
The scholar buries his wife, and the gods laugh loudly: Old friend, do you want to give up becoming an immortal?

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

It is said that in the south, there is a place called Yunxi, and there is a scholar in that town, whose name is Li Moxuan. This guy was smart when he was a child, and he read like something, but fate was a thing, but he couldn't get along with him, and he lost his father early, leaving him and his wife to depend on each other. Later, he married a good daughter-in-law, named Liu Ruyan, and the two of them were as good as one person, although life was tight, but they were also happy.

But the good times didn't last long, Liu Ruyan suddenly got seriously ill, and no medicine could cure it. Li Moxuan's heart hurts more than a knife, and he stays by his daughter-in-law's bedside every day, hoping for a miracle. But God didn't have long eyes, so he took Liu Ruyan away. Li Moxuan was so sad that he decided to hold a beautiful funeral for his daughter-in-law, so that she could live in peace over there.

On the day of the funeral, the old and young masters in Yunxi Town came. Li Moxuan was dressed in white, holding his daughter-in-law's favorite hosta in his hand, and knelt in front of the tomb. Suddenly it darkened, thunder rumbled, and the rain was about to fall. Everyone is thinking, this is God is also shedding tears for Liu Ruyan. At this moment, a golden light rushed down from the sky and fell in front of Liu Ruyan's tomb. The golden light dissipated, and an old man with immortal wind bones appeared in front of everyone. He stroked his beard and asked Li Moxuan happily: "Old friend, what's wrong with you?" Li Moxuan was stunned for a moment, and then he recognized that this old man was not the crane he saved in the cave when he was a child. After the crane cultivated into an immortal, he promised to help him. Li Moxuan wiped his tears, choked up and said, "Immortal, I'm Li Moxuan." My daughter-in-law is gone, and I feel so uncomfortable. You promised to help me back then, can you bring my daughter-in-law back to life? ”

The scholar buries his wife, and the gods laugh loudly: Old friend, do you want to give up becoming an immortal?

The strange fish thing, like the wind, frightened the people in Yunxi Town. The old fishermen gathered around, smoking dry cigarettes, and gossiping. "Why is this fish so evil?" Old Liu smacked his lips and looked confused. "Isn't it, Lao Zhangtou'er was fine that morning, and he took a picture with this fish, and he fell ill in the afternoon, and the next day he was gone." Wang Er Mazi also looked worried. was discussing, Li Moxuan was still in front of his daughter-in-law's grave every day. But he knew in his heart that the matter of this fish must not be simple.

That night, the moon was hazy, and Li Moxuan sat in front of the grave, holding his daughter-in-law's favorite poetry collection in his hand, and read it in a low voice. Suddenly, he felt a cold thud, and when he looked up, the strange fish actually jumped out of the water and flew straight towards him! Li Moxuan was startled and wanted to hide, but he couldn't move. The fish turned golden in an instant, and swooped into his chest. He only felt a stream of heat swirling in his body, and the whole person seemed to be a different person. At this moment, the voice of the crane sounded again: "Old friend, do you know that this fish is actually transformed by the ancient divine beast Kunpeng. It violated the rules of heaven, was relegated to the world, and became a fish. Now that you are awakened in your body, it means that you have to take on the responsibility. Li Moxuan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Immortal Weng, what should I do?" Xianhe smiled: "Don't worry, Kunpeng's power will help you." If you really want to save your daughter-in-law, you have to go to the edge of the East China Sea and find an elixir called 'Soul Returning Pill'. When Li Moxuan heard that there was hope for saving his daughter-in-law, he immediately became energetic and hurriedly asked: "Where is the East China Sea?" How am I going? The crane pointed to the east and said, "Go east, go over the mountains and mountains, and you will reach the edge of the East China Sea." ”1

The scholar buries his wife, and the gods laugh loudly: Old friend, do you want to give up becoming an immortal?

