
The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

In our northeast Gada, there is a Mao Mountain, the mountain is as high as the sky, surrounded by clouds and mist, and there are gods and Taoists in the legend, as well as ghosts and monsters. Our fellow villagers are respectful and afraid of this mountain, and they dare not go up easily. But one day, something new happened in our place, which surprised us natives from the Northeast.

On that day, the sun was as good as gold, the mountain breeze was gentle, and in the small village at the foot of our mountain, there was a little girl named Cuihua, who looked like a water spirit and had a good heart, and was a flower in our village. Cuihua's house is next to the foot of the mountain, and every morning, she has to go up the mountain to pick mountain goods to add some oil and water to the family. That morning, Cuihua, as usual, carried a basket and hummed a little tune, and went to Maoshan Mountain. But who would have thought that this time I went, I would have bumped into a big event.

Cuihua had just walked halfway up the mountain, when suddenly a strange wind blew, her eyes were dark, and when she opened her eyes again, good fellow, she was surrounded by a group of bandits. The gang of thieves were fierce one by one, holding a guy in their hands, and the leader was a big man with a full face, he walked up to Cuihua with a sinister smile, and reached out to grab her. Cuihua was so frightened that her face turned white, but she stood up and shouted loudly: "You gang of thieves, dare to do this in broad daylight, aren't you afraid of retribution?" When the big man heard this, he laughed and said, "Retribution? Lao Tzu has been walking sideways on Maoshan Mountain for so many years, and I haven't seen any retribution! Little lady, you are so handsome, just go with me obediently, so as not to suffer. As he spoke, the big man moved his hands and feet.

The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

Cuihua was in a hurry, but she knew that it would not work hard, and she had to outwit it. She rolled her eyes, suddenly laughed, and said, "You've been fooled!" The big man was stunned for a moment, and before he came back to his senses, Cuihua had already taken out a piece of yellow talisman, which she went to the town to seek a Taoist view a few days ago, saying that it could ward off evil spirits. Cuihua threw the yellow talisman into the sky, and her mouth chattered, and the yellow talisman burned in the sky, shining as bright as a little sun. The thieves were so frightened by this sudden scene that they scattered and fled, and the big man also panicked, turned around and wanted to slip away. But at this moment, there was a melodious flute sound from the woods, and the flute sound was as graceful as water, as if it could penetrate into people's hearts. With the sound of the flute, the fog became thicker and thicker, and in a short time it covered the halfway up the mountain. The big man was dizzy in the fog and scurried. Cuihua took the opportunity to hide behind a big tree, held her breath, and didn't dare to say a word.

After a while, the sound of the flute slowly faded away, and the fog dissipated. Cuihua cautiously poked her head out, and when she saw that the bandits were long gone. She let out a long sigh of relief, and she was so happy in her heart. Cuihua knew that this flute must have been blown by the immortal Taoist on Maoshan Mountain, so she bowed gratefully to the mountain, and then carried the basket and continued to walk up the mountain. Since that incident spread in our village, Cuihua's girl has become a sweet spot in everyone's eyes. People are not only smart, but also smart and bold. The immortal Taoist on Maoshan also left a lot of impression in the hearts of our villagers because of this incident. As for those bandits, since the fight, they no longer dare to wander around Maoshan Mountain, and our village's life is much more stable. Emerald tweed, she still goes up the mountain every day to pick mountain goods, but every time before going up the mountain, she gets a yellow talisman from the Taoist temple in the town to feel at ease.

After that, Cuihua went up the mountain more energetically, not only picking mountain goods, but also taking care of the small animals on the mountain and bringing them some food. She feels that these small animals are also part of Maoshan and have spirituality. Time passed day by day, and Cuihua slowly became a legend in our village. But at this time, something even more bizarre happened.

The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

That day, Cuihua went up the mountain as usual, and as soon as she was halfway up the mountain, she found an injured little fox. The little fox was covered in blood and lay in the grass dying. Cuihua was so distressed that she hurriedly held the little fox in her arms and prepared to go down the mountain to find a veterinarian. But at this moment, she suddenly felt a cold wind, and when she looked up, she saw a strange man in a black robe and a top hat standing in front of her. The strange man was pale, his eyes were as red as rabbits, and he was not a good bird at first sight.

