
Huawei Ark One: Opening a new era of smart home

author:Short stories
Huawei Ark One: Opening a new era of smart home

Enlightenment in the era of personal intelligence

When I was a little kid, I remember the phone at home as a heavy black rotary dial machine that sat quietly in the corner of the living room, ringing only at important moments. At that time, communication was a solemn thing, it needed to be planned, and it was necessary to wait. However, everything has changed over time. The advent of smartphones, like a revolution, has completely changed our lives. Suddenly, the whole world is in our hands, information, communication, entertainment, everything, everywhere.

The birth of Huawei's "Ark One" Space Intelligence Open Lab heralds the arrival of another revolution. This is not just a leap forward in technology, but also a bold prediction of the future of life. Imagine that every corner of your home, every item, is able to intelligently respond to your needs, from lights to music, from temperature to security, everything can be adjusted to fit the rhythm of your life. This is a new era, an era of whole-house intelligence.

And it all started with a simple vision: to make life better. Huawei's "Ark One" is like an ark of intelligent technology, carrying this vision and sailing into the unknown seas. It's not just a laboratory, it's a starting point for a dream, a starting point for making your home a truly smart space. Here, the future has already begun, and each of us is a witness and participant in this change.

Huawei Ark One: Opening a new era of smart home

Whole-house intelligence, a blueprint for future life

In the town where I grew up, the lights were turned on and off manually, the curtains were drawn by hand, and the temperature was controlled by thick blankets or the breeze outside the window. But now, Huawei's "Ark One" Space Intelligence Open Lab has brought a whole new possibility: a completely intelligent home. Here, the lights will automatically adjust to your mood and activities, the curtains will open and close with sunrise, and the temperature will be adjusted to the most comfortable state before you go home.

Huawei's "1+2+N" strategy is at the heart of all this. Among them, "1" represents the smart host, which is the brain of the whole house intelligent system, responsible for coordinating and controlling all smart devices in the home. The "2" represents two ways of interaction - the central control screen and the smart speaker, and the smart life APP, which allows us to easily manage the smart devices in the whole house. As for "N", it represents countless subsystems, covering lighting, shading, security, heating and fresh air, network, audio-visual entertainment and other aspects, forming an all-round intelligent life network.

Imagine you come home from work, the door automatically unlocks when you approach, the lights gently greet you back, the music softly plays with your steps, and the air conditioner has been tuned to your favorite temperature. This is no longer a scene from a science fiction movie, but a future that Huawei's "Ark One" is trying to achieve. It's a future where life is easier, more comfortable and safer, and a future where everyone can enjoy the beauty of technology. And it all starts with a deep understanding of life and an infinite vision for the future.

Huawei Ark One: Opening a new era of smart home

Market potential and the power of industrial cooperation

When I was a child, the market was a lively place where people interacted with each other and shared their products and stories. Today, Huawei's "Ark One" Space Intelligence Open Lab represents not only technological progress, but also the opening of a huge market potential. This market is not a stall and a hawker in the traditional sense, but a digital world full of infinite possibilities.

The market potential of the whole house smart industry is huge. According to IDC, this market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 46.9%. This means that in the next few years, whole-home intelligence will become a trillion-level market. Imagine that every home is equipped with smart devices, and every corner is filled with the temperature of technology. It's not just a business opportunity, it's a life-changing opportunity.

Huawei is not alone in this market. Its cooperation with companies such as Easyhome, China Resources Land and Vanke demonstrates the power of industrial cooperation. These collaborations are not only business alliances, but also the resonance of intelligent concepts. Each collaboration is a joint exploration and definition of the future way of life.

Behind these collaborations is Huawei's "1+2+N" strategy. This strategy is not only Huawei's strategy, it has become the engine of the entire industry's development. Through this strategy, Huawei and its partners are working together to promote a new way of life—a smart way of life. It's a lifestyle where everyone can enjoy the convenience of technology, and a lifestyle where every home can be a smart space. This is a future full of hopes and dreams, and we are on the threshold of that future.

Huawei Ark One: Opening a new era of smart home

The intelligent revolution under the acceleration key in Shenzhen

In my childhood memories, Shenzhen was a vibrant city with high-rise buildings springing up. Today, the city is once again at the forefront of a new technological revolution. Shenzhen is not only home to Huawei's headquarters, but also a leader in the whole-house smart industry. Here, the government's policy support and the innovation efforts of enterprises have jointly drawn a beautiful blueprint for whole-house intelligent applications.

The "Opinions on Accelerating the Application of Whole House Intelligence and Improving the Quality of Urban Buildings" issued by the Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau is the clarion call for this revolution. It puts forward an ambitious goal: by 2025, the city's new residential buildings and government-invested new schools, hospitals and other public service facilities will be fully implemented whole-house smart applications. This is not only an improvement of building quality, but also a profound change to the intelligence of the living environment.

Behind this policy is a deep insight into the way of life of the future. In Shenzhen, whole-house intelligence is no longer an unattainable dream, but a blueprint that is becoming a reality. From the unveiling of Huawei's "Ark One" Space Intelligence Open Lab to the strategic cooperation with Vanke and other enterprises, every step shows Shenzhen's ambition and determination in the field of smart home.

With the continuous promotion and application of whole-house intelligent technology, Shenzhen is becoming a new "smart city". Here, every home will enjoy the convenience and comfort brought by technology, and every public space will become smarter and more efficient. Shenzhen's step-by-step practice has provided valuable experience and examples not only for itself, but also for urban development in the whole country and even the world.

The future has come, and Shenzhen is the epitome of this future. Here, everyone can feel the changes brought about by intelligence, and everyone is a participant in this revolution. The story of Shenzhen continues, and each of us has the opportunity to be a part of this story. It's a story about intelligence, innovation and the future, a story for everyone.

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