
When a woman says these things to you, she seems to be considerate of you, but in fact, she doesn't have you in her heart at all


There is a big difference between women's and men's attitudes towards relationships, men are usually more straightforward, don't like is not like, like is like. They will also be very clear when rejecting women, but that doesn't mean they don't have emotion, they just look at feelings more rationally.

Women's attitude towards feelings is relatively complex, and if they don't love someone, they won't say it directly, but use some words or behaviors to express it together, implying that the man himself has lost interest in feelings.

Many men have a hard time reading a woman's mind, so they may not know that their relationship has come to an end. They will treat women clumsily, but in the end they can only sigh alone and chew on the good memories of what was once a good time.

Girls don't speak as bluntly as boys, and there are often mysteries in their words, so boys need to empathize and understand the meaning of their words from the girl's point of view.

When a woman says these things to you, she seems to be considerate of you, but in fact, she doesn't have you in her heart at all

Our colleague Xiao Gang is really a happy little sun, and the whole office loves to communicate with him. Xiao Gang has a very good personality and is willing to help others, everyone loves him very much, and I feel that he is our team darling.

Recently, the atmosphere in the office has become gloomy and dull, because Xiao Gang is silent and sighing every day, and colleagues are also very curious, how Xiao Gang of the optimist faction seems to have changed recently.

Everyone knows that Xiaogang has a very good girlfriend named Lili, who has strong workplace ability and is also very independent in life. The relationship between the two has always been stable and rarely quarrels, but Xiaogang revealed to his colleagues that they had ended their relationship a few days ago.

Xiao Gang felt sad to break up because he had always thought that the relationship between the two was very strong, but Lily unexpectedly proposed to break up, and told him that he actually stopped loving him a long time ago.

Lily often expresses her attitude towards this relationship in her daily life, but Xiao Gang ignores it and never changes. This made Lily feel very lost, and she didn't give Xiao Gang another chance to redeem it, and finally left Xiao Gang's life completely.

When a woman says these things to you, she seems to be considerate of you, but in fact, she doesn't have you in her heart at all

Many men in life have encountered this inexplicable separation, thinking that the relationship between the two people is very strong and good, but in fact, it has already been seriously damaged.

When chasing a girl, we felt that we had understood her thoroughly. But in the end, we find that the girl we like is not interested in us, and we don't know what is wrong.

Understand the meaning behind a woman's words when you are in a relationship, a woman who says these words seems to care about your feelings, but she doesn't really think much in her heart. This is what I want to share today.

You're really nice

"Good guy card" is a popular word these days, and it is also a common phrase used by many girls when rejecting boys. Saying that you are a good person looks like complimenting you is actually telling you that I am not interesting to you.

When a girl does not want to accept a man's pursuit, it is sometimes difficult to assert a rejection ruthlessly. In order to avoid hurting men's self-esteem, they will say something tactful and high-sounding, which can make the man feel that he is not completely denied, and at the same time can be tactfully rejected.

When a woman says these things to you, she seems to be considerate of you, but in fact, she doesn't have you in her heart at all

I said this sentence to let the man know that no matter how well you treat her, she still doesn't feel in her heart, you are just a "good person", don't trouble her anymore.

It's okay you're busy

Women will be a little cautious and selfish in their relationships, and being too tolerant may not necessarily mean that they really love you, and they may not care too much in their hearts. In fact, this means: you have your busy business, and I can be good alone. For me, there is no difference between one person and two people.

If a guy forgets a girl's birthday or an important anniversary because of a busy job, the girl who loves you will definitely feel angry and a little dissatisfied, while the girl who doesn't love you will cover up her emotions with words that seem to understand.

A woman's dependence on a man in a relationship is sometimes directly proportional to a woman's love for a man, the more a woman loves you, the more dependent she will be on you, and the more autonomous she is if she doesn't love you.

When a woman says these things to you, she seems to be considerate of you, but in fact, she doesn't have you in her heart at all

You decide your own affairs, and I don't get in your way

It seems to leave room for men to have a degree of freedom and respect men's choices, but many times it is actually a reflection of a woman's lack of love for you, implying that she does not have you in her heart, and everything you do has nothing to do with her.

Women need a sense of commonality in a relationship, and a man's life can only feel like two people are together if they have a common experience, and if she doesn't share it with you, her heart won't see you as an important part.

If there's a job where you want to live separately, you ask your girlfriend and she'll let you decide. However, if she has you in her heart, she will definitely give you advice.

Emotional Interpretation:

With a woman in your heart, the words that come out are not necessarily sweet words, but they must be words about you. Even if you quarrel, it's because you care about you, otherwise you won't waste time arguing with you. Men must understand this.