
In order to repay the favor, the woman married an ugly man, only to find out that he was a fairy

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

There is a girl in our northeast Nagada, named Xiu'er, who looks really handsome, her eyes are as big as something, her skin is so white that she can pinch out water, she has two dimples when she smiles, and she is so sweet that she can fascinate people. Xiu'er's father is an honest fisherman, her mother left early, Xiu'er has followed her father to row and fish on the river since she was a child, although the days are tight, but Xiu'er is always happy in her heart.

One day, Xiu'er's father was rowing a small boat fishing on the river, and suddenly a big golden fish jumped out of the water and circled around the bow of the boat, and the scales on the fish's body were shining like gold. Xiu'er's father watched it for a long time, thinking that this fish was so conspicuous, it must not be an ordinary fish, so he collected the net and continued to fish, ignoring the big fish. But who would have thought that for several days in a row, the big golden fish appeared in front of Xiu'er's father's boat, and no matter where he rowed, the fish followed.

When the people in the village heard about this, they all said that Xiu'er's father had bumped into good luck, and the fish must have come to repay the favor. But Xiu'er's father knew in his heart that he had been honest all his life and had never done any great good deeds, so where did he get this good luck? Just when Xiu'er's father was muttering in his heart, a strange thing happened in the village.

In order to repay the favor, the woman married an ugly man, only to find out that he was a fairy

That night, Xiu'er's father went fishing as usual, but when he came back, the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, did not say a word, and sat by the river all day long. Xiu'er was so anxious that she went to ask the old fairy in the village to come and show her father. When the old fairy came to take a look, his brows furrowed into a pimple, and he sighed and said, "Your father is provoking the gods in the water, and the golden fish is not a mortal thing, it is the messenger of the river god." Your father ignored it and angered Jiang Shen, so he suffered retribution. ”

Xiu'er was anxious when she heard this, and hurriedly asked the old fairy if there was a way to solve this disaster. The old fairy stroked his beard and said, "There is a way, but it depends on whether you are willing or not." Xiu'er nodded hurriedly, saying that as long as she could save her father, she would be willing to do anything. The old fairy told her that if you want to solve this disaster, someone must replace your father to marry the messenger of the river god. When Xiu'er heard this, she chuckled in her heart, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "I do!" When the old fairy saw Xiu'er agreeing so happily, he sighed and said, "Do you know that the messenger of the river god is extremely ugly, and ordinary people have to be shocked when they see it." ”

When Xiu'er heard this, she also beat a little drum in her heart, but when she thought of her father's safety, she strengthened her determination and said, "I'm not afraid, as long as I can save my father, I'm not afraid of anything." Seeing that Xiu'er was so resolute, the old fairy nodded and said, "Okay, I'll arrange it." With that, he turned and walked away.

In order to repay the favor, the woman married an ugly man, only to find out that he was a fairy

It didn't take long for the old fairy to come with a man in a black robe and a hat. As soon as the man took off the hat, Xiu'er was startled. I saw that the man had a blue face and fangs, eyes like copper bells, a nose big enough to hang an oil bottle, and his mouth was open, revealing two rows of yellow teeth, just like a monster. Xiu'er was screaming in her heart, but she still stiffened her head, stepped forward, and gave the person a salute. The man glanced at Xiu'er, nodded slightly, and said, "You are Xiu'er, right?" I am a messenger sent by the river god to pick you up. When Xiu'er heard this, her heart was mixed, and all the tastes were churning. But she still gritted her teeth and said, "I am willing to marry you." In this way, Xiu'er followed the messenger of the river god and walked all the way.

Although she was terrified in her heart, she also understood that this was to save her father, so she gritted her teeth all the way and didn't let the tears fall. When they arrived at the river, the messenger said to Xiu'er, "Close your eyes, and I will take you to see the river god." Xiu'er nodded and closed her eyes. I just felt that my body was floating, as if I was being lifted by the wind, and then she didn't know anything.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a golden hall. In the main hall sat a man wearing a white robe and a golden crown, and that person was the god of the river. When Jiang Shen saw Xiu'er coming, he said to her with a smile: "In order to save your father, you are willing to marry my messenger, and this filial piety really touches me." Don't worry, I'll treat you well. When Xiu'er heard this, her heart was a little more steady. She looked up at the messenger, and saw that he had changed his appearance, and although he still looked a little stumbling, it was not so scary. Xiu'er thought to herself, this may be the legendary fairy, although her appearance is stumbling, but her heart is hot.