Cuihua's heart tightened, but she knew she couldn't panic. She took a deep breath and pretended to be calm and asked, "Who are you?" Why are you holding me back? The strange man smiled and said, "Little lady, you are holding a treasure in your arms." Give it to me, and I'll let you go. As soon as Cuihua heard this, she understood in her heart. This strange man must have taken a fancy to something on the little fox and wanted to take it for himself. She hugged the little fox tightly and said, "Don't think about it! This little fox is innocent, and I won't give it to you. ”

When the strange man saw that Cuihua refused to give in, he immediately became angry. He stretched out a thin hand and grabbed it at Cuihua. Seeing this, Cuihua hurriedly dodged, and at the same time took out the yellow talisman from the basket and prepared to use it again. But at this moment, she suddenly felt a powerful force coming from behind her, and then, a fluttering figure in white appeared in front of her. The man held a long sword, pointed at the strange man, and said coldly: "Bold and wicked, dare to do something here!" Cuihua was stunned when she saw it. Isn't this the immortal Taoist who played the flute that day? She was so excited that tears were about to come out, and she hurriedly shouted: "Dao Chief, help!" The chief smiled slightly and said, "Don't be afraid, little lady, with me here, this demon can't hurt you." As he spoke, he swung his sword at the stranger. The strange man saw that the Taoist was menacing, and he didn't dare to fight hard, so he turned around and wanted to run. Oh, this thing has to be very authentic, as soon as we talk about the Northeast, the smell will come out. Let me tell you slowly:

The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

But the Taoist chief's eyes, at a glance, knew that it was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his figure flashed, like a lightning, and he caught up with him in a flash. The two of them were in mid-air, shouting a lively one, the sword light flashed, and the sound was earth-shattering. Cuihua's little heart was beating like a drum, but she also knew that this was not the time to be scared. She quickly put the little fox to safety, took out some herbs from the basket, and bandaged the little fox's wound briefly.

After a while, the Dao Leader flew back, carrying the strange man's head in his hand. He threw his head on the ground, as if throwing a rag, and said, "I have cleaned up this demon, little lady, don't worry." Cuihua was teary-eyed, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, and the Taoist waved his hand and said, "Don't fix these vains." I, Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, happened to pass by today, and when I saw that you were in trouble, I would take a hand. This little fox is a spirit in the mountains, and if you save it, you are also accumulating virtue and doing good. If there is anything in the future, just go to Maoshan to find me. With that, the Taoist turned around and was about to leave.

Cuihua was anxious, grabbed him, and said, "Don't be in a hurry to leave!" I haven't thanked you enough. What's your name? How can I find you in the future? The Taoist chief smiled slightly and said, "I am a person from Maoshan Qingfeng Dao." If you have something, go to the top of Maoshan Mountain and light three incense sticks, and I will know. As soon as the words fell, the Qingfeng Dao people turned into a white light, and disappeared with a swish.

The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

Cuihua stared blankly at the direction in which the Taoist chief disappeared, and her heart was filled with gratitude and admiration. She knew that she had met a master, a Taoist priest who could give up anything for the sake of the common people in the world. Since then, Cuihua has been even more in awe of Maoshan Mountain. She not only often goes up the mountain to pick mountain goods and take care of small animals, but also lights three incense sticks on the top of Maoshan from time to time, asking Qingfeng Dao people to bless herself and the villagers in the village.

As for the little fox who was rescued by Cuihua, he also slowly recovered and became Cuihua's iron buddy, going up and down the mountain with her every day, inseparable. As the days passed, the story of Cuihua and the little fox spread in the village. People say that Cuihua is not only beautiful and good-hearted, but also a blessed strange woman. The little fox has also become a little star in the village, and everyone likes it and loves it.

This is the story of Cuihua - the legend between an ordinary woman and a Maoshan Taoist priest and spirit animal. It tells us that in this world, there are always people who are willing to give up for the sake of justice and goodness; There is always something to cherish and protect. The story of the cuihua and the little fox will forever be passed on in the small village at the foot of Maoshan Mountain, becoming a beautiful legend.

