
Why do you have to learn the manual mode for photography?

author:Travel Notes


Photography, for the time being, put aside the artistic content. First of all, I believe everyone knows that this is an easy professional skill to get started but difficult to master. And one sign of the transition from amateur to professional: control.

Now it is full of various intelligent models, artificial AI, etc., all of which are advocating intelligence. But when we need to elevate our level and enhance the meaning of our works, the so-called intelligence can really meet the needs, and the answer must be "impossible". Because the machine doesn't understand the idea behind my photograph, what we need to do is to "control" the camera and let the camera work for us.

In this era when you can take photos and record anytime and anywhere, it is estimated that it is difficult for many people to imagine how to take a photo in a purely mechanical way without any electricity for a long time.

As I introduced in my previous article, in the film era, a lot of information was taken into account before pressing the shutter, including what kind of film to use (sensitivity, white balance settings), how to expose (aperture, shutter setting), and how to focus (visual observation, distance calculation). Instead of the usual way nowadays: play it back immediately, and delete the retake when it doesn't look good.

Although we have entered the digital age, the advancement of technology has lowered the barrier to entry and made it easier for us to record, but manual operation is still a technology that must be mastered. Because when recording many images, intelligence cannot meet the needs.

Why do you have to learn the manual mode for photography?

Large difference between light and dark

Why do you have to learn the manual mode for photography?

When shooting against the light

Why do you have to learn the manual mode for photography?

When using an external light source

Why do you have to learn the manual mode for photography?

At sunrise and sunset

Why do you have to learn the manual mode for photography?

When shooting with a slow speed

To sum up, the manual mode is mainly the control of exposure, that is, the balance of aperture, shutter, and sensitivity, which is why beginners are used to asking for parameters. But in fact, it may not be possible to completely imitate it with parameters, so more often than not, it is necessary to learn the idea of photography.

Of course, there is also manual focusing in manual mode, and the aperture, shutter, and sensitivity also involve factors such as virtual and real, depth of field, motion capture, image quality, etc., so it will be difficult for beginners. But mastering the technique will allow you to photograph a wide range of subjects, and at the same time allow you to complete your ideas, record your opinions, and express your consciousness.

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