
The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

author:Yuan Fang looks at the world
The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In the spring of 1988, the Soviet Union held the first "Miss Soviet Union" beauty pageant, an unprecedented event that instantly ignited the spark of public opinion. Domestic and foreign media rushed to report on the beauty contest and praised it as "the beauty of Moscow".

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In 1936, next to Highway 70 in the United States, a family of nine lived a simple life on the vast field. The hostess of the house is a clever child, and seeing that there is a shortage of pants at home, she actually transformed the fertilizer bag into a pair of pants.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In the middle of the 20th century, the leg contest in New York was hotly staged, and a group of "leg examiners" appeared on the stage. Holding magnifying glasses and eyes as sharp as eagles, they conducted a 360-degree inspection of each contestant's beautiful legs.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In the 1920s, the beach cops were "fashion appraisers". They widened their eyes, carefully examined the attire of each tourist, and once they saw which one dared to "show" too much, they immediately and unceremoniously invited out of the tour area.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

This gas taxi, with a bag of gas on its head and an easy 24-kilometre ride, is the masterpiece of John Lee & Co. in Keighley, England. It's good, it's good, it's just a big temper, and it will blow up when it touches the fire! Want to take this taxi? You have to hide the fire first, or if you are not careful, it may send you to heaven!

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

After Weizmann's death in 1952, Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion intended Albert Einstein to take over as president. But Einstein humorously refused: "I am an expert in the study of nature; But figuring out people's hearts, I'm really a layman. ”

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

This is the moment of Pu Yi and Wanrong's banquet, but Wanrong's back can't hide the loneliness. Due to Pu Yi's illness and weakness, Wanrong's personal relationship with the guards eventually led to imprisonment. Her life was like a fallen leaf, and she finally passed away alone

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In 1902, the United States developed a "semi-automatic harvester", but at that time it had to be pulled by horses, and it was tiring to think about it. It wasn't until 1930 that this guy was considered to have "evolved", replaced with the high-end goods of the internal combustion engine, and no longer relied on horses to work hard.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In the 50s of the 20th century, Campbell's soup vending machines were popular in the office, and ladies couldn't put it down. Look at this photo, an elegant lady is using a floor-standing can opener with a satisfied smile on her face.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

Jane Brick's story is a reflection of courage, perseverance and tenacity. Born legless, she never gave in. After being abandoned, I was lucky to meet the harbor of love. The care of her adoptive parents ignited the fire of her life and transformed her into a gymnast.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In 1894 in New York, the horses were rampant, and the number was as high as 150,000! They leave behind 3 million pounds of "gold" and 150,000 liters of "elixir" every day, a huge "legacy" that makes the urban environment miserable.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

Iran's beaches in 1978 are sunny and sunny, sand and waves are soft, and people enjoy a leisurely summer day. But who would have expected that under this tranquility, the dark tide of the Islamic Revolution has been surging.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In the Soviet Union in the 1980s, "futuristic gas stations" were born, which looked cool and avant-garde. It's a pity that this "future" seems to come too quickly and catch people off guard. Although the design is novel, convenience has become a big problem in practical use.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

Before 1956, the lunch break of French elementary school students was a bit of a "wine" meaning. Wine became their little secret and helped them dream back at noon. And the children on the farm were not to be outdone, bringing "strong cider" without wine.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

Iranian women in the 60s of the 20th century were the focus of fashion on the beach, unrestrained and free. However, the "Islamic Revolution" was like a storm, forcing them to wear veils and conservative clothes.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In 1938, Freud and his daughter fled Vienna under the clutches of the Nazis and ran to London. Even this psychology guru has to run away, let alone ordinary people.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In the early 90s, the Berlin Wall fell, but the barriers in people's hearts were difficult to remove. The soldiers of East Berlin looked at their compatriots in West Berlin with a strange look in their eyes, as if they had seen aliens.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

This "airplane car" unveiled in 1952 is truly unprecedented! It can fly without wings, equipped with aircraft-grade wheels and a six-cylinder 165-horsepower engine. The rear cockpit and the fuselage are easily docked, and the car becomes an airplane in an instant.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

The appearance of the Indian policewoman is really eye-catching, but this photo is too obvious, right? It makes people wonder if it is a police recruitment poster? After all, in India, posing for photos is almost becoming an intangible cultural heritage.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In 1936, the "special attendant" at the gas station was a sight to behold - a monkey! It is responsible for refueling the car. Think about it, if you don't have enough oil, will this little guy scratch you naughtily a few times?

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In the 20s of the 20th century, the implementation of Prohibition in the United States became an opportunity for illegal brewers to get rich. They modified their vehicles and hid wine and timber in an attempt to hide from the world. This wooden truck looks ordinary, but in fact it is hidden. It's a pity that the police are quick to see through the disguise at a glance.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

In 1908, on the streets of New York, a lady was in a peerless style and filled with smoke, and unexpectedly bumped into the muzzle of the "Women's Smoking Ban". In this way, she accidentally became the first "fireworks goddess" in history to be punished for this.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

20 years ago, Zimbabwe suffered an inflation frenzy, and the inflation rate approached 79.6 billion! At that time, a banknote had not yet been made and it was worthless. The young man took the pile of waste paper and went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of beer.

The 24 pictures of "Live for a long time", the world is wonderful beyond imagination, and Zhang Zhang makes your eyes soar

Guess which of the containers 1-7 will be filled with water first? Don't underestimate this problem, it looks simple at first glance, but in fact, it hides a mystery. If you are interested, you can give it a try.

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