
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)

The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)
The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (13)

Ten years later, that is, on October 3, the 30th year of the Republic of China (1941), Hartung's wife Luo Jialing also "drove back to Yaochi". At that time, major newspapers in Shanghai published obituaries:

"The British Lady of Osi, Hatton, and Mrs. Luo Jialing, died on October 3, 1941, that is, on the 13th day of August in the year of the Xia calendar, and finally went to bed in the Shanghai Aili Garden, and was born in the 1864th year of the Western calendar, that is, on the 7th day of the seventh month of the third year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty, at the age of 78. The unfilial men Luo Youlan and George Harton were on the side, and they were personally buried and dressed on the same day. It is carefully chosen on the 11th day of the 11th month of the national calendar, that is, the 23rd day of the 9th month of the summer calendar, and the 12th, that is, the 24th day of the summer calendar, to be buried in Xiankao. Talking about the friendship of the world, mourning this obituary. ”

What is intriguing is that the filial piety signed at the end of the obituary is divided into two groups: one group is Luo Youlan, Luo Youren and other 6 people; One group is George Hartung and Loe Hartung 4 people. The "Lonely Mourning Girl" is also divided into two groups, one group is named Luo Xx, and the other group is Amore Hartung and Nala Hartung. There are more than 20 sons and daughters.

Finally, there is also the "funeral director's righteous brother Ji Jue Mi Don's first worship", just like the "cane husband" Xxx after the general obituary at that time.

At the same time, the so-called "Conduct Statement" was also compiled, detailing the canons she received during her life:

Qing room reward: special title is a good lady. Special Feast. The imperial book "Fu Yao Shuanghui", "Planting Virtue and Tree Blessing", "The Happiness of Kindness", "Living More than 100 Years Old", "Meritorious Merit" and other plaques. Banners such as Buddha statues and flowers. Bestow pearls, crowns, corals, purses, food, rulers, and wishes. Special reward for the Forbidden City.

Republic of China: Gift of the first-class Mercy Medal, first-class and second-class Baoguang Mercy Medal. The president specially awarded plaques such as "Kindness and Virtue" and "Crane Shou".

National Government: The chairman of the state government specially presented plaques such as "Charm of Benevolence" and "Shou Kao Weiqi".

After 41 days in the park, he was buried with Hartung. The form and content of the funeral are basically the same as those of Hartung, but due to the changes in current affairs and the changing stars, in terms of the scale of the entire funeral, it is naturally slightly inferior to Hartung, but all the expenses of the funeral have also cost more than 450,000 yuan.

After Luo Jialing's death, only two months later, the Japanese invaders launched the "12.8" Pacific War, declaring war on Britain and the United States. Ailiyuan and Hartung were both "military supervision" by the Japanese invaders. At this point, the "territory" and "foundation" of the "kingdom" of Hartung were almost wiped out with the Hartung couple.

(1) Luo Jialing (1864-1941) was originally from Fujian. His father, Louis Ro, moved to Shanghai after working as a sailor on a French steamer. Luo Jialing lost his father when he was one year old and relied on his mother's helper to make a living. She herself worked as a laborer for a French businessman. In the twelfth year of Guangxu (1886), he married Ha Tong.

(2) "New Testament": In the 25th year of Guangxu (1899), when the Boxer Rebellion occurred in the north, the American Fu Kaisen gave advice to the consul generals of Britain, the United States, France and other countries in Shanghai, and took the opportunity to negotiate with the Chinese side, greatly expanding the concession. After negotiation, a new covenant was signed. The west of the public concession is zoned from Xizang Road to the west of Jing'an Temple, and the east is extended from Yangshupu to Gujiabang (now near Pingliang Road and Jungong Road), with a total expansion area of more than 22,800 acres. At the beginning of the "opening of the port" in 1845, the area of the British Concession stipulated in the "Concession Land Regulations" was only 830 acres; Later, it merged with the American and Japanese concessions, and the total was less than 10,000 acres; After this expansion, the total area reaches more than 33,500 acres. The western boundary of the French Concession has also expanded from the vicinity of Baxian Bridge to Xujiahui, expanding dozens of times. In this way, the more than 300 acres of land that Hartung had acquired at a low price were included in the scope of the concession.

