
China's highest-rated emperor, who reigned for only six years but was praised for a thousand years, has not been criticized so far


In the ancient Chinese imperial galaxy, Chai Rong of the Later Zhou Dynasty became a model for future generations to praise with his short reign and far-reaching influence. Although his life was only six years as an emperor, his political wisdom, military talents, and cultural contributions were like bright stars, illuminating the long river of history.

China's highest-rated emperor, who reigned for only six years but was praised for a thousand years, has not been criticized so far

Chai Rong's early life was not smooth, he was born in the troubled times of five dynasties and ten countries, and the hard life at the bottom of the society made him deeply understand the suffering of the people. This experience shaped his deep folk feelings and lofty ambitions for the future of his country. He had a grand desire to get thirty years to achieve prosperity and peace in the country: "Ten years to open up the world, ten years to support the people, ten years to achieve peace." However, the cruelty of fate prevented him from fully fulfilling this wish, and his reign was far from the thirty years he had hoped for.

At the beginning of Chai Rong's accession to the throne, he faced a huge crisis - the joint attack of the Northern Han and the Khitan. Among the voices of many ministers advocating peace, Chai Rong chose to conquer in person, winning more with less, showing his extraordinary military ability. This victory not only consolidated his rule, but also laid a solid foundation for the stability of the country. Subsequently, Chai Rong once again sent troops to attack Shu and recover Sichuan, and at the same time formed a deterrent to the surrounding ethnic minorities, so that they did not dare to act rashly. It lasted two and a half years, Chai Rong drove three times to conquer the Southern Tang Dynasty, seized a large area between the Jianghuai River, and forced the Southern Tang Dynasty to retreat to the south of the Yangtze River.

China's highest-rated emperor, who reigned for only six years but was praised for a thousand years, has not been criticized so far

In the sixth year of Xiande (959), Chai Rong returned to the dynasty due to illness and died soon after at the age of 39. If his life can be extended, he may be able to see more territories returned and the reunification of the country realized. But even so, his political wisdom, military prowess, and cultural contributions are enough to leave his name in history.

China's highest-rated emperor, who reigned for only six years but was praised for a thousand years, has not been criticized so far

Chai Rong's work on the rule of law and cultural construction is equally remarkable. He abolished draconian laws and revised draconian provisions, laying the foundation for the country's rule of law. At the same time, he attached great importance to the development of culture, recruited literati, revised ritual music, and promoted the progress of culture. Ouyang Xiu once said when evaluating Chai Rong, "In the five or six years of Sejong's district, Qin Long, Pinghuai You, and Fu Sanguan were restored, and the mighty voice shocked Yixia, and the people who Yan Confucianism in Fang Nei wrote about it, examined the system, repaired the "Tongli", determined the "Zhengle", and discussed the "Criminal System", and the methods of its production could be applied to future generations. ”

Later historians spoke highly of Chai Rong, believing that although his reign was short, it had a profound impact on later generations. He not only laid the foundation for the later Song Dynasty, but also became a model for future generations to learn from and emulate with his political ideas and cultural achievements. Chai Rong's story is a story about ideals and reality, ephemerality and eternity, individuals and countries. Although his life was short, his spirit and achievements were like bright stars, illuminating the long river of history and inspiring generations of Chinese.

China's highest-rated emperor, who reigned for only six years but was praised for a thousand years, has not been criticized so far


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