
Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

author:Teacher Lu shared
Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

China's 5,000-year-long history is magnificent, and in this long time, countless occupations have come into being, and they have quietly disappeared with the development of the times.

Once upon a time, court acolytes were an indispensable presence in the palace.

They are skilled and dedicated to crafting and repairing all kinds of objects in the court.

The exquisite furnishings are in their hands, the magnificent buildings shine under their carvings, and the precious objects are retained by their restoration.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

There are also traditional artisans who use ancient methods to create delicate paper.

However, under the wave of industrialization, the high efficiency and low cost of machine papermaking have gradually replaced it, and the process of handmade paper has gradually become a cultural heritage rather than an everyday production method.

When we watch TV dramas, we all know that there are newsboys on the streets, who sell and deliver newspapers every day, but because it is now the era of digital reading, their professions have also disappeared.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

After so many years, there are now some industries that are standing at the crossroads of change and facing severe challenges.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may usher in a wave of large-scale layoffs.

1. Professional drivers

In the past years, driving skills have undoubtedly been an enviable skill, and professional drivers with skilled driving skills have occupied a very important position in society.

Taxi drivers are like a living map of the city's roads, and they know every street of the city inside out.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Taxi drivers always have the experience to choose the fastest and smoothest route to ensure that passengers arrive at their destination on time and comfortably.

The emergence of online car-hailing drivers has brought more convenience and flexibility to people's travel.

With just a tap on their phone, they can respond to passengers' needs at any time.

Whether it's the rush hour in the early morning or an emergency trip late at night, ride-hailing drivers can quickly appear in front of passengers and provide them with intimate service.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

They have won the trust of passengers with their efficient order receiving speed and high-quality service attitude.

However, with the rapid development of technology, unmanned driving technology is gradually rising, casting a shadow on the future of professional drivers.

Today, the pace of development of autonomous driving technology is remarkable.

Chongqing has already piloted driverless taxis, and the number of passengers has exceeded 200,000.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

The popularization of unmanned driving technology is actually a very good thing for each of us.

In the traditional driving mode, the driver, as the dominant factor, inevitably has various problems, which leads to traffic jams and frequent accidents.

The driver's carelessness may be just a temporary distraction, but it can lead to serious consequences.

Illegal driving is a disregard for traffic rules, which lays a huge hidden danger to road safety.

Drowsy driving is a common and dangerous situation, where drivers are sluggish and have difficulty coping with unexpected situations.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Driverless cars rely on rigorous procedural algorithms that are not built overnight, but are trained and optimized on large amounts of data.

Countless simulations, practices, and continuous improvements have enabled these algorithms to respond quickly and accurately to complex traffic situations.

The AI will not be irritated by traffic jams, fatigued by long drives, and will not ignore road conditions due to momentary distraction.

Maintaining a high level of vigilance and accurate judgment is the "norm" for driverless cars.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Since driverless cars are able to strictly follow traffic rules and optimal driving strategies, the efficiency of roads will be greatly improved.

The spacing between vehicles can be controlled more precisely, avoiding frequent congestion and hard braking, thus reducing traffic congestion.

At intersections, driverless cars are able to coordinate and communicate more efficiently with each other, resulting in a smoother flow of traffic.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

That's why we started with driverless technology as a great thing for each of us, because every accident avoidance means that a family's happiness can be preserved, so it's a huge boon for any family.

2. Maternal and infant related industries

If you go to the mother and baby store a few years ago, there are always people coming and going, and the doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department are constantly busy every day.

Confinement and confinement centers are in short supply, and sometimes in order to book a good confinement and confinement center, you need to make a reservation a year in advance.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Therefore, the birth of new life has also brought endless joy and business opportunities to this society, and the entire maternal and child industry has shown a prosperous scene.

However, the situation in recent years has been worrying, as there has been a significant decline in the birth rate and a sharp decline in the number of infants and young children.

For example, in the first three quarters of 2023, the number of births in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province will be less than 7,000, a decline of more than 15%.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

The population of Dezhou City, Shandong Province, Shandong Province, was less than 20,000 in the first three quarters, a decrease of 15.79%.

Although the country has opened up the two-child policy, the number of births has declined for five consecutive years, and the number of births in 2022 will only be 9.56 million, a direct decrease of 40% compared with 2017.