2. The characteristics of the Northeast dialect are first reflected in its unique phonetics, such as retaining some characteristics of ancient Chinese pronunciation, simplifying initials and finals, and retaining phonetic characters. In terms of vocabulary, there are many dialect words, idioms, and colloquialisms in the Northeast dialect, such as "burying" and "knocking", which are friendly to listen to. Grammatically, the Northeast dialect has its own set, with overlapping verbs and noun suffixes, which make the Northeast dialect more flavorful. Moreover, the Northeast people have a bold and straightforward personality, and they like to exaggerate and metaphor when speaking, which makes the language more vivid and vivid. The Northeast dialect is also a kind of cultural carrier, carrying the history, culture and folk customs of Northeast China, which is particularly important for the study of Northeast culture and society. 2

3 In the Northeast dialect, adverbs of degree are used a lot, such as "old" and "thief". "Old" in the Northeast dialect, can mean a very deep degree, like "I'm cold today", or "This dress looks like you're old and fat". "Thief" also indicates the degree, but with a bit of exaggeration, such as "this apple thief is sweet" or "you don't look good as a thief". The usage of these two words in the Northeast dialect is a bit different from the "very" in Mandarin. "Very" can be used in comparative sentences and interrogative sentences, but "old" and "thief" are not, they are more of a subjective expression of the speaker's emotions, and sometimes a little exaggerated. 3

4. The use of Northeast dialects, direct quotations and short sentences has special regional characteristics, which makes literary works closer to the real life of Northeast China and shortens the distance between literary discourse and daily spoken language. 4

The scholar buries his wife, and the gods laugh loudly: Old friend, do you want to give up becoming an immortal?

5 In the Northeast dialect, there are many suffix compound words, which are followed by monosyllabic words with various suffixes to make the words more colloquial and sound more intimate. 5

7. The creation of the Northeast writers group generally reflects the distinctive characteristics of the times. In their novels, the description of folk culture is particularly rich, which dilutes the political utilitarian color and increases the cultural content and aesthetic value of the works. 7 You have to be careful when you go this way, you may encounter any difficult things, you have to be careful. Li Moxuan listened, nodded his head, and looked sincere: "Thank you for the old immortal's advice, I'll go to the East China Sea to find the 'Soul Returning Pill'." As soon as the sky was bright, he said goodbye to the old and young masters in the village and set out on the road to the East China Sea. Along the way, he crossed mountains and mountains, endured a lot of hardships, and finally arrived at the edge of the East China Sea. But this East China Sea is different from what he thought, the wind is strong and the waves are high, and the waves are turbulent. He tried several times, but he was slapped back by the waves. Just when he was disheartened, an old turtle emerged from the water and asked him, "Young man, are you here to find the 'Soul Rejuvenation Pill'?" Li Moxuan nodded hurriedly. The turtle sighed and said, "The 'Soul Returning Pill' is the treasure of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and it is not something that ordinary people can get. But seeing that you young man is quite ambitious, I'll help you. With that, the turtle asked him to climb on his back and swim into the deep sea together. After some twists and turns, they finally arrived at the Dragon Palace. Li Moxuan told the Dragon King what he meant, and the Dragon King was moved by his sincerity, so he gave him the 'Soul Returning Pill'. However, the Dragon King also told him that this 'Soul Returning Pill' could only bring the dead back to life temporarily, and if he wanted his wife to truly recover, he had to find a thousand-year-old snow lotus. Li Moxuan embarked on a new journey, and after a lot of hardships, he finally found the thousand-year-old snow lotus. When he returned to Yunxi Town with the 'Soul Returning Pill' and Snow Lotus, his wife's grave was already covered with grass. He put the 'Soul Returning Pill' and Snow Lotus in front of the tomb and kowtowed three times. At this moment, a miracle happened - the grass in front of the tomb suddenly parted, and the figure of Liu Ruyan slowly appeared. She seemed to have just woken up, and when she woke up, she saw her husband, who she missed day and night. The two hugged tightly, and tears flowed uncontrollably. Since then, they have lived happily ever after. And the mysterious fish also turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared. Because of his persistence and courage, Li Moxuan has become a legend in Yunxi Town. His story shows that with faith and determination, anything can be done. The mysterious fish has also become a mystery in people's hearts. But no matter what, it is an indispensable part of this story, bringing people the unique charm and mysterious atmosphere of the Northeast land. The story of Li Moxuan and Liu Ruyan spread in the town, and everyone was moved by the couple's deep affection, and talked about the mysterious fish and its adventures. However, the end of the story is not something that everyone can imagine. Li Moxuan and Liu Ruyan's happy life did not last long. Although Liu Ruyan was reborn with the help of the "Soul Returning Pill" and the power of the thousand-year-old snow lotus, her body became extremely weak and seemed to have lost its former vitality. Faced with this situation, Li Moxuan's heart was like a knife, he sought medical advice everywhere, but he never found a cure.

