
It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

author:South + client

■2024 Overseas Tide (11)


It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

Another group of "international students" in English singing and dancing came to Shantou to study.

From June 20th to 29th, dozens of overseas Chinese from 10 countries met in Shantou, the hometown of overseas Chinese, with a common goal, which is to bring British singing and dancing culture back to their respective countries.

The long-lost traditional culture of their hometown reappeared in front of them, and the students could not hide their joy, and they also had a wish - the first thing they did after returning from their studies was to form a local English song team. Share with local people and promote cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries.

On June 29th, the British song and dance exchange and learning activity ended, and everyone was very reluctant.

It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

During the opening of the class, the Shantou Chaoyang District Cultural Center and the Shantou Chaoyang Chengnanzhong Elite Song Team jointly taught.


"They are willing to learn, we are willing to teach"

In this British song and dance "study abroad team", the Southern + reporter met Luo Peiwen again. She is the director of the martial arts troupe of Teochew Pat Yi Association in Johor, Malaysia, and often travels back and forth between Malaysia and Guangdong for exchange and study.

From the end of May to the beginning of June this year, she and five other members of the Johor Teochew Pat Yi Hall Martial Arts Troupe went to Chaoyang, Shantou to study English singing and dancing, and became the first batch of "international students" in English singing and dancing.

After completing the first course, on June 6, an exciting news came: Johor Chaoshan Phari Association formed the Yixing English Song Team on the same day, which is the first English song team in Malaysia.

Loh Pei Boon participated in and witnessed the formation of Malaysia's first English singing team, and she also wants to make this still "infancy" team continue to grow through her own efforts.

"At the beginning of June, we came to Chaoyang for a British singing and dancing training, and the time was relatively short, and this time we had the opportunity to continue to learn and master more skills." Luo Peiwen said that she and other team members learned more formation and hammering skills by "studying abroad" twice.

An important way for an English singing team to form and grow is for "apprentices" to continue to learn from "masters" to improve their skills.

The local English song team in Chaoyang, Shantou, is their "master".

It is reported that the participants of the overseas trainee training course come from 10 countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Belgium, France, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Suriname.

It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

From June 20th to 29th, overseas Chinese from 10 countries came to Shantou to learn English singing and dancing.

During the opening of the class, the Shantou Chaoyang District Cultural Center and the Shantou Chaoyang Chengnanzhong Elite Song Team jointly conducted lectures, and conducted professional and systematic English song and dance training for overseas students through on-site practical operations, intangible cultural heritage lectures, face painting, gong and drum band training, etc.

Seeing that more and more overseas Chinese are learning English songs and dances with high enthusiasm, Weng Dingxia, the captain of the Shantou Chaoyang Chengnanzhong Elite Song Team, is very pleased.

For these veterans who have been practicing and performing English songs and dances for decades, English songs and dances are no longer just a symbol, but have long become a part of their specific lives.

"If they are willing to learn, we will be willing to teach." Weng Dingxia said.


"It takes a lot of effort,

in order to make the posture of Ying Song and Dance look good"

Spectators are often shocked by the majestic momentum and powerful shouts presented by the British cabaret performance. And only when the students picked up the mallet to practice, they were able to understand that it is not easy to complete a song and dance performance.

Zhang Annie from Vancouver, Canada, played the role of "Sun Erniang", "It turns out that the performers need to put in a lot of effort to make Ying's singing and dancing posture look good. Anne Zhang's parents are Chaoshan, she was born in Guangzhou, and her family immigrated to Canada when she was in elementary school.

Last year, Annie Chang won the third runner-up of Miss Vancouver Chinese.

It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

Annie Zhang from Vancouver, Canada, is the third runner-up of Miss Vancouver Chinese, and she played the role of "Sun Erniang" in training.

As soon as they got the English song hammer, the overseas Chinese were eager to try it and tried to shake it a few times. The students of the English Song and Dance Club of Guangdong East Technician College also became their coaches, teaching the staff how to hold the English song hammer on the side.

"Post-00s" Shen Zeyi is from the Australian Chaozhou Association, he tried to turn the English song hammer many times, and found that learning English song and dance is not a day's work.

"When I used to watch British singing and dancing performances, I always felt that the movements were relatively simple, and it was not difficult to learn."

Shen Zeyi said that only after real contact can he gradually understand that there are many skills in it.

"For example, the difference between Allegro, Medium Board, and Adagio English songs, as well as the skills of English singing and dancing, turning, and pace, all have high requirements for the performers themselves, and they need the agility and coordination of the body to cooperate."