In order to repay the favor, the woman married an ugly man, only to find out that he was a fairy

In this way, Xiu'er settled down in the palace of the god of the river. She followed the messenger every day to learn spells and practice Taoism, and gradually adapted to life here. Although she still misses her father and the villagers in her heart, she also knows that this is her life, and she can only accept her fate. As the days passed, Xiu'er lived a stable life in the palace of the god of the river. She found that the messenger was rough on the outside, but delicate on the inside, and treated her very well. Whenever she missed her hometown, the messenger would take her to the high part of the palace, let her look at the mountains and rivers from afar, and tell her some interesting stories about the riverside to amuse her.

One day, the god of the river summoned all the gods and messengers and announced that a grand banquet would be held to celebrate the abundance of the river and the tranquility of the people. The envoy took Xiu'er with him, and the scene was truly spectacular! The palace is brightly lit, the fairy music is fluttering, and the table is full of delicacies from the mountains and seas. Although Xiu'er came from a small village, she was also shocked by this grand scene. At the banquet, Jiang Shen specially asked the messenger to take Xiu'er to meet the immortals, so that they could know this girl from the world. Although Xiu'er was a little nervous, she also mustered up the courage to salute the immortals one by one. She found that although these immortals had different appearances, they were all kind and took good care of her, a mortal girl.

Just when the banquet was in full swing, suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder was rolling, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. As soon as Jiang Shen saw this situation, his face immediately changed, and he hurriedly said to the messenger: "Oh no, the monster is here, you hurry up and protect Xiu'er, don't let her suffer any harm." When the messenger heard this, he didn't say a word, and took Xiu'er and hid in a hidden hut. In the hut, the messenger told Xiu'er that this monster was an evil dragon in the river, and that it had been thinking about the throne of the river god and wanted to replace it. This time it came aggressively, and it must have come prepared. The messenger told Xiu'er not to be afraid, he would protect her.

In order to repay the favor, the woman married an ugly man, only to find out that he was a fairy

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the earth-shattering sound of fighting to come from outside the palace. Xiu'er listened in the hut, frightened, she was worried that the messenger would be injured, and she was also worried about the safety of Jiang Shen and the entire palace. She wanted to go out and have a look, but was stopped by the messenger. The messenger told her that she was just an ordinary person, and that going out would only cause trouble, and that it was better to wait for the news. Although Xiu'er was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, she also understood that what the messenger said was reasonable. She had no choice but to sit in the hut and silently pray for the safe return of the messenger and that the god of the river would defeat the evil Jiao.

After a long time, the fighting finally stopped. The messenger walked in with a wound and told Xiu'er that they had beaten the evil Jiao back, but Jiang Shen was also seriously injured and had to retreat for a while. During this time, the security of the palace was entrusted to him. Xiu'er looked at the messenger's injury and felt so distressed. She quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe his wound, and applied the healing medicine she had brought to him. The messenger looked at Xiu'er's nervous and concerned look, and his heart warmed. He told Xiu'er that this little injury was nothing to him.

In the days that followed, Xiu'er and the messenger guarded the safety of the palace together. She found that the messenger, though rough in appearance, was delicate and brave in battle. He not only knows magic and martial arts, but also cooks good dishes. He often cooks authentic Northeast dishes for Xiu'er, which makes Xiu'er feel particularly kind and warm. As time passed, Xiu'er's feelings for the messenger became deeper and deeper. She was no longer afraid of his appearance, but felt that there was a gentle heart hidden under his rugged appearance. She finds herself deeply in love with this man who is ugly on the outside but kind on the inside. And the messenger also has feelings for Xiu'er. He found that he could not do without this gentle and kind girl more and more. He often watched Xiu'er sleep in a daze in the dead of night, and his heart was full of happiness and satisfaction.

