch the excitement and not be afraid of big things. Now what do you do if you pat your ass and leave, leaving this mess behind?

We will accompany you to witness the evolution of the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

In this week, the global village is very lively, the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Middle East conflict, the US election, each has its own wonderful, these things are deeply connected, and they are destined to have a very profound impact on the future world pattern.

Let's start with the presidential election in the United States.

I believe that many people have paid attention to this matter, and overall, Biden Sr.'s performance during the first debate of the just-concluded 2024 presidential election in the United States was a disaster.

But this is all expected, because many people understand that the old Biden is a person controlled by the inscription, leaving the teleprompter, he often can't even speak two or three sentences, and this time the presidential debate just does not allow the use of the teleprompter, and the image that the Democratic administration has forcibly packaged in the past few years is suddenly rotten.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

In such a situation, the call for former US President Donald Trump to make a comeback is very high.

Western media generally predict and analyze that if the Democratic Party does not make urgent adjustments, there will be basically no suspense in this year's presidential election.

Of course, this is just the prediction of the media!

It's too early to say that Trump is 100% sure, and he doesn't even have 60% certainty!


On the one hand, the political status quo in the United States has become worse and worse, and the Jews have now come to the fore strongly, and they have a very perverted control over all aspects of the United States, and they are even able to forcibly pass a racially divided anti-Semitic awareness bill in the very sacred and solemn occasion of the American Congress in the atmosphere of public opinion today.

Don't Americans of other nationalities really have ideas? Don't they have the slightest complaint?

Surely not so!

But they could not stop the reality of being firmly controlled by the Jews.

The Jews have almost firmly controlled the most critical parts of the United States, such as the banks, public opinion, high technology, Wall Street, etc., and they can easily do a lot of things through these state apparatus, and they are now possessed by the Democratic Party, which will make the American election very uncertain.

The state apparatus of the United States as a whole has become almost a puppet in their hands.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

However, we also have to look at the reality on the other side.

Although the Jews have a firm grip on the elite and the powerful voice in the United States, the more ordinary people at the bottom are generally more sympathetic and fond of Trump, after all, they are more numerous, so they can form an effective hedge.

Coupled with the dissatisfaction of other ethnic groups with the forcible bullying posture of the Jews, it is bound to create a strong chemistry in this presidential election, and finally force Trump to come out.

Judging from the comparison of the above two factors, the possibility of Trump's strong return should be a little greater.

Understanding Wang has never been a person who plays cards according to common sense, but also a very extreme person, who will come up with a lot of policies that surprise the world according to his extreme ideas.

The Russian-Ukrainian war, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the general situation around China are destined to become important occasions for him to turn his hands into clouds and hands into rain.

He's just going crazy alone!

I like to be in the limelight on such a thing, after holding it for four years, I have long suffocated Trump, and once he returns, it will inevitably set off a storm, and he has long roared in his heart:

Lao Tzu is coming back, be careful, I don't believe that you won't die!

That's Trump.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

After a landslide performance in the first crucial debate, Trump could not contain his excitement and told the media a lot in the past two days, especially his attitude towards China and Russia.

One thing is for sure!

Regardless of Trump's attitude towards China, he hopes to apply the balanced wisdom of the three-nation killing to today's world, not to mention that he has always admired Russian President Vladimir Putin and does not want to be too embarrassed for Russia as a country.

In the past six months or so, he has spoken many times about his major policies after being re-elected president, and he has always insisted that he will find a way to stop the Russian-Ukrainian war within 24 hours, and does not want to continue to work for the people and money.

Trump's implication is clear: more attention should be paid to East Asian affairs around China.

Whether or not China can withstand is already the second thing, and the most important thing is that Ukraine will face a great embarrassment, and the whole of Europe will also face a great embarrassment.

They are going to be abandoned by the United States!

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

Therefore, in the recent period, we have seen that Macron and Scholz have not stopped after the fiasco in the European Parliament elections, and are actively cooperating with the Biden administration to dig a hole for Trump and the descendants of Europe, and they want to force a proxy war in Ukraine to make an argument.

It is also in this very strange atmosphere that the United States and Europe have basically adopted a self-fending attitude towards Ukraine, with no other substantial help other than usury.

However, the U.S. government has stepped up the signing of a 10-year security guarantee treaty with Ukraine, claiming that it is a bridge contract for Ukraine to enter the European Union and NATO.

It's just to trap Trump!

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

But the whole world understands that the United States will never forcibly drag itself into the water for the sake of spheres of influence like Ukraine or the Philippines.


The reason why the Biden administration made such an emergency document is nothing more than that it is worried that the Democratic Party will have an accident in the presidential election, and wants to forcibly tie Trump to this chariot, and wants Trump and Russia to continue to consume, so as to ensure that his so-called success scourge Russia, control the political legacy of Ukraine and Europe, and the huge family economic interests behind it.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

The above is mainly from the perspective of the United States, and now we might as well change the perspective and look at the problem from the perspective of Ukraine and Zelensky.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is by no means an ordinary person, he is also a human being!

Otherwise, Ukraine would not have been able to hold out for so long in a situation where it was almost hammered, and Zelensky also has something extraordinary!

It is precisely because Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is a person who is very good at seeing the wind and steering the rudder, so after seeing the bad performance of the old Biden, he has begun to take precautions and prepare himself in advance for the great changes in the domestic political scene in the United States.

On June 28, local time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said at a joint press conference with Slovenian President Musar that Ukraine must develop a plan to end the war this year that is supported by most countries in the world.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

That's a very chicken thief.

But at the same time, it also reflects Ukraine's helplessness.

What do you mean by that?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been promoting the so-called peace summit for the past six months, and now he has taken the initiative to propose an end to the war, and claims that the truce agreement is supported by the vast majority of countries in the world, which is nothing more than the embodiment of his stubborn thinking.

He still hopes that with the help of the United States and Europe, Russia can be forced to make substantial concessions through such political means in order to achieve their impossible tasks on the battlefield.

This is the biggest conspiracy of Ukraine and the entire US and the West at the moment, during the Biden administration, they demanded a temporary ceasefire and retreat from Russia is real, and the so-called peace is fake.

Their peace is always a pretense, it is phased, it is to prepare for their comeback, you can say that you are not tired of deceit, you can say that you are shameless, in short, you are not trustworthy!

This is because the attitude of the United States has been vividly demonstrated in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Whenever Israel is doing well, the United States will keep silent about peace, and whenever Israel has the slightest setback, it will pull other spheres of influence to talk about it.

This is the trick of the United States, and the whole world understands it! Zelensky has also learned now.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

However, Zelensky also understands a truth, with the size of Ukraine and the reality that their opponent is Russia, it is very difficult to force Russian President Putin to make substantial concessions, and if the overall national policy of the United States changes drastically, it will completely crush Ukraine!

Therefore, Zelensky must make a decisive choice. How to choose?

The lesser of two evils!

Is it a real ceasefire peace negotiation with Russia? Or take a bigger risk to try Trump's new policies.

That's harder.

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year

Ukraine could have lived a very nourishing life, but under the deception of the United States and the West, it has become a pawn against Russia.

They can't go back!

There is only one way to go to the dark.

Can Trump make a comeback? Where is the Russia-Ukraine war headed? What do the old irons think?

If you have something to say, please advise!

Trump pressed Biden on the side, Zelensky feared losing his backer and hoped to end the war within the year