
How much money can I save by replacing the battery myself?

author:Lord Shiraishi

Many friends will go to the watch repair shop to change the battery when the watch is out of power, if you change it yourself, you are afraid of damaging the watch, in fact, it will not be damaged, and it may be possible that the back cover cannot be pressed by itself. So if we want to save money, we have to learn how to open the back cover of the watch, how to install the back cover back, these two steps can be done, you can watch the video I did before.

How much money can I save by replacing the battery myself?

Three-prong bottomer

In fact, many repair shops charge between 15 and 90 yuan for a battery, depending on what kind of battery you use. If you use a common battery, it is about 15 to 30 pieces. If you use some relatively high-end and rare batteries, such as the rare models of Swiss Langda batteries, its charges will be relatively high, ranging from 50~90 yuan.

How much money can I save by replacing the battery myself?

Two-prong bottomer

In fact, changing the battery requires a very low technical requirement for the watch repairer, which is equivalent to cutting off a strap and adding a strap, which can be done by entry-level masters. So this is not a technology, learn it by heart, and it is okay to change the battery yourself at home, and after changing the battery, you will have some more meter repair tools, use these watch repair tools to help friends change the battery, and make some extra money yourself.

How much money can I save by replacing the battery myself?

Multi-use bottom opener

In fact, there are some bottom-opening machines when opening the back cover of the watch, if the bottom is screwed, we can use the bottom-opening ball or the two-claw bottom-opener. Then if it's a gland watch, you can use the utility knife and thin screwdriver I taught before to pry it open and change the battery, it's very simple.

Usually these watches are relatively simple to pry open, and if you choose the bottom, it is also the same operation as unscrewing and screwing. However, some watches are a little too tight and difficult to operate, so you need something called a clock bottom press, which can easily help you install the back cover.

How much money can I save by replacing the battery myself?

Multi-purpose bottoming machine

The approximate price of buying a bottoming machine for repairing a watch is more than 100 yuan, that is, you can usually have a bottoming machine at the price of a battery when you go to a watch repair shop, and you can get it yourself.

In fact, the cost of the battery of the quartz watch ranges from a few cents to a few dollars, and other costs are technology, as well as shop rent, labor costs and other costs. So I think it's more reasonable to change a watch battery, if you don't want to get it yourself, and you have to give some watch repairers to help you change it, I think it's more reasonable to charge between 25 and 50 yuan.


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