
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!
Two old people went to a nursing home, and they didn't go in at the age of 70 and didn't go in at the age of 90, and the reason was laughing!

In a quiet town in ancient times, there is a story about two old men. These two old men, one is an old man named Zhang Bo, and the other is a cautious wise man named Li Weng. Both are the same age, both are seventy years old, however, their personalities and concepts of life are completely different.

Zhang Bo has an open-minded personality, likes to travel, and has traveled all over the world in his life and has a wide range of knowledge. One of the things he often said was: "When you are in the world, you should be happy in time." Li Weng, on the other hand, is a thoughtful person who firmly believes in the principle of "preparing for a rainy day" and has spent his life preparing for retirement.

Although the two have very different personalities, they have a deep friendship and often get together to drink tea and discuss. One day, the two of them were sitting under the old locust tree in the town, looking at the sunset in the distance, Zhang Bo suddenly smiled and said: "Li Weng, you say that we are so old, should we go to the nursing home to enjoy Qingfu, or should we continue to explore the rivers and lakes?" ”

When Li Weng heard this, he stroked his beard and said slowly: "Uncle Zhang, you and I are both seventy years old, and we should enjoy our old age in peace." However, I think we should still have a plan for retirement. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Zhang laughed: "Pension? I'm not that idle. Look at my bones, it won't be a problem to live another twenty years. I still want to continue to travel and see the world. ”

Li Weng also smiled: "Having said that, people always get old one day." We should still have an alternative. ”

The two of them discussed like this, word by word, until it was getting late and they went home separately.

However, fate is always full of drama. Soon after, a nursing home was built in the town to provide a comfortable environment for the elderly. When Zhang Bo and Li Weng learned the news, they both fell into deep thought.

Uncle Zhang thought to himself: "I have been traveling all my life, and I have never thought about the issue of pension. Now that I have this opportunity, I might want to give it a try. So, he decided to apply for a nursing home.

Li Weng, on the other hand, has been preparing for retirement for a long time, with a lot of savings at home and a few servants to take care of daily life. He didn't feel he needed a nursing home, so he didn't apply.

In this way, Uncle Zhang successfully lived in a nursing home and began his later life. He chatted, played chess, and drank tea with the old people in the courtyard every day, and lived a very comfortable life. Li Weng continued to live a comfortable life at home, but as time went on, his physical condition gradually declined, and the servants in the family grew old and could no longer take care of him as before.

One day, Uncle Zhang met Li Weng who came to visit his old friend in a nursing home. The two hit it off at first sight and had a good conversation. Uncle Zhang looked at Li Weng's haggard face, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Li Weng, if you had lived in a nursing home with me, you wouldn't have to work so hard now." ”

After Li Weng heard this, he smiled bitterly: "Uncle Zhang, you are right. I have spent my whole life preparing for retirement, but I have neglected the essence of life. Now it seems that I was still too cautious. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to their youth. They talked about the past, as well as their hopes and visions for the future.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Uncle Zhang is already ninety years old. He is still in good spirits and living happily in a nursing home. And Li Weng also spent his old age peacefully at home, although there were some twists and turns, but in the end he reaped happiness.

The story spread around the town and became a generational story. People have learned the true meaning of life: in life, we must not only cherish the present, but also plan for the future. But the most important thing is to maintain an optimistic attitude and smile at life, no matter what the situation is.

As the years passed, the story of the two old men still circulated in the town. Whenever people mention this story, they can't help but laugh out loud. Because in this story, they see their own shadow and also see hope in life.