
This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

On an ordinary night in June 2024, Zhang Yuqi started the live broadcast as usual. With a smile on her face, she dressed herself carefully and chatted with the camera. However, what she didn't realize was that her next sentence would trigger a storm of public opinion that swept the entire network.

The comment area of the live broadcast room was instantly detonated, and comments poured in like a tide, forming a strong discussion trend. This seemingly ordinary recommendation, but like a bombshell, it has sparked a heated discussion in the online world. "699 yuan may be cheap for you, but it may be a month's living expenses for us!"

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

"I don't understand what you mean by 'don't be expensive', is 10 yuan a pair of shoes expensive?"

"It's so expensive, I can't afford to wear those things!"

In the face of a steady stream of doubts, Zhang Yuqi seemed to be indifferent. She frowned and said in an impatient tone: "I think 699 yuan is already very cheap, can't you even pay this money?" This sentence undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and angered netizens even more.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

The topic of "Zhang Yuqi's 699 yuan high heels" quickly fermented on the Internet. On platforms such as Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, the wave of public opinion has spread rapidly. People have accused Zhang Yuqi of being ungrounded and detached from the lives of ordinary people.

Some netizens commented angrily: "Zhang Yuqi really makes people feel disgusting! Did she think everyone was as rich as she was? Someone else sneered: "It seems that in Zhang Yuqi's world, 699 yuan is as worthless as 69 yuan!" "

In the face of overwhelming criticism, Zhang Yuqi still does not seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. She posted a defensive statement on social media, asking, "I'm just expressing my opinion, why should I be attacked like this?" Is there anything wrong with everyone's different level of consumption? ”。

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

However, Ms. Zhang's statement did not quell the controversy, but instead drew new criticism. Netizens have questioned her lack of basic understanding of the living conditions of ordinary people, as well as her indifference to the social impact of her words and deeds.

This turmoil has caused people to think: Zhang Yuqi, who has gone from the grassroots step by step to today, has forgotten his origin? Is her words and deeds really as netizens said, becoming high, which is really disgusting?

As the controversy continues to escalate, this turmoil has gone beyond the scope of celebrity remarks, triggering discussions about more profound social issues such as the gap between the rich and the poor, and the responsibilities of celebrities.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Zhang Yuqi's "699 yuan high heels" incident is like a mirror, reflecting the huge gap between the entertainment industry and real life.

Twenty years ago, Zhang Yuqi at that time was just an ordinary girl with the dream of being an actress.

Zhang Yuqi, who was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province in 1987, is not wealthy. At the age of 15, she had to work part-time at KFC in order to earn tuition and living expenses. At that time, she had to get up early every day and stay up late at night, busy in the kitchen filled with oil smoke, always with a tired but determined look on her face.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

In an interview, Zhang Yuqi recalled: "At that time, a week's salary was only enough to buy a pair of ordinary sneakers", which made the young Zhang Yuqi deeply understand the importance of money.

However, fate seems to favor this strong girl. While working at KFC, Zhang Yuqi began to get involved in modeling work and was appreciated by modeling agencies. But for her, this is by no means the end, but a springboard towards her dream of being an actress.

She always had bigger dreams in mind.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

With her love for acting, Zhang Yuqi decided to go to acting school at her own expense. However, after learning that the tuition fee of the Shanghai Theater Academy was as high as 80,000 yuan, she did not give up, but strengthened her determination.

She chose another professional actor training school, and although the tuition fees still made her feel struggling, she gritted her teeth and persevered.

During that time, Zhang Yuqi was working as a model during the day, and at night she would desperately learn the theoretical knowledge of acting, and she would often fall asleep when she was tired, but the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

She once said: "In order to earn tuition, I took on a lot of modeling jobs and worked as a waitress, and it was really hard at that time, but I knew that only in this way could I realize my dream of being an actor."

