
A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

author:Crocodile entertainment begonia
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Hong Kong International Airport is a representative of "tall" in the eyes of many people.

But in the days since June 23, Hong Kong International Airport has suddenly returned to 30 years ago.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?


Southern Metropolis Daily, June 23, 2024 - The computer system failure of Hong Kong Airport is still being repaired! The customer service said that it was the first time, and some flights were delayed

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

The Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) system is failing

On this day, many complaints about Hong Kong International Airport suddenly appeared on the Internet,

The travel of a large number of tourists has been affected, but the planes in the airport are still landing in an orderly manner.

As a result, many netizens gradually began to wonder why such a situation occurred when the plane took off and landed normally.

It turned out that it was a computer malfunction at the Hong Kong airport.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

You know, now everyone can get flight information completely inseparable from the Internet,

Whether it is taking off or landing, it relies on electronic devices, and even at the airport, you will know the information of your flight through the large electronic screen of the airport.

However, on the day of the computer failure at Hong Kong Airport, all these channels for facilitating access to flight information with the help of technology failed.

The airport immediately adopted the most primitive method, which was to post notices and handwritten registration information.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

A sign posted in the airport lobby states that due to the malfunction of the airport screen, passengers are expected to enter the restricted area as soon as possible so as not to miss the flight information.

However, even if passengers follow the instructions to enter the restricted area, they find that the information obtained from the flight is still not particularly accurate, and some flights are delayed and the error is very unclear.

Passengers who are in a hurry can only frantically ask the airport staff, and some passengers even have unpleasant phenomena when communicating with the staff.

Due to the suddenness of the incident and the rarity of such a situation, the airport can only think of displaying the flight information on the whiteboard first.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

In short, without the blessing of the electronic system, Hong Kong Airport seems to be "a mess of porridge".

Passengers who want to leave Hong Kong struggle to find their flight details, but tourists arriving in Hong Kong are struggling with their luggage.

But all the staff can do is to do their best to provide services to the passengers.

As for these high-tech news, it can only be solved by professionals.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

However, although the planes at the Hong Kong International Airport are still taking off and landing normally, there are still some flights that have been delayed due to the failure of the electronic screen.

According to relevant media reports, the flight to Phuket on the morning of the 23rd was delayed for more than two hours, and some flights were also delayed to varying degrees.

When it was learned that the computer system was malfunctioning, the staff immediately carried out inspections and repairs, and at noon on the same day, the electronic system began to gradually return to normal.

In the early morning of the 24th, all kinds of display screens at Hong Kong International Airport also returned to normal, and the airport became orderly.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

After experiencing such a thing, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee, is also very concerned about this matter, and he said that he has urged the relevant departments to provide fault reports.

Li Jiachao believes that Hong Kong International Airport is one of the important parts of Hong Kong, so such a failure should not occur.

In the eyes of tourists, the handling of the Hong Kong International Airport this time is not the best solution to solve the problem, especially since the staff is not all over the airport.

Therefore, many passengers who do not know why can only find the location of the baggage claim by themselves.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?


Southern Metropolis Daily, June 25, 2024 - Li Jiachao said that the flight display system failure at Hong Kong Airport should not happen! Ask for a detailed investigation of the reason

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

In fact, this is not the first time that Hong Kong Airport has experienced electronic system failures, as early as 2023, Hong Kong International Airport has been stranded by a large number of tourists due to a malfunction of its website.

However, this time, after the failure of the electronic screen, some tourists also said that it seemed to be like returning to the era of Kai Tak Airport, without the blessing of electronic systems, everything had to be done manually.

However, after getting used to today's electronic and high-tech airport halls, it is difficult to adapt to the previous era of handwriting.

As passengers say, looking at the handwritten flight information at the airport makes people feel very helpless.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

Hong Kong's airport changes

Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport is also an old civil airport, Kai Tak Airport was put into use in 1925.

Kai Tak Airport has also had its own glory days, as one of the busiest airports in the world, Kai Tak Airport carries the memories of many Hong Kong people.

However, as people's travel demand increases, Kai Tak Airport can no longer meet the travel requirements of the people.

Although the international passenger traffic is among the highest, Kai Tak Airport stands in the heart of the city, where land is at a premium, and the entire airport has a separate runway.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

In 1997, the Hong Kong International Airport was completed in Hong Kong, which also announced the end of Kai Tak Airport.

With the last flight from Chongqing landing and the last flight to London taking off, Kai Tak Airport has also completed its final mission.

All the flights that previously stopped at Kai Tak Airport have also been relocated to the newly built Hong Kong International Airport, and Kai Tak Airport has become the memory of a generation of Hong Kong people.

The display glitch at Hong Kong Airport also reminded passengers of the previous take-off and landing from Kai Tak - the airport hall was full of handwritten flight information and baggage information.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

Since its completion and operation in July 1998, Hong Kong International Airport has received 100,000 visitors a day just four months after its completion.

Judging from this data, Hong Kong International Airport is indeed becoming one of the important symbols of Hong Kong, and it is true that there should be such a large-scale failure this time.

However, the fault was detected and clarified in time, which made some passengers' travel plans not broken, but Hong Kong International Airport does need to learn from this large-scale failure.

If a display failure can cause such a large area of chaos, then it means that the emergency plan made by the Hong Kong International Airport is not enough.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?


However, almost all of the experience has been learned from the lesson, and I believe that this mistake can also allow Hong Kong International Airport to have more emergency plans in response to such a situation.

Instead of scrambling around the airport like headless flies.

Going back to thirty years ago overnight is not a thing worth singing about, and the singleness of technology is to bring convenience to mankind, and no one wants to make themselves nostalgic for the past when they urgently need technology to bring convenience to themselves.

A large number of departing and arriving passengers in Hong Kong are affected! Back 30 years overnight?

It is hoped that HKIA can sum up its experience and lessons from this failure, find out the cause of the failure as soon as possible, and make HKIA a model airport in everyone's hearts.


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