Therefore, a large number of kindergartens have been closed in society, and a total of 5,610 kindergartens will be reduced in 2022.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Not only that, but the future will also affect elementary school births, junior high schools, and universities.

According to the analysis of population and economic forecasts, from 2023 to 2025, more than 1 million people in the kindergarten teaching staff will be unemployed.

The decline in fertility is not just in China, but globally.

In 2023, South Korea will have only 235,000 births, a record low and the lowest fertility rate in the world.

The Russian side encourages childbirth, and Putin has awarded titles such as the Heroic Mother to encourage them. In North Korea, its leader, Kim Jong-un, has called on mothers to halt the decline in fertility.

Although Vietnam's population will exceed 100 million in 2023, the total fertility rate will drop by 1.95%.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

In such an environment, mother and baby stores are facing an unprecedented difficult situation.

What was once a bustling mother and baby store with a wide variety of products is now stuck in a dilemma of overstocking and declining sales.

What was once a bustling customer is now few and far between, and the contrast is staggering.

3. Takeaway and express delivery industry

In today's society, the food delivery and delivery industry has become a stable career choice in the eyes of many college students.

Despite the hard work, the relatively stable income and high demand have made many people join it, but the industry is also quietly changing.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Companies such as and Meituan are vigorously developing unmanned food delivery technology. and Meituan's decision to develop unmanned food delivery technology is not an accidental decision, but is based on the real-world challenges faced by companies that are heavy on production and assets.

According to statistics, Meituan has a total of more than 6 million riders, and has more than 200,000 couriers.

Such a large team does provide a lot of employment opportunities for the society, but it also brings huge expenses to the operation of the two companies, although their revenue is growing, but because of the increasing labor costs, so the profit situation is not very optimistic.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Take, for example, its strength has always been in its self-operated products and fast logistics.

However, there are many difficulties encountered in the traditional delivery model, such as bumpy roads.

Therefore, in the distribution process, it not only increases the difficulty of distribution, but also increases the cost of express delivery.

In order to solve such a problem, began to build its own logistics team, and then explored a large number of logistics scenarios and data applications.

In 2018, won the honor of the country's first drone logistics distribution pilot enterprise.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

The successful operation of's unmanned vehicles in a community in Shanghai is undoubtedly an important achievement of its exploration in the field of logistics and distribution.

The driverless vehicle has impressive performance and a payload capacity of up to 200 kilograms, which means that it can carry a large amount of cargo and meet the diverse needs of consumers.

Whether it is daily necessities, or bulky and heavy goods, they can be easily loaded and transported.

Its excellent performance with a cruising range of 100 kilometers provides a strong guarantee for the scope and efficiency of logistics and distribution.

The range of 100 kilometers is enough for unmanned vehicles to shuttle through the city, covering a large area and providing fast services for more consumers.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry

Meituan is also facing such huge pressure, and the labor cost brought by 6 million riders is very huge.

Therefore, its founder Wang Xing realized early that the potential for the future development of artificial intelligence will be very large.

Meituan's unmanned delivery was launched in 2018 and began to achieve large-scale operation in 2019.

As of March 2022, U.S. drones have covered 8 communities and 1 business district in Shenzhen, successfully delivering 30,000 orders.

Therefore, the development of unmanned delivery technology not only reduces costs for JD and Meituan, but also improves operational efficiency, and can also better serve the future market.

Not surprisingly, in less than three years, these three industries may have major layoffs? Are you in this industry


The development of the times is always full of uncertainties, and the rise and fall of careers is also an inevitable part.

What was once a prestige profession is now a thing of the past, and what seems stable now may face great challenges in the future.

For people in the professional driverhood, maternal and child related industries, and food delivery and delivery industries, there should be a sense of crisis at all times.

We cannot afford to sit idly by in the face of a possible wave of layoffs.

The key to coping with future uncertainty is to plan a new way out as soon as possible, learn new skills, and improve your overall quality.

Perhaps you can learn popular skills such as programming and data analysis to switch to the emerging Internet industry; You can also improve your communication and management skills, turn to the service industry or start your own business.


It is no surprise that in less than three years, these three industries will usher in big layoffs, see if there are you

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