
The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

author:Cake cold Xiaomei

Who would have thought that Zeng Chunlei and Wang Yunrui, the former "enemies on the battlefield", would become "sympathetic to each other" after two Olympic Games.

These two turned out to be the "sworn enemies" of the Beijing women's volleyball team and the Bayi team, and they did not give in to each other on the field, and they were-for-tat.

However, life is always full of drama, look at the current scene, who can not sigh "the world is unpredictable"?

The name Zeng Chunlei should be familiar to volleyball fans of a certain age.

In 2009, she was recruited into the national team for the first time by Coach Cai Bin, and Xiao Zeng Chunlei, who was only 20 years old at the time, broke into everyone's field of vision like a dark horse.

Don't look at her height of 1.89 meters, but she moves flexibly and reacts quickly, completely subverting everyone's stereotype of tall players.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

In the 2012 London Olympics, she was just a substitute and played with the halo of a substitute, but she behaved like a god in the game, and instantly became the focus of everyone's heated discussion.

At that time, Zeng Chunlei was really red through half the sky!

Let's talk about Lang Ping in 2013 when he took charge of the whip again, and at this time Zeng Chunlei's position became more stable and became the main force of the national team.

In the 2014 World Championships, she played well and helped the Chinese women's volleyball team win the runner-up.

In the 2015 World Cup, she replaced Hui Ruoqi, who was recuperating due to illness, became the captain of the national team and led the team to win the championship.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

It was a glorious time!

Life won't always be so easy.

On the eve of the 2016 Rio Olympics, injuries suddenly came to the door, which caught Zeng Chunlei, who was still dreaming of the Olympic dream, off guard.

Lang Ping had no choice but to replace her with a young rookie Gong Xiangyu.

In this way, Zeng Chunlei passed by the Olympic champion.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

Fans lamented that Lang Ping owed Zeng Chunlei an Olympic champion, this kind of regret is really buried deep in their hearts.

Having said that, Wang Yunrui, this name may not be so familiar to you.

It turned out to be the main attacker of the Bayi team, and after the Bayi team was disbanded, she transferred to the Beijing team.

She was also briefly selected for Lang Ping's national team, but unfortunately the competition for the main offensive position was too fierce at that time, and she failed to gain a firm foothold.

After the Tokyo Olympics, the main offensive position of the Chinese women's volleyball team was in short supply, Zhu Ting went overseas to play, Zhang Changning returned to his family, Liu Xiaotong retired, and Liu Yanhan, who had strong offensive ability but couldn't pass, did not enter the eyes of the new head coach Cai Bin.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

In this way, Wang Yunrui relied on his ability to receive six rounds of one pass, and once again entered the new national team formed by Cai Bin.

In the 2022 World League, Wang Yunrui successfully played from a substitute to a starter with her outstanding performance.

Let's take a look back at her highlights in the 2023 World League.

The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the Japanese women's volleyball team 3-0 in the group stage, and in that game, Wang Yunrui suppressed the Japanese team's offensive hard, leaving the opponent helpless.

The most amazing thing is the semi-finals of the finals against the Polish women's volleyball team, Wang Yunrui behaved like a god of war, 16 deductions and 11 hits, which directly stunned the coach of the Polish team, and finally the Chinese women's volleyball team swept Poland 3-0 and advanced to the finals!

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

However, life played a big joke on Wang Yunrui again.

During the preparation for the Paris Olympics this year, Zhang Changning and Zhu Ting returned one after another, which means that Wang Yunrui's starting main attack position is in jeopardy.

Sure enough, in the group stage of this year's World League, when the Chinese women's volleyball team played against the Turkish women's volleyball team, Zhang Changning started when she fell behind 0-2, not only attacking at the No. 4 position, but even attacking in the back row was like chopping melons and vegetables, and the 25 passes she received were all safe and sound, becoming the key to reversing Turkey.

In many games, Zhang Changning has repeatedly shown her strong attack and one-pass ability, which has also surpassed Wang Yunrui.

In this way, the return of the veteran Zhang Changning, the rise of the new Wu Mengjie, coupled with Zhu Ting's strong performance, Wang Yunrui could only retreat to the second place, and finally missed the list of participants in the Paris Olympics.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

Now look at this pair of former "enemies", they were all replaced before the Olympic Games, one because of injury, the other because of inferior skills, it can really be described as "sympathy".

If you want to be lucky, Wang Yunrui is still slightly luckier than Zeng Chunlei, after all, Zeng Chunlei missed the Olympic championship back then, and Wang Yunrui just missed the qualification, with the current strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team, it is good to be in the top four.

As for the hope of winning the Paris Olympics, it really depends on how God arranges it.

Speaking of which, I have to sigh that competitive sports are really unpredictable, and there are too many unknowns and accidents.