Finally one day, Jiang Shen came out of the customs. He saw that the palace was safe and sound, that the messenger was brave and good at fighting, and that Xiu'er was gentle and kind, and his heart blossomed. He announced that he would give the messenger a treasure and asked him what he wanted. Without hesitation, the messenger replied, "I want Xiu'er." When Jiang Shen heard this, he laughed and said, "You kid, you have long been in love with Xiu'er, right?" Okay, okay, she's a good girl, and she's worthy of you! After speaking, Jiang Shen waved his sleeves, turned Xiu'er back into a mortal appearance, and gave her an immortal body. Since then, Xiu'er and the messenger have started their happy and contented lives. They stand shoulder to shoulder, guarding the people and the peace of the palace by the riverside, and their daily life is full of laughter and sweetness. Those who once scoffed at the appearance of the messenger are now silent because they realize that true love transcends the boundaries of appearance.

Since the god of the river bestowed them with an ageless body, Xiu'er and the messenger have been enjoying the companion life like a fairy in a small village by the river. The villagers witnessed the sweet daily life of the two of them, and they were also infected with this joy. They no longer pointed out the envoy's appearance, but praised him as a true warrior, and it was a blessing to be able to win a woman like Xiu'er, which was really a blessing from his previous life.

Xiu'er has also undergone a transformation, and she is no longer the girl who only knows how to fish. Under the guidance of the envoys, she learned many spells and martial arts, and knew how to protect the villagers. Whenever the river flooded or wild beasts attacked, Xiu'er and the messengers always stepped forward and used their divine power to protect the land and the villagers. The villagers all said that since Xiu'er married the messenger, their lives have become more peaceful. The river no longer flooded, and the wild beasts did not dare to invade again, and everyone was able to live and work in peace and contentment. Xiu'er and the messenger also became the most respected figures in the village.

In order to repay the favor, the woman married an ugly man, only to find out that he was a fairy

However, the life of this fairy couple has not been smooth sailing. One day, the messenger revealed to Xiu'er that he had received an order from the god of the river to go to a mysterious place in the north full of dangers to carry out an important mission. The place is full of dangers, and even the gods may not be able to return safely. Although the messenger is not afraid of life and death, he is worried that Xiu'er will give up because of worry. When Xiu'er heard this, her heart naturally surged with reluctance. But she understands the messenger's sense of responsibility, and since she has accepted the mission, she will do her best. So, suppressing the reluctance in her heart, she firmly said to the messenger: "Go ahead, I will wait for you here." No matter how long it takes, I'll hold on to it. When the messenger heard this, his heart was filled with warmth. He hugged Xiu'er tightly and promised, "I will definitely come back, you must wait for me." As soon as the words fell, the messenger turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.

It is said that at the end of that year, the fog by the river suddenly dispersed, and a golden light fell from the sky. As soon as Xiu'er's girl looked up, good fellow, the messenger stood in the golden light and walked towards her with a smile. Xiu'er was so excited that she burst into tears, and rushed up to hug the messenger after taking three steps and two steps, choked up and said, "You are back, I miss you every day!" The messenger also hugged Xiu'er tightly and replied, "I miss you too." The task is completed, and the two of us can get tired of being together every day. With that, the two returned to the palace hand in hand.

Since then, the days of Xiu'er and the messenger have become more and more prosperous. The two practiced together, protected the villagers together, and watched the beautiful scenery by the river together...... The days go by and are called a moisturizing. The villagers in the village saw that they were so affectionate, and their hearts were also happy. Everyone went to the palace to visit the fairy couple, asked them about magic and martial arts, and asked them how they lived so happily. Xiu'er and the messenger also happily shared their experiences, telling everyone to cherish the people in front of them, dare to chase dreams, and feel life with their hearts. Although these words are simple, they are heart-warming to listen to.

In order to repay the favor, the woman married an ugly man, only to find out that he was a fairy

In this way, Xiu'er and the messenger not only guarded the village, but also became an example in everyone's hearts. Their stories have been passed down from generation to generation and have become eternal legends. Hundreds of years later, the story of Xiu'er and the messenger is still circulating in the village, and their love and courage inspire people to pursue a better life. That small village has also become a bustling town, but people still remember Xiu'er who married an ugly man in order to repay her kindness, and the fairy messenger who always guarded her by her side......