It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

"Post-00s" Shen Zeyi is from the Australian Teochew Association and is studying English singing and dancing seriously.

The world is gradually feeling the charm of the "Chinese War Dance".

"This study allows overseas Chinese from ten countries to feel the charm of British singing and dancing together." Luo Peiwen said that everyone was also able to get together to exchange and spread traditional Chinese culture.

British singing and dancing is becoming one of the links for overseas Teochew youth to enter the traditional culture of Chaoshan, and it is also a bridge for overseas Chinese to work together to spread more traditional Chinese culture.

"Nowadays, more and more overseas Chinese and descendants of overseas Chinese take the initiative to understand Chaoshan culture, and we hope to create opportunities through various platforms, do a good job in service, and do a good job in cultural promotion to overseas Chinese."

The relevant person in charge of the Shantou Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau said that the "two grand events" of the international Chaoshan group and the world's Chaoshan businessmen are getting closer and closer, and Shantou will also use intangible cultural heritage items such as English song and dance, Chaoshan cuisine, and gongfu tea as the carrier to bring the memory of Chaoshan to overseas and stay in the hearts of overseas Chinese, and make every effort to do a good job in the article of "overseas Chinese" in the new era.

It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

The students have dressed up as British singing and dancing roles.


Let this "Chinese style" dance out of the "international style"

"I hope they will learn English singing and dancing well and spread the British singing and dancing culture abroad." Weng Dingxia's thoughts coincide with those of the overseas Chinese who studied this time.

One of the goals of the overseas Chinese participating in the training is to have the opportunity to form more English singing teams overseas after completing their studies.

It's graduation! 10 "foreign students" of singing and dancing in the country want to do this when they return to China

Overseas Chinese hope to have the opportunity to form more English singing teams overseas after completing their studies.

Chen Zhi put on the role of "Li Kui" when he was studying, and he excitedly took pictures after putting on makeup. He told reporters that New Zealand is a multicultural country, and the concept of "national is the world" is widely recognized in New Zealand, "British singing and dancing is an important embodiment of Chaoshan culture, which is worth promoting." ”

When Shen Zeyi, a native of Chaozhou, was studying in Australia, he still often brewed gongfu tea, and recommended traditional Chinese culture to his classmates.

After living overseas for nearly 10 years, he found that dragon and lion dances can always be seen on many Chinese occasions and Chinese celebrations, but there is still a lack of English singing and dancing.

"Two months ago, I organized a Chinese cultural festival in my school, showcasing Peking Opera, Guzheng, calligraphy, etc., and I hope to promote English singing and dancing on Australian campuses in the future."

Shen Zeyi has set a goal, he hopes that he can bring what he has learned this time to Australia, so that more people can understand the rich traditional Chinese culture.

He and his partners have a detailed plan: they will set up an English singing team in Australia, so that British singing and dancing performances will appear in important local festivals, and this "Chinese style" will dance "internationally".

On the summer solstice this year, the overseas Chinese who participated in the British singing and dancing training also planted ten Bodhi trees in Shantou - which means that they will firmly root themselves in the hot soil of their hometown.

On the afternoon of June 28th, in the "Shantou 'Protection' of Ancient Tree Roots in China - Youth Guardian of Ancient Trees and Famous Trees at Home and Abroad", overseas Chinese leaders and descendants of overseas Chinese from 10 countries who participated in the English singing and dancing study gathered next to the century-old banyan tree to recognize the ancient trees and pay tribute to nature.

Chen Zhi, Honorary President of the New Zealand Teochew Association, planted a linden tree on behalf of the Association. "Even if we are thousands of miles away, our hearts will still stay in our hometown, and we will pass on our feelings for our hometown to the next generation, and continue to maintain our attention, love and contribution to our hometown."

He said that this time to learn English singing and dancing is to experience the culture of his hometown and bring the culture of his hometown to more places in the world.

"It is everyone's responsibility to protect trees, we have roots in China, protect the trees in our hometown, let them grow better, and we have a spiritual sustenance wherever we are." Zhang Annie said.

【Planning】Luo Yanjun, Chen Ge, Hu Nianfei

【Co-ordinator】Lin Xuna, Liao Yiwen

【Text】Southern + Reporter Yang Qiong Yang Lixuan

[Photography] Southern + reporter Yang Lixuan

【Camera】Wu Hongbin

[Editing] Southern + reporter Zhou Xinyu


【Author】 Yang Qiong; Morty; ZHOU Xinyu; Yang Lixuan

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