
Before the amnesty in 1959, the reporter walked into the Qincheng farm and saw the real Qincheng

author:Xiaomei told you

Before the amnesty in 1959, the reporter walked into the Qincheng farm and saw the real Qincheng, when the land of China in 1959 was in a special historical period. With the founding of the People's Republic of China, the issue of prisoners of war has become a thorny issue that needs to be solved urgently. Qincheng Farm, on the outskirts of Beijing, is a facility dedicated to prisoners of war. On September 18 of that year, an amnesty decree was issued, which gave countless prisoners of war high hopes for the day when they would finally regain their freedom. The subsequent visits and photographic records of reporters have infinitely magnified their expectations and filled them with a beautiful vision for the future. But who would have thought that fantasy would soon be shattered by reality. How does the story behind this play out?

Before the amnesty in 1959, the reporter walked into the Qincheng farm and saw the real Qincheng

In 1959, at the foot of Xiaotangshan Hot Spring, a newly built prison rose from the ground and was dusty. It was later known as Qincheng Prison, but it was called "Qincheng Farm" to the outside world at that time. The prisoners of war from Gongdelin Prison were told to come and participate in the construction of this "farm".

But on September 18 of that year, the new Chinese government issued an amnesty decree, giving countless prisoners of war hope for a new life. The next day, a director of the Ministry of Public Security, surnamed Sun, took reporters and photographers to visit Qincheng Farm. They gathered the prisoners of war together to capture precious images of this historic moment. The prisoners of war were in high spirits, cooperated with the filming, and were also taken to work in the orchard to show their "rehabilitation" side.

Before the amnesty in 1959, the reporter walked into the Qincheng farm and saw the real Qincheng

"Look, it must be a warm-up for our amnesty! We will be released before the National Day!" Everyone was bewitched by the excitement of the current situation, and naively thought that they were about to be released.

Six days later, photographers and reporters returned and filmed for the morning and afternoon. In the afternoon, the POWs played cards, chess, and exercised as usual. The photographer deliberately told them to continue their activities as usual, in order to capture their most authentic side.

Before the amnesty in 1959, the reporter walked into the Qincheng farm and saw the real Qincheng

Gradually, some people who understood were also confused. "How can the scale of the propaganda be so large? Could it be that you just want to put a handful of people and make a show?" Someone began to have doubts in their hearts. However, most people are still immersed in the imagination of "universal amnesty" and cannot extricate themselves.

It was not until 30 September that the amnesty was circulated. This made all expectations come to naught - it turned out to be just "the release of a group of prisoners of war who have indeed been rehabilitated". One by one is no longer proud, and the gloomy clouds are bleak and heavy.

After a long wait, on 4 December 1959, the amnesty list was belated, with only 10 people on the list. That night, the unforgiven prisoners of war fell into complete despair, either falling on the kang in a daze, or pouring out their grievances over and over again, "How can there be ten people?" over and over again.

Before the amnesty in 1959, the reporter walked into the Qincheng farm and saw the real Qincheng

This is a past full of helplessness and disappointment, but it also allows us to see the various states of human nature and the impermanence of fate. Even though it would take years to regain their freedom, the good hopes that the POWs had had gave them at least a few months of hope for survival.

Before the amnesty in 1959, the reporter walked into the Qincheng farm and saw the real Qincheng

In general, this period of amnesty in 1959, full of idealism, often contains the breeding of glamorous illusions; Disillusionment has always been painful, but it is precisely because of this that the desire for rational thinking is born; Moreover, how to maintain inner peace and judgment in turbulent times is another proposition that no one can give a definite answer. History will never give people a straightforward conclusion, only when we calm down and interpret with an open and peaceful mind, can we taste the mellow fragrance that is like water. #头条首发大赛#