(3) Aili Garden, the private garden of Osi Love Hartung. It was built in early 1904 and expanded twice in 1907 and 1910. There are many attractions in the park. To the west of the wall corridor are Yingxu Building, Yanyu Hall, Chongli Hall, Xianyao Nest, Jianshou Hall, Tianyan World, Xishuangzhai, Wenhai Pavilion, Da Pao Yun Rockery, Qujing Bay, Huanyun Turn, etc. To the east of the promenade, Begonia Boat, Peacock Pavilion, Leaf Pavilion, Rucui Pavilion, Lingyu Pavilion, Plum Garden, Swastika Pavilion, Yanshui Bay, Wuwu Bridge, Yanqiu Xiaoxie, Jiusi Temple, Jiahe Pavilion, Outside the Mountain, Dongguixuan, Wind Whistle, Hanxu Building, Shuixin Caolu, Wan Sacrifice, Sui Han Pavilion, Big Orchard, Wanhuawu, Yueyue Pavilion, Tong Qiu Yin Pavilion, Orchid Room, Feiliujie, Jiuqu Bridge, Dahao River and Mountain, Shifang, Waiting Cloud Building, Bi Pavilion, Huangti Mountain House, Chrysanthemum Garden, Tingfeng Pavilion, Relic Pagoda, Shiping Bridge, Yiyi Spring, Red Leaf Village, Red Maple Collection, Butterfly Hidden Corridor, Jiaoting, the sound of the waves of the Yellow Sea, the sound of the Pingjia Jingshe and other major attractions. The 30th year of the Republic of China (1941) Eight", it was taken over by the Japanese invaders. It was later destroyed in a fire. In 1953, the "Sino-Soviet Friendship Building" was built on its abandoned site, and it was completed and opened in 1955. Since the 60s, it has been renamed Shanghai Exhibition Center.

(4) Guangcang Xue Embarrassment, Guangcang Society: "Embarrassment" sounds "group", the meaning of group dwelling, almost the word "home" and the word "will". Hirokura Gakuhara is a permanent institution with a permanent staff, about a dozen people, who work and research here, and also publish a number of books and magazines. The Guangcang Society is a group with only empty shells, and with the call of reverence for Cangjie, more than 100 old people and bureaucrats of the past were invited to play in the garden several times as members.

(5) Zhang Enpu (1904-1969), the sixty-third generation of the Han Heavenly Master. The word Heqin, the number Ruiling, the name Daosheng (also known as Yansheng), is the eldest son of Zhang Yuanxu (the word Xiaochu), the sixty-second generation of the Heavenly Master Dao. In 1949, he went to Taiwan. He died in 1969. He was 65 years old.

(6) Zhonghe Shao Music: The great music of the Qing Dynasty. In the first year of Shunzhi, it was agreed that the sacrifice of heaven and earth, Taimiao, and Sheji were all used to neutralize Shaole. In the fifty-second year of Kangxi, the yellow bell was examined, remanufactured, and modified during the Qianlong period, and then because of it, all the great court meetings, the big sacrifices, the palace all played this music.

(7) Eight 佾: "佾" is pronounced yì, and the ranks, rows, and number of dancers are equal in length and width. Such as the eight births of the Son of Heaven", also called "music and dance students", generally refers to the song and dance students of the Confucian Temple. 佽, sixty-four people also; Princes Six; Doctor 4, Doctor 2. The Confucian Temple Ding Festival also uses eight hundreds. The dancers of the sacrificial hole are called "Yu Dance."

(8) 鼗鼓: "鼗" sound táo, a long-handled rocking drum, commonly known as "rattle".

(9) 柷: "柷" sound zhù, the name of an ancient musical instrument, with wood as it, shaped like a square bucket, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, one foot five inches deep, wooden planks on three sides, each bulging in the middle is like a drum to be hit, and one side is in the middle of the opening garden Kong Na hit. When making music, hit it first to make music. The meaning of the blow is "stop".

(10) 敔, 音 yǔ An ancient percussion instrument used to stop music.

(11) 笾, pronounced biān, utensils such as fruit offerings during ancient sacrifices or banquets.

(12) Breaking the seventh, it is customary to die a person, and every 7th day is taboo, and on the 77th and 49th day, he will cry. On the 49th day, the monks were summoned to chant the scriptures, commonly known as "breaking seven".

(13) Taishang Morning and Evening Altar: that is, the Taoist "Xuanmen Daily Recitation Morning and Evening Class".

Key references

Xu Zhucheng. "Hartung Gaiden". Shanghai: Shanghai Culture Publishing House, 1983-4. p. 171.

"Sketch of the Garden of Elles". Declaration, June 21, 1931.

"Hartung Garden Funeral". Peking Morning Post, August 5, 1931. 6th edition.