
If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

author:The Wisdom of the Yuan Era
If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined
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The United States is a very powerful developed country, which is not only reflected in its strong economic strength and strong armed forces, but also in its luxurious lineup of allies, which we already know about as many as 75 countries and regions.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

Today, when the world situation is so tense, if China and the United States go to war, how many countries can the United States win over and attack the mainland, and how many countries will stand on the side of the mainland?

The number of allies of the United States

75 allies may seem like a lot, but most of them are a convergence of interests.

For example, some countries in Southeast Asia follow the United States in order to provide security "bodyguard" services, while some small countries in Europe hope to save some military spending or get a piece of the economic pie through the military protection of the United States.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

However, when it comes to the critical moment, there are a few who can sincerely follow the United States and charge into battle, and the relationship maintained by interests cannot withstand the wind and rain.

Japan and the United States

At that time, it will not be these "allies" that will really come in handy, but the two "thugs" raised in East Asia.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

If it is said that among the many allies of the United States, driven by interests, who is the most "loyal", Japan is definitely on the list.

Although the two were enemies of each other, one was attacked in his harbor, and the other dropped an atomic bomb on his house.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

But now Japan can be called the "number one fan" of the United States.

Don't look at the fact that he has a small land area, but the number of troops stationed is the largest, and he has leased a large amount of land to build a US military base, and even the sky over his own capital, Tokyo, is American, and even Japan's own planes have to fly around.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

Moreover, as far as Japan is concerned, once China and the United States go to war, it will be the biggest beneficiary, so whenever the United States wants to make any "small moves" in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan is always the first to stand up and wave its flag.

South Korea and the United States

The second is South Korea, another "loyal little brother" of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and since hugging the thigh of the United States, his small life can be regarded as having a good time.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

The most crucial thing is that South Korea's military command is in the hands of the United States, and it is economically inseparable from the support of the United States. As long as the United States gives an order, South Korea must follow even if it is unwilling.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

So at that time, Japan and South Korea are very likely to help the United States, so which countries will help the mainland?

De jure ally: North Korea

First of all, our "de jure ally" is North Korea, which and the mainland belong to the same socialist camp and have a natural sense of closeness.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

However, the real sublimation of Sino-DPRK relations was during the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, when the United States did not emphasize martial virtue and formed a United Nations army to support South Korea, and the mainland naturally could not sit idly by, so it resolutely took up the "millet plus rifle" and crossed the Yalu River to fight with the DPRK soldiers.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

It is precisely because of this side-by-side battle that the friendship between the two countries has been sublimated, and this precious "comradeship-in-arms" still exists deeply in the hearts of the people of the two countries to this day.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

It's just that now our "good brother" lives a relatively simple life, and in the final analysis, it is inseparable from the suppression of Lao Mei, so on the road of anti-American, the two of us are definitely of the same heart.

Strategic partner: Russia

The first friendly country is our neighbor Russia, and in the international arena, China and Russia are also regarded as thorns in the side of the United States, and they are also facing Western suppression and sanctions.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

What's more, as the second military power, Russia's strength is by no means comparable to that of the "little brothers" of the United States.

This is clearly seen from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, where Russia has almost single-handedly single-handedly challenged more than 50 NATO countries.

All-weather partner: Pakistan

There is only one country in the world that has won this honor as an "all-weather strategic partner", and that is Pakistan.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

Even people who don't know the world can find some videos about China-Pakistan friendship on the Internet, and they are even affectionately called "Pakistan Railway" in China.

It is the first Islamic country to establish diplomatic relations with the mainland, and now the friendship between China and Pakistan has been maintained for nearly 70 years, and it belongs to the real "iron buddies"

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

During this time, the two countries have been very close, and we have helped them build railways to improve transportation, and the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has not only run through the whole territory of Pakistan, but also injected a strong impetus into its economic development.

The "Pakistani Iron Brothers" also lent a helping hand to the mainland when it was in difficulty, such as when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, Pakistan donated all the tents of the whole country to the mainland.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

The two countries have also established very close economic cooperation, and Pakistan has leased its own port of Gwadar to the mainland for a long time, and has allowed the mainland to build oil pipelines in it, so that the mainland can import oil from the Middle East and directly enter the country through the Strait of Malacca, which is undoubtedly a great favor to the mainland.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

Relying on yourself is king

In all this way, there are still many countries that have established friendly relations with the mainland, but if China and the United States go to war, there will only be three "allies" that the mainland can really rely on.

When a reporter interviewed Putin about how many allies Russia has, Putin replied: "Russia has only three true friends that it can rely on, and they are Russia's army, air force, and navy.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

The same applies to the mainland, where only the PLA is truly worthy of relying on the so-called allies who have gathered their "interests."

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

At present, the number of active personnel in the mainland army is about 2 million, and there are 82 composite brigades, including 29 heavy synthetic brigades.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

Then in terms of weapons and equipment, once upon a time, our army relied on "millet plus rifles" to fight the world, and now it has long been "shotguns for guns", modern armored vehicles, advanced rocket artillery, high-mobility assault vehicles, all kinds of equipment are readily available.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

In terms of navy, the mainland has long been at the forefront of the world, and its three aircraft carriers are like three sharp swords, cruising on the ocean and escorting them at sea, making it the world's second largest aircraft carrier country worthy of the name.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

The Air Force is not to be outdone, the most striking of which is the J-20 fighter, which has powerful air combat and ground attack capabilities, compared with the same type of F22 and even F35 in the United States. Not only that, the Air Force is also equipped with advanced early warning aircraft, transport aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other types of aircraft, forming an integrated combat system of "land, sea, air and space."

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined


Many people may say that the mainland is not as good as the United States in some cutting-edge science and technology, but unlike the "hegemonist" thinking of the United States, we are peace-loving, and the mainland's development of military equipment is more for the purpose of self-preservation.

If war breaks out between China and the United States, who of the 75 allies of the United States will join the war? Netizen: The result can be imagined

Besides, the mainland has not fought with the United Nations forces, at the beginning I was able to rely on grenades, millet plus rifles to beat the armed to the teeth of the United Nations troops back to the 38th parallel, not to mention, now the mainland will only be stronger, we do love peace, but we are not afraid of challenges, any attempt to challenge the mainland, will pay a heavy price.

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