At this moment, Li Moxuan met a wandering Taoist priest in the town. This Taoist priest has white hair and fairy bones, and he knows that he is an extraordinary person at a glance. Seeing that Li Moxuan was worried, the Taoist priest stopped and asked with a smile: "Young man, you seem to have a lot on your mind, have you encountered any problems?" Li Moxuan saw that the Taoist morale was extraordinary, so he told him about Liu Ruyan's situation.

The scholar buries his wife, and the gods laugh loudly: Old friend, do you want to give up becoming an immortal?

After hearing this, the Taoist priest pondered for a moment, and then said, "I have observed that your wife's condition cannot be cured by ordinary medicine. The reason why she was able to be resurrected was thanks to the work of the 'Soul Returning Pill', but her soul had not yet fully returned to its place, and she needed the assistance of the aura of heaven and earth and the true feelings of the world to fully recover. Li Moxuan asked eagerly: "Then what should I do?" The Taoist priest pointed to the northeast and told him, "You can go to the top of Changbai Mountain, where there is a heavenly pool, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers." You need to bathe your wife there for seven days and seven nights so that she can absorb the essence of heaven and earth. At the same time, you will need to set up an altar in the town and pray daily for the truth of the world to help her soul return to its place. "

Li Moxuan was overjoyed after hearing this, and hurriedly thanked the Taoist priest. He said goodbye to the Taoist priest, went home to prepare his packing, and decided to go to Changbai Mountain. Before leaving, he came to Liu Ruyan's tomb and relayed the words of the Taoist priest to her one by one. After Liu Ruyan heard this, tears flashed in her eyes, she knew the hardships her husband had paid for her. She held Li Moxuan's hand tightly and advised, "You must be careful, I will wait for you to return safely." Li Moxuan nodded and resolutely embarked on the journey to Changbai Mountain.

After trekking through mountains and rivers, and after many hardships, Li Moxuan finally arrived at the Tianchi on the top of Changbai Mountain. It is shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland on earth. According to the instructions of the Taoist priest, he bathed Liu Ruyan for seven days and seven nights, during which he almost never closed his eyes, always paying attention to every change in his wife.

The scholar buries his wife, and the gods laugh loudly: Old friend, do you want to give up becoming an immortal?

At the same time, in Yunxi Town, Li Moxuan's relatives and friends set up an altar according to his instructions. Every morning, they would gather in front of the altar to pray for Liu Ruyan's true love in the world. The pious prayers rang out one after another, and spread throughout the town.

Seven days later, when Li Moxuan returned to Yunxi Town with a full body of exhaustion, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his wife was already standing at the door of his house waiting for him. Although her face was still a little pale, her eyes shone with life and brilliance. Seeing Li Moxuan's return, Liu Ruyan ran forward excitedly and hugged him tightly. The two hugged each other and cried, and at this moment, all the hardships and efforts turned into tears of happiness.

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