
Women who are conquered by you often give you these "three" feelings, really!

author:Junjun talks about emotions

In traditional Chinese culture, "conquest" often means a symbol of power and control. However, as the times have changed, the meaning of the term has gradually expanded and evolved. In the context of modern society, the "conquest" of men over women is more reflected in an emotional and spiritual victory. So, what are the three unique feelings that a woman usually brings when she is truly conquered by you? This article will delve into the three aspects of intimacy, security, and trust, and try to reveal the changes in women's hearts after being conquered.

Women who are conquered by you often give you these "three" feelings, really!

1. Intimacy

One of the most obvious feelings a woman feels when she is conquered by you is the intimacy that increases. This intimacy is not only physical closeness, but also a kind of spiritual resonance and tacit understanding.

1. Resonance of the heart

In emotional communication, women pay more attention to the communication of the heart. When she is conquered by you, it often means that you have reached a deep spiritual resonance with each other. She will feel that the distance between you is shortened and each other's hearts are closer. This spiritual resonance makes her feel extremely comfortable and relaxed when she is with you.

2. Emotional dependence

The increase in intimacy is also accompanied by emotional dependence. Conquered women will be more dependent on you and expect more emotional support and care from you. This dependence is not a simple attachment, but an emotional bond that both parties need each other. She will want you to give her support and encouragement in her time of need, so that she feels valued and valued in the relationship.

Women who are conquered by you often give you these "three" feelings, really!

Second, a sense of security

A sense of security is another important feeling a woman feels after being conquered. This sense of security is not only reflected in the security of material life, but more importantly, the stability and peace of mind at the spiritual level.

1. Material security

In modern society, economic conditions are one of the important indicators of security. When a woman is conquered by you, she will expect you to provide her with some material security. This does not mean that she is greedy for material things, but that she hopes to gain psychological stability through this security. She wants to feel stable and lasting in her relationship with you, without having to worry about her future life.

2. Mental comfort

In addition to material security, women crave comfort and support on a spiritual level. When she is conquered by you, she wants you to be her spiritual support, giving comfort and encouragement when she encounters difficulties and setbacks. This sense of mental security allows her to be more calm and confident in the face of life's challenges.

Women who are conquered by you often give you these "three" feelings, really!

3. Trust

Trust is the third feeling a woman feels after being conquered by you. This sense of trust is not only manifested in the trust in you, but also in the relationship.

1. Trust in you

When a woman is conquered by you, she will develop a deep sense of trust in you. She will believe in your love and commitment to her and believe that you will work hard for her happiness and joy. This sense of trust makes her feel at ease and grounded in her time with you, no longer worrying that you will betray or leave her.

2. Trust in relationships

Trust is not just about you, it's about trusting the relationship. The conquered woman will believe that your relationship is strong and long-lasting, and she will believe that you will be able to face life's challenges and trials together. This trust in the relationship made her feel more stable and happy in the relationship.

Women who are conquered by you often give you these "three" feelings, really!


When women are conquered by you, they tend to bring three unique feelings: intimacy, security, and trust. These three feelings not only reflect women's needs and expectations in emotional relationships, but also reflect their pursuit of happiness and security. As a man, understanding and satisfying these deep emotional needs of women will not only strengthen the bond between each other, but also make the relationship stronger and more durable. Therefore, in the process of pursuing and maintaining a relationship, men should pay attention to the spiritual communication with women, give them more care and support, and strive to create an emotional environment full of intimacy, security and trust. In this way, we can make the relationship with each other more satisfying and happy.

Women who are conquered by you often give you these "three" feelings, really!