
Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

author:Xiao Ming children's shoes
Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

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Why do some netizens get anxious when they talk about the Japanese village war?

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

I saw on Douyin that the flood disaster was worse than the southerners and the northerners

The content of the video is the flood disaster in the south, and the southerners say that the northerners have never seen such a big water!

The northerners were not convinced, saying that when the Yellow River was not repaired, we were only called terrible!! The flooding of the Yellow River is much more than this battle!

There was also the last time I watched the dark series of the county police in "Detective Conan", which said that "the battle of Kawanakajima was a heroic battle with more than 8,000 deaths", but the barrage said "Only more than 8,000 people are heroic, and we died 400,000 in Changping alone"

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

It should be like this: a 6-year-old boy whose family has no money to pay taxes and his family starves to death, vows revenge, and goes to become an official and soldier. Years later, the boy's descendants became princes and took advantage of the hungry people who could not pay their taxes to overthrow the emperor and become the new emperor. Although he reduced taxes after he ascended the throne, as the taxes were passed down from generation to generation, another 6-year-old boy and his family starved to death. It can only be said that the peasant revolt was a good opportunity to usurp the throne

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

It is not an exaggeration to say that fighting in a small area and fighting in a large area is the difference between tactics and strategy, for example, no matter how many people in the village war, they will not think about logistics such as food after 10 days. Not to mention the issue of water sources. And most wars in Eurasia have to consider logistics first, and specific tactics second.

Japan's long-term geography has affected their strategic growth, and World War II's-like strategic planning and disregard for logistics have had devastating consequences.

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

The Opium War did send more than 10,000 troops to the United Kingdom, but the Opium War was far from the level of destroying the country, to a large extent, it was actually the Qing Dynasty that did not want to fight, not that the Qing Dynasty was really unable to fight anymore.

The Eight-Nation Alliance's war of aggression against China was really a veritable war of annihilation

However, the comparison of the strength of the two sides cannot be counted like this...... The Eight-Nation Coalition was small in number, but the Qing court was able to project even fewer opposing forces. First of all, the bottom has nothing to do with themselves, secondly, the gentry class is detached from morality, and thirdly, the governors everywhere have their own calculations. This kind of dynasty, as long as the external forces are highly organized, it is indeed not difficult to conquer, and the Qing Chengming system is not blown, and it is similar to death.

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

Have you read the history? In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the total strength of the Zhou royal family was 35,000, and in the Spring and Autumn Period, the 30,000 people of Qi Henggong could become the first hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the two superpowers of Jin and Chu fought a total of 70,000 or 80,000 people. Moreover, these soldiers are all soldiers and peasants, compared with the soldiers of the Ming Wei in later generations, a total of 1.8424 million people in Hongwu 26 years, and more than 2.7 million people when they arrived in Yongle! At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the population of Jianzhou was hundreds of thousands, and 110,000 troops were able to be dispatched during the Songjin War, which shows that it is not an exaggeration to send 600,000 troops to destroy Chu during the Warring States Period.

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

You don't know the essence of the matter, the essence is that a bunch of people chase grand epic narratives, to show that the stories of other countries are pediatric, to produce a sense of overlook, they don't care about the tragic situation of ordinary people in ancient times, because it's too long, just a few lines in the history book can't make modern people have a sense of substitution, and you don't want to say it so lofty

Because you don't have much perception of the tragic situation of ordinary people in ancient times, you just have a sense of looking down by refuting this. People are pretty much the same

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

One cavalry supply is equivalent to six infantry, and this is at the beginning of the rebellion.

In the late Warring States period of Japan, the Battle of Osaka, the largest battle that gathered the strength of all Japan, was only 100,000 and 160,000 on both sides......

What do you say about the thousand-man battle, the hundred-man battle, and even dozens of people in the early Warring States period?

The most important thing is that it is also necessary to calculate the supply distance, similar to Japan's internal short-distance warfare, China has hundreds of thousands of people from the records of the Warring States period

Why do some people start to get anxious as soon as someone says that the Warring States period in Japan was a village war?

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