
Of the two people who swam over, one became a well-known economist, and the other became a president of tens of billions

author:Micro Talk Inn

There are many young people who flew back by plane before, and there are also many young people who swam back, there may be netizens who have such questions, the narrowest point is more than 130 kilometers, and it is impossible for people to swim over without the help of speedboats and other equipment! In fact, basically all of them swam from Jin M, because the nearest place of Jin M is only about four kilometers, and two young people who swam over will build a small workshop-style chemical factory into a large-scale chemical plant of 10 billion yuan, and eventually become the CEO of a state-owned enterprise; Another became a well-known economist!

Zhou Zhende was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in 1945, Zhou Zhende's hometown is Cangzhou, Hebei Province, and later Zhou Zhende followed his parents to the other side, and after graduating from school, he was sent to work in Jinm! In the gold M workshop, Zhou Zhende came up with the idea of swimming to the other side, and with the idea, Zhou Zhende began to make preparations.

Of the two people who swam over, one became a well-known economist, and the other became a president of tens of billions

Although you can see the other side of the bank from Jin M, it is about four kilometers, and you can't swim there empty-handed, let alone 4 kilometers, even one kilometer empty-handed is not very easy to swim through. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the work that can swim in the past, and to plan for not being discovered, which are the two most important problems in front of Zhou Zhende.

After having an idea, Zhou Zhende began to make preparations. For the question of how to swim over, Zhou Zhende began to collect the kettle, because this thing was available to everyone at that time, easy to collect, and other swimming equipment were managed in a unified manner, Zhou Zhende collected a few kettles, and when the time came, hanging these kettles on his body could provide buoyancy, so that he could swim over!

After the problem of how to swim over is solved, it is necessary to solve the problem of not being discovered when swimming, because at that time, Jin M was full of mines, and if there was no mine burial map, let alone swimming over, even Jin M would not be able to get out. Soon Zhou Zhende seized an opportunity, because during the exercise, Zhou Zhende came into contact with Bretu, so he wrote down the minefield on his forward route at that time.

After getting the bretu and solving the buoyancy tool, he couldn't procrastinate, so Zhou Zhende immediately took action and set off on a good day! On August 23 of that year, Zhou Zhende happened to be on the night shift, Zhou Zhende decided to swim over that night, Zhou Zhende went to the sea according to the previous preparations, and then swam forward with all his might, and finally touched the reef on the opposite shore after swimming for several hours, at this time Zhou Zhende was so tired that he couldn't breathe!

After swimming, Zhou Zhende chose to return to his hometown Cangzhou to work, Zhou Zhende was arranged to work in a local chemical factory in Cangzhou, becoming a chemical plant worker, but Zhou Zhende did not have relevant work experience before, but Zhou Zhende received a good education, so he began to learn relevant knowledge and improve the production line of the small chemical factory, improve production efficiency. It didn't take long for Zhou Zhende to enter the School of Chemistry of Peking University to study, after graduating from university, Zhou Zhende did not go to work in other advanced chemical factories but chose to return to the small chemical factory, so Zhou Zhende became the factory director after completing his studies, at that time there were only more than 100 workers in this factory, two or three technicians, with an annual profit of tens of thousands of yuan, in fact, only Zhou Zhende can be regarded as a technician in the real sense.

Of the two people who swam over, one became a well-known economist, and the other became a president of tens of billions

In 1980, Zhou Zhende saved money to upgrade the chemical plant, with a production capacity of more than 10,000 tons, and then continued to upgrade, increasing production capacity several times, and profits exceeded tens of millions. The number of workers has increased by one or two orders of magnitude, and this small chemical factory has gradually developed into today's Cangzhou Chemical, and Zhou Zhende has also become the president of this chemical plant worth tens of billions!

Another young man who also swam from Jin M is Lin Yifu, Lin Yifu's achievements are greater than Zhou Zhende's.

Of the two people who swam over, one became a well-known economist, and the other became a president of tens of billions

Lin Yifu was born in Yilan County in 1952, Lin Yifu had excellent academic performance since he was a child, and was admitted to university.

But Lin Yifu wanted to go to the other side of the river to develop, especially when the spring breeze blew all over the north and south of the river, Lin Yifu also heard about it, and Lin Yifu was even more yearning, just at that time, Lin Yifu and Zhou Zhende were also working in Jinm, so Lin Yifu also began to prepare for work and prepared to swim over.

Of the two people who swam over, one became a well-known economist, and the other became a president of tens of billions

Zhou Zhende swam over with a few kettles at the time, so what did Lin Yifu rely on to swim over, many theories are that Lin Yifu swam over with two basketballs at that time, in fact, Lin Yifu also denied this statement later, because it was not easy to get two basketballs at that time. Lin Yifu relied on his swimming talent and perseverance to swim over, and when people have firm perseverance, they can indeed do some things that they can't usually do!

But Lin Yifu, who swam over, changed his name, Lin Yifu's original name was Lin Zhengyi, and he changed his name to Lin Yifu, mainly so as not to trouble his parents and wife at home.

Of the two people who swam over, one became a well-known economist, and the other became a president of tens of billions

After swimming, Lin Yifu was arranged to enter Peking University for a graduate degree in economics, and after graduating from graduate school, Lin Yifu went to Chicago to study for a doctorate. The couple returned to work in the economy after graduation. In 1987, Lin Yifu served as an associate professor of economics and director of the research institute of Peking University as soon as he came back, which shows that he trusts Lin Yifu very much!

Since then, Lin Yifu has been engaged in economic research, and in 2008, Lin Yifu became a well-known economist as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank.

Now Zhou Zhende is still serving as the chairman of Cangzhou Chemical, shining in the chemical field, and Lin Yifu is also shining in the field of economics!

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