Hard work pays off. In 2007, 22-year-old Zhang Yuqi became a rising star in the film industry with the movie "Apple" and won the Golden Horse Award for Best Newcomer. The moment she stood on the podium, her eyes flashed with tears of excitement, as if she saw the self who struggled in the kitchen of KFC back then.

This award is not only a high recognition of her acting skills, but also the best reward for her years of hard work.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

However, the road to getting ahead is like the stars of this night sky, and it is not all smooth sailing. In the following years, Zhang Yuqi's career experienced ups and downs. She has appeared in many films, but not every one of them has been as well received as she would have liked.

Sometimes, she has caused controversy for making certain statements, but she has always been able to turn the tide and get back on her feet with strength and perseverance.

This process highlights Zhang Yuqi's character traits even more. Her straightforward and outspoken personality has brought trouble and become her unique label. "I know that I can be very direct in my words and actions once in a while, and I can offend people.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

But I'm such a character, I don't want to disguise myself," Zhang Yuqi explained her style of action in this way in an interview.

From a part-time girl at KFC to a Golden Horse Award winner, Zhang Yuqi's transformation seems glamorous, but who can really understand the hardships and sweat? The girl who used to walk rather than take the bus in order to save money is now able to easily buy high heels for 699 yuan.

This huge gap in life may be one of the reasons why she sometimes seems "ungrounded".

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Does the girl who felt distressed about the 699 yuan shoes exist in Zhang Yuqi's heart today? This question is not only an in-depth question for Zhang Yuqi, but also a deep reflection on the entire entertainment industry.

From an ordinary girl to a film and television star, Zhang Yuqi's transformation reflects the many challenges and contradictions faced by stars after becoming famous.

Zhang Yuqi's love and marriage are full of drama. The ups and downs of her emotional life, like the expression of her character, always attract everyone's attention.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

In 2008, 23-year-old Zhang Yuqi married Quan Yukui, an outsider. At that time, her eyes flashed with happiness, as if she had found a home in life. This marriage lasted for a full decade and is quite stable in the entertainment industry.

In the past ten years, Zhang Yuqi's career has been thriving, and she has also expressed her gratitude to her husband in public many times.

However, this seemingly happy marriage finally came to an end. In 2018, Zhang Yuqi suddenly announced her divorce from Quan Yukui, and the news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the entertainment industry.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

What's even more shocking is that shortly after the divorce, Zhang Yuqi disclosed her relationship with Yuan Bayuan on social media.

This short-lived marriage only lasted for a few months before it came to an end, and the divorce process was full of controversy, which pushed Zhang Yuqi to the forefront of public opinion. The divorce from Yuan Bayuan can be described as a "bitter battle", with the husband and wife accusing each other online, and even involving serious accusations such as domestic violence.

In this divorce turmoil, Zhang Yuqi's image was severely hit. Some people accused her of being too headstrong and changing partners frequently; There are also people who sympathize with her experience in the relationship and believe that she is a victim of domestic violence.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

In any case, this experience undoubtedly left a deep psychological shadow on Zhang Yuqi.

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, Zhang Yuqi chose to respond positively. She candidly said in an interview: "I know that my emotional experience may be incomprehensible to many people, but this is my life.

I have the right to pursue the happiness I want," her tone was firm, and there was a hint of stubbornness in her eyes.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

These ups and downs of emotional experience have undoubtedly carved deep traces in Zhang Yuqi's heart. These experiences have shaped her personality today, and may be one of the reasons why she sometimes feels "on top."

The experience of two failed marriages has made Zhang Yuqi seem to become more independent and self-contained.

After divorcing Yuan Bayuan, Zhang Yuqi posted on social media: "I just want to work hard and take care of my children now." This quote may reveal a new attitude towards the future.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

However, the twists and turns of her love life did not stop Zhang Yuqi's determination to pursue her career. On the contrary, these experiences have made her stronger and more independent. In the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Zhang Yuqi showed a strong, hard-working, and unyielding side, which gave many viewers a new understanding of her.

