
The mother calculated that each of the 6 sons gave 3,000, and 18,000 flowers were imperfect, and the sons were angry

author:Fireworks in the world 005

Traditionally, older generations tend to have more children, believing that "having more children is more blessed" and that having more children is a symbol of family prosperity and future security, and this idea is rooted in the deep soil of history and culture.

However, in modern society, the attitudes of the younger generation towards childbearing have changed significantly. They are more focused on personal development and quality of life, realizing that raising one or more children is not only a continuation of life, but also a responsibility and commitment that lasts for decades.

In a fast-paced, high-pressure environment, many young people tend to stabilize their careers first and enjoy the world of two.

The mother calculated that each of the 6 sons gave 3,000, and 18,000 flowers were imperfect, and the sons were angry

On June 28, in Shandong, a woman calculated that if she gave 3,000 to one person in the future, 18,000 would not be spent at all. Netizens complained that there is a mine at home.

In the picture, the woman gave birth to six sons, the eldest is in his teens, and the younger is in her arms.

Looking at the children, the woman was full of joy, thinking that in the future, when the children were older and she was old, each child would give her 3,000 yuan a month, and she would have 18,000 yuan a month.

The eldest son glanced at her and said, Mom, there will be 6 houses in the future, and the second son said, 6 bride prices. The third son said six cars. The fourth son said, Mom, 36 grandchildren.

The fifth son said that the mother was six or six.

As soon as she heard her son mention this, his mother began to have a headache, "Go, go, go upstairs to find your father!" ”

Judging from the video shared by the woman on social platforms, the six sons in the family are all fat and fat.

The mother calculated that each of the 6 sons gave 3,000, and 18,000 flowers were imperfect, and the sons were angry

When it's time to eat, the table at home is full, and the children are not picky eaters, and they don't bring any leftovers to what they eat and how many dishes they serve to the table.

The family's monthly food expenses cost a lot of money.

Although there are many sons, they have a bowl of water for each child. Every child is well raised. It can also be seen that this pair of parents have so many children because they love their children.

The parents are very good at having more children and more blessings.

Later, according to the mother, her husband did give birth to so many children because he liked children. gave birth to two sons in the past, and began to look forward to having a daughter. As a result, I didn't expect that one after another were sons.

The children at home are very lively, but they are really tired with them.

At that time, he joked about it, but he was dumbfounded by the child.

In the future, I really have to buy six houses, six cars and six bride prices, which is really stressful. So what's the solution? There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat is naturally straight to the wharf.

The mother calculated that each of the 6 sons gave 3,000, and 18,000 flowers were imperfect, and the sons were angry

I hope that the children will have a future and go to the daughter-in-law with their own ability, without our parents having to worry about it.

At present, we are very pleased that several children are doing well in school. The eldest son will also help with the younger brother. Even helped with some household chores.

In this regard, some netizens said that six sons can't kill you if they are tired. Whether you'll live until the day when your son can give you money is anyone's guess. However, such a relationship between husband and wife is very stable, and the two of them have to open one eye after sleeping in the sauna, for fear that the other party will run away.

Some netizens said that fortunately, it is the six sons, and in the future, a daughter-in-law will scold you for a day, and there will be one day a week for you to rest.

The mother calculated that each of the 6 sons gave 3,000, and 18,000 flowers were imperfect, and the sons were angry

Some netizens even said that in the future, let your son give you 3,000 yuan a month, and now you give your mother-in-law 3,000 a month? Since you settle accounts, you have to settle accounts.

Author's point of view

Although it is said that the material level of ordinary people has improved, a family with six sons is indeed under a lot of pressure. I was tired and panicked for this mother across the screen.

To have a child, you still have to do what you can, how much you can do, and how many children you raise. As long as it doesn't cause trouble for the country.

If you want to enjoy the happiness of your children in the future, you first have to peel off a few layers of skin yourself.

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