Whether it is Zeng Chunlei or Wang Yunrui, they have presented wonderful games for everyone in their respective careers and made great contributions to the team.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

But in the arena, only the strongest can laugh, which is also the cruelty and charm of competitive sports.

Looking back at the Chinese women's volleyball team, in recent years, it has indeed been in a stage of talent shortage, with veterans returning and new talents catching up, but the overall strength is still lacking.

Fans' expectations for the women's volleyball team are always high, and everyone hopes that the Chinese women's volleyball team can return to the top, but the reality has to face various challenges.

I hope that in the next games, the girls of the women's volleyball team can have a better performance, win glory for the country, and draw a bright stroke for their careers.

I would like to send my blessings to Zeng Chunlei and Wang Yunrui, and hope that they will be able to have smooth sailing in the coming days, both on and off the court, and continue to shine in their respective fields.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

Competitive sports are like this, there is the glory of victory, there are also tears of defeat, no matter what, as long as you have worked hard and struggled, it is the most beautiful youth.

So, friends, let's continue to pay attention to the Chinese women's volleyball team and look forward to them bringing more surprises and touches in the future arena! After all, in the world of competitive sports, wins and losses are commonplace, and ups and downs are unpredictable.

After watching Zeng Chunlei and Wang Yunrui's experience over the years, fans also have a more tolerant and understanding attitude towards the Chinese women's volleyball team.

To put it bluntly, the competition is like the ups and downs of our lives, sometimes you are at the top, sometimes you are at the bottom, as long as you work hard, you are already a winner.

Everyone may remember Zeng Chunlei's regret before the Rio Olympics, to be honest, it really made countless fans sweat for her.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

However, Zeng Chunlei did not lose her head because of this, but continued to contribute to her club and the national team in her later career.

Similarly, Wang Yunrui's failure to participate in the Paris Olympics this time is also a big blow to her, but her fighting spirit will definitely not be extinguished.

They are telling us with practical actions: life is not smooth sailing, the key is how you face challenges.

Let's talk about the current situation of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

In the past few years, the game has been up and down, making the fans' mood like a roller coaster.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

Originally, everyone was looking forward to the return of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning to bring new vitality to the team, especially Zhu Ting, the "first sister of the women's volleyball team", her influence and strength should not be underestimated.

However, reality is always full of variables, the old and the new alternate, and there are always some places where coordination is not in place.

Speaking of which, we can't help but mention Cai Bin, the head coach.

As the helmsman of the Chinese women, the pressure on Cai Bin's shoulders is not small.

The fans' expectations for him are also quite high! We all hope that he can lead the Chinese women's volleyball team to new glory.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

However, this competitive sport is not something that can be achieved by expectation alone, and every game requires careful strategy and the full dedication of the players.

Cai Bin is also constantly adjusting his tactics, hoping to find the most suitable lineup and playing style through scientific training and game practice.

Now when it comes to the Paris Olympics, although the lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team has been adjusted, everyone is still full of expectations for them.

Whether it is Zeng Chunlei, Wang Yunrui, or Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, their fighting spirit will be passed on to the new generation of players.

We must not only see their shining moments on the field, but also understand the sweat and hard work behind them.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

Many fans say that the "women's volleyball spirit" is an indelible force.

This is not only reflected in the courage and courage of the competition, but also in the courage and resilience of the face of difficulties.

Zeng Chunlei's perseverance in the face of injuries and Wang Yunrui's attitude of still training hard when she was frustrated have deeply infected us.

They tell us that no matter how big setbacks we encounter in life, as long as we have dreams in our hearts and actions under our feet, we can always usher in a new dawn.

Some people say that the women's volleyball game is like life, every minute and every second is full of variables.

The former pair of bitter enemies, separated by two Olympic cycles, have now become "sympathy for the same disease"

Victory is gratifying, but getting up after defeat and continuing to fight is even more precious.

The story of Zeng Chunlei and Wang Yunrui just confirms this.

Isn't their experience a portrayal of every ordinary person? There are always some unexpected ups and downs in life, but it is precisely because of these ups and downs that we can truly appreciate the beauty of life.

For the future performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team, we can have more expectations and dreams.

Whether it's at the Paris Olympics or other important events in the future, we want to see them put in a good performance for their hard work.

Of course, we must also understand that competitive sports are so cruel, and the outcome is unpredictable, but as long as there is that unyielding fighting spirit and fighting spirit, it is the spirit of the women's volleyball team that we are most proud of.

We want to say to every female volleyball player, no matter what you have experienced on the court, you are all heroes in our hearts.

Zeng Chunlei, Wang Yunrui, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, there is a touching story behind each name, and every moment records your glorious years.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I hope you can continue to move forward bravely and bring more excitement and excitement to us.

Friends, continue to pay attention to the Chinese women's volleyball team and continue to cheer for them! Every game is a great show, and every moment is a memory for us.

Women's volleyball girls, come on!