Zhang Yuqi's emotional experience is like a soap opera with twists and turns in life, from a seemingly stable ten-year marriage, to a short and sensational second marriage, and then to her current single status, every stage has sparked widespread public discussion.

These experiences not only shaped today's Zhang Yuqi, but also let us see the emotional dilemmas faced by stars in the entertainment industry.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

After a series of turmoil, Zhang Yuqi seems to have learned to protect her private life more carefully. However, her straightforward and open-minded expression of love and hate remains her most distinctive label.

Although this personality highlights her charm, it also often attracts controversy for her.

Zhang Yuqi's personality, like the double-edged sword of Cui's two bands, is both a key factor in her success and a source of controversy for her. From an early age, she showed personality traits that were out of the ordinary.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Zhang Yuqi has shown a straightforward and courageous character since childhood, and has a strong goal for the future. She once recalled: "I was a naughty little girl since I was a child, and I could always provoke adults to jump on my feet.

This kind of character that dares to say and do is even more vividly manifested after she became famous.

In the entertainment industry, Zhang Yuqi is famous for her "open-mouthedness". She often openly expresses surprising opinions. For example, she once said frankly in an interview: "I think I'm beautiful and my acting skills are good."

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

This self-confidence, in the eyes of many, has reached the level of conceit.

However, Zhang Yuqi doesn't seem to care about other people's opinions. She once responded to criticism like this: "I am such a person, people who like me will naturally like me, and I can't help people who don't like me."

This attitude has made her set up a lot of "enemies" in the circle, but she has also won a group of fans who appreciate her true temperament.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Zhang Yuqi's self-confidence stems from her upbringing, from being born in an ordinary family to becoming a star by her own efforts, this experience has given her a wealth of self-confidence. She once explained: "I know every step of you has not come easily, so keep it up!" I have reason to be proud of myself.

However, her self-confidence can also sometimes make her seem out of touch with reality. For example, in this "699 yuan high heels" incident, she seems to have forgotten that she was once an ordinary person and ignored the feelings of the public.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

This kind of words and deeds have made her fall into the whirlpool of public opinion many times.

In the face of criticism, Ms. Zhang's response has often been firm and tough. She once confessed after a controversy: "I don't think I'm at fault, why apologize?" It is this uncompromising attitude that makes her situation in the circle more and more difficult.

However, Zhang Yuqi's straightforwardness has made many people feel appreciated. A fan said to her: "At least she is real, unlike some celebrities who always pretend." This authentic personality has become a unique symbol of her in the entertainment industry.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Zhang Yuqi's personality traits are also reflected in her attitude towards work. In the program "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", she showed the spirit of not admitting defeat, always going all out, challenging young players without flinching, and showing a strong sense of competition.

However, her strong sense of self makes her sometimes ignore the feelings of others. In the show, she caused controversy because of her direct evaluation of other contestants. But she still stands by her point of view, which she sees as a sign of honesty.

Zhang Yuqi is a woman with a complex personality, with sharp edges, real and distinct. Her candor may sometimes offend others, but it also allows her to maintain a unique personality in the entertainment industry.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Her self-confidence gives her the courage to move forward, but it can also make her seem arrogant at times.

By understanding Zhang Yuqi's character, we can better understand her words and deeds, including those controversial remarks. Zhang Yuqi's character is both her weapon and her weakness.

In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, Zhang Yuqi insists on her true self in her own way, although the process is not always smooth.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Zhang Yuqi's story reveals to us that while insisting on oneself, we must also learn to live in harmony with society. This is a process that requires continuous learning and growth, and Zhang Yuqi is going through this process.

After experiencing emotional and controversial troubles, Zhang Yuqi's career has suffered unprecedented challenges. In 2019, her public dispute with her agent, Chen Quan, almost pushed her career to the brink of a cliff.