The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

Cuihua's story spread throughout the village, and she became a strange woman in people's mouths and a hero in the hearts of children. When night falls, the children of the village sit around the fire and listen to the old people tell the legendary story of how Cuihua outwitted the bandits and bravely rescued the little fox. But Cuihua herself, she didn't flutter because of these praises, she was still the unpretentious Cuihua. She still walks on the mountain trail every morning to pick the treasures of the mountains, and at the same time, she still takes care of the creatures on the mountain, maintaining her simple and kind heart. She knows that true heroes are not empty words, but proven through practical actions. One day, Cuihua stepped on the mountain as usual, but unexpectedly discovered a mysterious cave hidden in the deep forest. The cave was deep and unpredictable, and the entrance of the cave emitted a faint light, as if there was a mysterious force that attracted her. Curious and scared at the same time, Cuihua mustered up the courage to explore this unknown cave after a brief hesitation.

Emerald walked cautiously into the cavern, which was pitch black, with only the faint glow of the torch in her hand guiding her direction. She walked slowly along the cave wall, occasionally hearing the sound of water droplets and strange sounds in the distance. Although she felt a little uneasy in her heart, she still mustered up the courage and walked forward firmly. Suddenly, she felt empty under her feet, her body lost her balance, and after a scream, she found herself in a large underground lake. The water was bitterly cold, and Emerald struggled to swim to the shore, only to find that it was surrounded by smooth rocks that made it difficult to climb.

Just as she was feeling hopeless, she saw the Qingfeng Dao Man standing on a boulder in the middle of the lake. He was dressed in a white robe, holding a long sword, and his eyes were piercing. Qingfeng Daoist smiled at Cuihua and said, "Little girl, your courage is commendable to come here. This lake is called 'Lingquan' and is a sacred place in Maoshan Mountain. Since you're here, I'll give you a chance. As he spoke, he swung his sword and pointed it into the lake, and a white light shot out from the tip of the sword, hitting the bottom of the lake. Immediately, the whole lake began to churn, and countless bubbles gushed out of the water, as if a treasure was rising from the bottom of the lake. Soon, a treasure glowing with gold slowly rose from the bottom of the lake, it was neither jade nor gold, exuding a soft and mysterious light.

The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

Qingfeng Daoist took out this treasure, handed it to Cuihua, and said, "This is the 'Heart of Lingquan', which is the essence of Maoshan aura. When you wear it, you will get a lifetime of peace and success. Cuihua took the treasure and immediately felt a warm power flood into her heart, and she felt refreshed. She thanked Qingfeng Dao gratefully and said that she would tell the people in the village about this miracle. Qingfeng Daoist waved his hand lightly and said, "No need. We are destined to meet, and I will give you this treasure. As long as you take good care of it, you will be able to benefit one party in the future. Now, I'm going to continue my cultivation. Take care, little girl. As soon as the words fell, the Qingfeng Dao man turned into a white light and disappeared into the sky.

Cuihua stared in the direction where the Qingfeng Dao people had disappeared, her heart full of gratitude and admiration. She understands that she has met a real master today, a Taoist priest who is willing to selflessly dedicate himself to the common people in the world. With the "Heart of the Spiritual Spring", Cuihua returned to the village. Cuihua, the girl, told the old and young masters in the village about it, and told everyone that this was a treasure given by the Taoist priest of Maoshan. When the people in the village heard this, their eyes widened like copper bells, and they all shouted to thank the Taoist priest of Maoshan for his kindness. Since then, Cuihua has become the patron saint of our village. She wears the "heart of the spiritual spring", which can not only keep herself and the people in the village safe and healthy, but also make the crops grow vigorously, and the poultry and livestock are as strong as calves. The people in the village have great respect for Cuihua, and they all say that they want to learn from her kindness and bravery, and contribute to the development of our village.

Besides, the little fox, since he was saved by Cuihua, has become the mascot of our village. It follows Cuihua's ass every day, up and down the mountain, like a little follower. Everyone said that this was Cuihua's good retribution, and it was also the embodiment of her kindness. The story of Cuihua spread all over the village, and when she was mentioned, people were amazed: how could an ordinary girl encounter such a strange thing, get such a treasure, and become the patron saint of our village! This thing is simply a legend!

The woman went up the mountain, but was forcibly defiled by the bandits, and the woman laughed: You have been tricked

What about Cuihua herself? She still picks mountain goods early in the morning, takes care of those small animals, and wears the "heart of spiritual spring" to bless the safety and health of our village and the people in the village. She knows that she is an ordinary girl, but she also knows that as long as she has love, courage, and kindness in her heart, she can write her own legendary story!