
PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

author:Novice computer technology


It's been a month since the last time Xiaobai explained the PS introductory tutorial, and from today onwards, we will officially enter the primary PS tutorial.

The beginner tutorial is not too difficult, learn a little bit, and you will be proficient over time.

From today onwards, we may ignore some relatively simple operations when we explain, PS This skill must be tried by hand, not only can't you remember it, but you won't use it at all.

So the best way to learn PS is to get moving and play with Xiaobai! Just play and play.

The body begins

Today, let's talk about it: if the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar, how to cut out the main body of the character?

This tutorial also applies to objects, not just people, and focuses on similar colors.

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

For example, black and gray are very similar, and there are yellow and orange, orange and red. This may not be so easy for boys to understand, but it will definitely be easier for girls to understand. For example, lipstick, which is also red, may be bright red, vermilion, crimson, crimson, water red, orange, apricot red, pink, pink, rose red, rose inlay red, earth red, rust red, light pearl red, shell yellow red, purple red, ruby red, orange red, light pink, salmon red, scarlet, bright red, cardinal red, burgundy, gray rose, azalea red, jujube red, etc.

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Today, let's find a picture with a young lady to try:

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Import it into our PS:

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

There are many ways to import pictures to PS, the easiest is to copy the picture directly, then open PS, click [New] to appear the [Clipboard] option, and directly click [Create]

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Once you're on this screen, press the shortcut key [Ctrl] + [V] to paste the image you just copied into it.

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Let's start today's tutorial!

It's a good habit to start by duplicating one more layer

Select the young lady layer

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?


PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Then turn off the background layer and the small eyes of the second layer

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Add an adjustment layer

Click Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer on the Layer Control Panel

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Select Brightness/Contrast

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

On the Layer Control Panel, when the cursor rests over the Brightness/Contrast layer, two sliders appear in the Properties Control Panel

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Adjust the value of the Brightness/Contrast property

This adjustment does not say how much to adjust, basically adjust the two adjustment parameters in opposite directions, generally the brightness is adjusted to the maximum, and the contrast is adjusted to the lowest.

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

The young lady who will see the picture has become obvious

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Select the body

Then click [Select] - [Subject]

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

After a little waiting, the dotted box will appear, and the young lady is selected

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Click Add Mask

The last step is to operate on the [Layer Control Panel], and first select the layer of the young lady with small eyes

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Then click the Mask button on the Layer Control Panel

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

In this way, the young lady was picked out.

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

Finally, don't forget to hide the [Brightness/Contrast] adjustment layer you just added!

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?


The whole process is not very simple! Cutouts aren't a problem anymore!

This cutout method is suitable for those pictures where the subject is similar to the color of the background and the border is not obvious. If you use the magic wand or quick selection tool to select the area directly in the picture of the young lady just now, there will be a box selection error area caused by the selection boundary is not obvious.

PS Elementary|How to pick out the background and the color of the character's clothes are similar?

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