
Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Moe Kami Tree Tree

2024-06-30 12:41

With Wang Xiaofei also getting a second marriage certificate, Wang Xu's divorce finally began to go through the process calmly, instead of making a fuss about something at every turn, and fighting against each other in the air. The gap between the two after their second marriage gradually began to appear.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Recently, on the occasion of Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei's newlywed wife Ma Xiaomei and others held a birthday party for Wang Xiaofei, which was also one of the few festive and lively scenes after Wang Xiaofei's divorce, and Wang Xiaofei also held a party on the yacht with her friends.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

On his birthday, Wang Xiaofei made three wishes, in addition to his career and body, he also made a wish to "give birth to a noble son early", and shouted Ma Xiaomei after speaking, making the house laugh, and the atmosphere was very good. It is estimated that Wang Xiaofei has been thinking about it for a long time.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

It can be seen from Wang Xiaofei's attitude towards a son and a daughter that he really likes children, especially his daughter, he said in his early years that his daughter was raised by him. Wang Xiaofei was also busy with his career back then, but he could still take care of children, which shows that he has a special attachment to children and a sense of family belonging.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

But after the divorce, Da S strictly controlled the connection between Wang Xiaofei and the children, and even broke off contact for a time, which stimulated Wang Xiaofei's mental instability many times. Now that his new wife Ma Xiaomei is young again, it is not unusual for Wang Xiaofei to have another child. Wang Xiaofei is now in Taipei, and she will definitely take her children out to play, and she also posted a photo of a family boating before.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Many people also reacted, no wonder Wang Xiaofei's attitude eased before her second marriage, and after her second marriage, she let her children meet Wang Xiaofei, so that Wang Xiaofei could get along with her children again, it is difficult to say whether Big S felt a sense of crisis. After all, after remarrying, she has a new life, and even after Wang Xiaofei has a third child, it is difficult to live separately.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Zhang Lan once said that her younger brother (Wang Xiaofei's son) always said that he wanted to be the successor of Ma Liuji when he grew up, and if the child was not told and taught, it would be difficult to say such a thing, and it was very likely that someone at home said something to the child and was remembered by the child. If this idea is generated by the child under the attitude of Big S, then she is not small.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Even from another perspective, although Big S hates Zhang Lan to death and doesn't let Zhang Lan see her children, all the results of Zhang Lan's current efforts may be inherited by Big S's son in the future, so Big S's mentality is naturally balanced.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

However, Wang Xiaofei now wants to have another child, even if the average score is, in the future, Big S's children will only get two-thirds, and this is still when Ma Xiaomei only has one child. However, it is still too early to say the distribution of property, and Da S still has the assets of his second husband Gu Junye.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Speaking of Gu Junye, he has been in an embarrassing situation recently, because he is going back to South Korea for development because of work. He posted a notice on social platforms that he was going to open an exhibition in South Korea, and he was busy being a trapeze.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Gu Junye's career development in Taiwan Province is actually not very smooth, and he has not reaped much benefit under the banner of "national brother-in-law", because of his second marriage to Big S, his reputation in the mainland is not very good. wants to rely on the plan to marry Big S and enter the Chinese entertainment industry, and the ending can be predicted before it starts.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

It is estimated that because of this, he has the idea of returning to South Korea to develop, the big deal is like Wang Xiaofei back then, and when the time comes, he can not only make money in South Korea, but also make money in Taiwan Province, but this is a bitter big S, tossed for several years, and the second marriage has become a long-distance relationship.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

Back then, Wang Xiaofei and Da S divorced a lot of turmoil, Wang Xiaofei was exposed to scumbag cheating, Da S was complained about the second marriage and spent Wang Xiaofei's money to support the current one, and now almost 3 years have passed, and the two finally have their own happiness.

Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

For Da S, who has been on the rise for half her life, it is also unknown whether the dull days will be as she wishes. After all, after the freshness has passed, she and Gu Junye will face the same problem of living in a different place as Wang Xiaofei. For Wang Xiaofei, cutting off the past, restarting a family, and having a dream marriage state may be what he is pursuing. Let's hope both of them get their wish now.

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  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go
  • Wang Xiaofei shouted to his wife to have a child, and her son's words exposed Big S's ambitions, no wonder she would let go

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