
In 1984, Mrs. Qin sorted out her military uniform for Qin Jiwei, the commander-in-chief of the parade, with tears in her eyes and a proud face


In the long course of history, some moments have become eternal and become part of the national memory. On October 1, 1984, the People's Republic of China celebrated its 35th anniversary, which is not only a grand national holiday, but also a proud moment for many families. Among the many touching scenes, an old photograph records such a moment: Tang Xianmei, the wife of General Qin Jiwei, is arranging the military uniform for her husband, who is about to become the commander-in-chief of the parade, her eyes flashing with tears of excitement and her face is filled with great pride.

In 1984, Mrs. Qin sorted out her military uniform for Qin Jiwei, the commander-in-chief of the parade, with tears in her eyes and a proud face

On this day, more than 10,000 officers and men from the army, navy, air force, Second Artillery Corps, people's armed police force, and the capital militia gathered in Tiananmen Square. This was the largest, most up-to-date, and most mechanized military parade since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it was also the first time that China demonstrated its military strength to the world since the reform and opening up.

General Qin Jiwei, a soldier who has experienced a hundred battles, has made many meritorious contributions in the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of founding lieutenant general, and in 1988 he was promoted to general. In the famous Battle of Shangganling, General Qin Jiwei, as the commander of the 15th Army of the Volunteer Army, led the troops to create a miracle in the history of war and won high praise from Chairman Mao.

In 1984, Mrs. Qin sorted out her military uniform for Qin Jiwei, the commander-in-chief of the parade, with tears in her eyes and a proud face

In the preparations before the parade, Comrade Deng Xiaoping clearly pointed out the importance of the military parade, believing that it can not only display the demeanor of the army, but also strengthen the army's training and military-civilian relations. In November 1983, Deng Xiaoping personally set up the "Leading Group for the Celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the National Day in the Capital" to be fully responsible for the preparations for the military parade, and General Qin Jiwei was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the military parade.

General Qin Jiwei's wife, Tang Xianmei, is also an admirable figure. Born in Chongqing, she graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages of West China University, joined the army in 1951, and joined the Communist Party of China in 1956. Over the course of her career, she has worked in a number of important positions and contributed to the construction and development of the country.

In 1984, Mrs. Qin sorted out her military uniform for Qin Jiwei, the commander-in-chief of the parade, with tears in her eyes and a proud face

General Qin Jiwei and Tang Xianmei have three children, each of whom has achieved remarkable achievements in the military and commercial fields, but has always maintained a low-key attitude to life. The eldest son, Qin Weijiang, was the deputy commander of the Eastern Theater, the second son, Qin Tian, was the deputy commander of the Armed Police Force, and the daughter Qin Wanjiang developed in the commercial field.

This photo is not only the pride of a family, but also a microcosm of an era. It is a record of the glory of a military man, the support of a family, and the strength of a nation. The 35th anniversary of the National Day military parade is not only a review of past history, but also a prospect for the future, showing the majesty of the Chinese army and the prosperity of the country.

In 1984, Mrs. Qin sorted out her military uniform for Qin Jiwei, the commander-in-chief of the parade, with tears in her eyes and a proud face

The special feature of this military parade is that it is the first National Day military parade to resume since 1960 in accordance with the decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Prior to this, the National Day parade was interrupted for a time due to historical reasons. The holding of this military parade marks that China has taken a solid step on the road of reform and opening up, and has demonstrated to the world the strength of China's armed forces and the country's self-confidence.

During the military parade, the majestic troops, especially those who had experienced the baptism of operations in southern Xinjiang, were full of strength and determination, and left a deep impression on the audience. The outstanding performance of these units is not only a demonstration of their own training achievements, but also a solemn commitment to the country and the people.

In 1984, Mrs. Qin sorted out her military uniform for Qin Jiwei, the commander-in-chief of the parade, with tears in her eyes and a proud face

General Qin Jiwei's life is a process of growing up together with New China. From a participant in the Jute Uprising, to a member of the Red Army, to a loyal member of the Chinese Communist Party, every step of his way was closely linked to the revolution and construction of the country. His military career is a microcosm of the Chinese army's transformation from weak to strong and from victory to victory.

In this military parade, General Qin Jiwei was not only the commander-in-chief of the parade, but also a soldier who carried the heavy responsibility of history. His wife Tang Xianmei, as a woman with profound knowledge and firm beliefs, her support and pride are the greatest encouragement to General Qin Jiwei. Their stories are a microcosm of countless military families, showing the selfless dedication and firm belief of military families.

In 1984, Mrs. Qin sorted out her military uniform for Qin Jiwei, the commander-in-chief of the parade, with tears in her eyes and a proud face

This military parade is not only an affirmation of General Qin Jiwei personally, but also a tribute to all the servicemen who have contributed to China's revolution and construction. It conveys a message: No matter how the times change, the loyalty, bravery and sacrifice of military personnel will always be the most precious wealth of the country and the people.


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