
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter
The buyer's show where the seller spends money to persuade him to delete it comes out with tears of laughter

On the e-commerce platform, there was a buyer show that caused an uproar, made countless netizens laugh, and even made sellers willing to spend money to request deletion. What kind of buyer's show is this? The story has to start from the beginning.

Xiao Zhang, a young man who loves online shopping, bought a new T-shirt at an online store called Trend Front. On the seller show of this T-shirt, the model looked handsome in it, Xiao Zhang was very moved, and immediately placed an order to buy it.

A few days later, Zhang received the package and opened it with anticipation, only to find that the actual T-shirt was far from the seller's show. The color is dark, the size is also small, and it is tight and tight on the body, and it does not have the handsome feeling of a model at all.

Xiao Zhang was a little disappointed, but he thought about it, why not take a real buyer show and make a reference for other buyers? So, he put on this T-shirt, stood in front of the mirror, and took a picture.

Xiao Zhang in the photo has an exaggerated expression, his brows are tightly locked, and the corners of his mouth are drooping, as if to say: "This is the T-shirt I bought??" He wrote: "The real thing is seriously inconsistent with the seller's show, please buy with caution!" He then uploaded the buyer's show to the e-commerce platform.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this buyer show was released, it immediately attracted countless onlookers and comments from netizens.

"Hahahaha, this buyer's show is so real!"

"The seller is probably going to cry when he sees it, haha!"

"The gap between the real thing and the seller's show is even deeper than the Mariana Trench!"

Netizens left messages one after another, saying that they were amused by this buyer show. And the seller's "trend front" couldn't cry or laugh after seeing this buyer show. They immediately contacted Zhang and asked him to delete the buyer's show.

"Dear, do you see if you can delete that buyer's show? We are willing to give you some compensation. The seller politely requested.

When Xiao Zhang heard this, he was happy: "Haha, is my buyer show so popular?" Even the sellers came to me. ”

He thought for a moment and said, "It's not impossible to delete the buyer's show, but you have to give me some affordable compensation." ”

As soon as the seller heard the joke, he immediately said: "No problem, we are willing to give you a full refund and give you another product in our store, what do you think?" ”

Xiao Zhang thought about it and felt that this compensation was not bad, so he agreed to the seller's request. He deleted the hot buyer's show and received refunds and giveaways from sellers.

However, although this buyer's show has been deleted, it has already left a deep impression in the hearts of netizens. Everyone forwarded and took screenshots one after another, retaining this hilarious buyer show.

"Hey, why did you say that buyer's show was deleted? I'd like to see it again! ”

"Yes, that buyer show is so funny, it's just a breath of fresh air in the online shopping world!"

Netizens talked a lot and remembered this deleted buyer's show. As for Xiao Zhang, he also became an "Internet celebrity" in the hearts of netizens because of this buyer show.

"Haha, I didn't expect my buyer's show to be so popular." Xiao Zhang laughed at himself.

He thought about it and decided to share the experience on his social platforms. So, he wrote a long article detailing the experience of the online shopping and the deleted buyer's show.

As soon as this long article was released, it immediately attracted the attention and comments of more netizens. Everyone said that they were moved by Xiao Zhang's humor and truthfulness, and also had an in-depth discussion on the problem of the physical objects in online shopping not matching the seller's show.

"It seems that online shopping will really be cautious in the future, and you can't just watch the seller's show!"

"Yes, thanks to Xiao Zhang's buyer show, it gave us a wake-up call!"

Netizens left messages one after another, expressing their gratitude and support to Xiao Zhang. As for Xiao Zhang, he has also gained a lot of fans and attention because of this experience.

As for the sellers' "trend front", although they paid to delete that buyer's show, they also learned a lesson. They began to pay more attention to the physical quality of the product, as well as the authenticity of the seller's show. They know that only by treating every buyer with sincerity can they win more trust and praise.

And the deleted buyer's show has also become a legend in the online shopping world. It allows people to see the huge gap between physical and seller shows, and it also makes people cherish those real and interesting buyer shows more. In the days to come, this buyer's show may be mentioned by more people and become a classic joke in the online shopping world.

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