The dispute arose from a contract dispute between Zhang Yuqi and the brokerage company. The two sides did not give in to each other on social media, and the situation was stalemate for a while. Zhang Yuqi accused the brokerage company of breaching the arrears of wages, and the brokerage company countered that Zhang Yuqi had repeatedly violated the terms of the contract.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

The public dispute seriously damaged Ms. Zhang's public image and made her situation in the circle even more difficult.

At the low point of her career, Zhang Yuqi chose to face difficulties. She began to actively participate in various variety shows, trying to reshape her public image. Among them, the most striking is her performance in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves".

In this show, Zhang Yuqi showed her little-known side: strong, hard-working, and unwilling to admit defeat. She dedicates herself to every performance, even when challenged by young contestants.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

She said something on the show that impressed many viewers: "I know that many people are prejudiced against me, but I want to say that I am still the Zhang Yuqi who is eager to be recognized."

Zhang Yuqi's efforts in variety shows have allowed her to gradually regain the public's favor. The audience got to know her anew, and paid tribute to her true temperament and fighting spirit. Many netizens commented on the Internet: "It turns out that Zhang Yuqi not only can talk big, she really works hard."

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

However, just when her career seemed to be about to take off again, the "699 yuan high heels" incident once again pushed her to the forefront of public opinion. In the wake of this incident, it is clear that it will be a severe test of her recent attempts to rebuild her image.

It can be seen from this response that Zhang Yuqi seems to have begun to take into account the feelings of others while insisting on herself. This change may be a manifestation of growth after many turmoil.

Even so, Zhang Yuqi's career comeback still faces many challenges. She needs to find a balance between staying true to herself and catering to public expectations, a process that takes time and wisdom.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Zhang Yuqi's career journey is like a movie with twists and turns, ups and downs, and no lack of passion. In the process, she has not only experienced the ups and downs of life, but also gained a lot of growth.

Her experience tells us that in the complex environment of the entertainment industry, it is equally important to assert yourself and learn to adapt.

No matter what the future holds, and whether Zhang Yuqi can continue to engage in acting career in the future, the story of her career comeback deserves continued attention. Not only because the protagonist involved in this story is Zhang Yuqi personally, but more importantly, it reveals some deep-seated problems in the entire entertainment industry.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Zhang Yuqi's 699 yuan high heels incident is not just a problem of one person, but also reflects some deeper problems in the entire entertainment industry and even society.

Celebrities are always transmitting an idea to the society, and while they enjoy the benefits of fame and fortune, they should be responsible. The plot caused by Zhang Yuqi's speech makes us have to think deeply, should celebrities be more cautious about their words and deeds? .

Zhang Yuqi was made headlines by 699 yuan, and the incident also exposed the huge gap in living standards between the general public and celebrities. 699 yuan may be a small amount for Zhang Yuqi, but it is a lot of money for many people.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

This gap not only exists at the material level, but also in the way of thinking, how to narrow this gap is a problem that the whole society needs to face.

At the same time, this incident has triggered people's thinking about the ecology of the entertainment industry. Many people question whether celebrities have gradually lost their perception of ordinary life due to living under the "spotlight" for a long time? In addition, does the entertainment industry need to establish a mechanism to help celebrities stay connected to society?

For Zhang Yuqi personally, this incident is undoubtedly a painful lesson. However, looking at it from another angle, it may also help her to re-examine herself and adjust her mentality. If she can learn from this incident and be able to understand and be considerate of others while asserting herself and maintaining her own style, then her image will improve.

This time, the "high" Zhang Yuqi made the public extremely disgusting!

Looking forward to the future, whether Zhang Yuqi or other celebrities, they need to realize the influence of their own words and behaviors, and learn to assume social responsibility while enjoying fame and fortune, only in this way can they truly win the respect and love of the public.

Finally, as the public, we also need to be rational about the words and deeds of celebrities. It should not be blindly worshipped, nor should it be overly harsh. Everyone has a process of growth, and the key is to learn from mistakes and improve through reflection.

Zhang Yuqi's experience may become a mirror of the entertainment industry and even the whole society, allowing us to reflect and make progress together.

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