
Italy 1-1, Spain and Germany laughed, Portugal was happy, England was the most uncomfortable

author:Buff says sports

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Italy 1-1, Spain and Germany laughed, Portugal was happy, England was the most uncomfortable
Italy 1-1, Spain and Germany laughed, Portugal was happy, England was the most uncomfortable
Italy 1-1, Spain and Germany laughed, Portugal was happy, England was the most uncomfortable
Italy 1-1, Spain and Germany laughed, Portugal was happy, England was the most uncomfortable

The Euro Championship landscape after Italy's draw: mixed fan voices

Spain and Germany: Happiness in a smile

On the night of 25 June, when the result of the match between Italy and Croatia was announced, a 1-1 draw, the Spanish and German fans were undoubtedly happy with a smile. This draw is undoubtedly good news for these two strong teams. Originally, if Italy could win, they would have a chance to meet a strong opponent like Portugal in the group stage, which will undoubtedly add a lot of uncertainty to Spain and Germany's path to qualifying from the group. But now, with Italy's draw with Croatia, Italy can only finish third in Group B, meaning they won't be in the top half of the group stage to meet the likes of Spain and Germany early.

For Spain and Germany, this is undoubtedly good news to reduce the pressure. Spain, one of the favourites to win the tournament, will naturally want to avoid playing too many big teams in the group stage in order to preserve their strength and prepare for the knockout rounds. Germany, on the other hand, are in desperate need of a return to form at this tournament after a slump in previous tournaments, and they are also reluctant to face too many strong opponents in the group stage. Therefore, Italy's failure to achieve the desired victory was undoubtedly a cause for celebration for Spain and Germany.

Portugal vs. Cristiano Ronaldo: Mixed emotions

When the results of the match between Italy and Croatia were announced, the Portuguese fans and their leader, Cristiano Ronaldo, also experienced mixed emotional turmoil. On the one hand, they are glad that Italy failed to win, which means that Portugal will not face such a formidable opponent early in the group stage. On the other hand, they are also aware that this draw could be a huge blow for Italy, as it could lead to them not being able to reach the top half of the group stage and thus miss out on the opportunity to play more strong teams.

For Cristiano Ronaldo, he naturally hopes to meet more strong opponents in the group stage as a way to test the strength of the Portuguese team and his own form. But at the same time, he understands that it is just as important to be robust in a tournament like this and to avoid premature attrition. Therefore, when the results of the match between Italy and Croatia were announced, Ronaldo and Portugal fans silently prayed in their hearts: hoping that Italy could survive this crisis and continue to show strong strength in the following games.

Italy: Tenacity and determination on the edge of a cliff

Despite the disappointing result of Italy's match against Croatia, Italian fans did not give up hope. They are confident that their national team will be able to bounce back in the games ahead and show what they deserve. After all, there is no shortage of examples in the history of Italian football that have risen in the face of adversity.

For the Italian team, all they need to do now is adjust their mentality and form and prepare for the next games. They know that only by playing their best in the later games can they recover their previous decline and regain the trust and support of their fans. And in the process, their tenacity and determination will become the most valuable asset.

England: The Shadow of Frustration and the Challenges Ahead

Fans in England are likely to feel more disappointed and frustrated than several other strong teams. They had hoped that Italy would emerge victorious and advance to the top half of the group stage so that they could have a chance to avoid playing too many strong teams in the group stage. But now with the result of Italy's draw with Croatia, England may have to face a strong opponent – either Italy or Switzerland – in the group stage.

This is undoubtedly a big challenge for the England team. They will need to play their best in the next games to be able to meet this challenge. But at the same time, they also know that only in this way can they truly test their strength and win more honor and respect for themselves. Therefore, despite the difficulties and challenges, England fans are still firmly behind their national team, believing that they can put in an even better performance in the upcoming games.

A Fans' Perspective on the European Championship: Mixed Joys and Sorrows and Future Prospects after Italy's Draw

As a football fan, I was fascinated by the intensity and passion of the European Championships. Whenever a match day comes, I'm always nervous and excited, hoping that my beloved team will be in the best shape and achieve the best results. However, when the match between Italy and Croatia ended in a 1-1 draw, my feelings got complicated. This match not only changed the points situation in Group B, but also sparked endless reverie among fans for the subsequent matches.

First of all, I would like to say that this draw between Italy and Croatia is both a joy and a sad one for me. The good news is that my home team, Portugal, was able to avoid an early encounter with a strong team like Italy in the group stage. I have always admired the tenacity and quality of Italian football, they have excellent tactical literacy and individual player ability, and it will undoubtedly be a tough battle to play against them. So when I saw that Italy failed to win, I was really relieved.

However, the joy didn't last long, as I also realised that this draw could be a big blow for Italy. Italian football has a long history, having won the World Cup and the European Championship several times, and they have long been regarded as the powerhouse of European football. However, Italian football seems to have hit a slump in recent years, with their performances on the international stage not as good as they could have been. The draw has undoubtedly made it even more difficult for Italy to qualify, and they will need to give their all in the upcoming games to achieve their goal of qualifying from the group.

At the same time, I also admire the performance of the Croatian team. They showed tenacious fighting spirit and excellent technical and tactical skills in the game. Although they fell behind in the game at one point, the players did not give up and kept looking for opportunities to eventually equalise. This spirit is worth learning from all fans.

In addition to Italy and Croatia, two traditional powerhouses, Spain and Germany, also benefited from this draw. They managed to avoid the possibility of an early encounter with Italy in the group stage, which certainly took a lot of pressure off their way out of the group. For both teams, they will need to maintain consistent performances in the upcoming matches to ensure they can successfully advance to the knockout stages.

However, the draw was uncompromisingly bad news for England. Originally, they were hoping that Italy would win and progress to the top half of the group stage so that they could have a chance to avoid playing too many strong teams in the group stage. But now with Italy's draw, England may have to face a strong opponent – either Italy or Switzerland – in the group stage. This undoubtedly adds more uncertainty and challenges to England's path to qualifying from the group.

However, the charm of football lies in its unpredictability and unknownness. Even in the face of difficulties and challenges, teams will go all out to win. As fans, we should not only pay attention to the results and rankings of the game, but also the mental outlook and technical and tactical level of the team during the game.

Looking back on this game, I think both Italy and Croatia showed great quality and fighting spirit. Although the results were not satisfactory, their performance deserves our recognition and respect. At the same time, I also hope that the teams can continue to maintain stable performances in the next games and bring more exciting games to the fans.

In closing, I would like to say that football is not just a sport, it is a spirit. It teaches us how to remain resilient and courageous in the face of difficulties and challenges, and how to learn from failures and setbacks. As a football fan, I am deeply impressed by the charm and spirit that football exudes. I believe that in the future competitions, all teams will continue to bring us more exciting football feasts!

So, what are your thoughts on this draw and the performances and prospects of the teams? Let's start a discussion in the comment section!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Ancient Charm Event

The competition is endless, and the heroes are the first to cry after their dreams.

The game is surging, and the fans' hearts are hooked. When I dream back in the middle of the night, I still remember the green field. The beacon fire rose in the sky, and the heroes were full of tears. Since ancient times, many things have been laughed and talked about.

The iron horse Jinge is red, and the green field is heroic.

The iron horse came to the wind, and Jin Ge reflected the sun. See you on the green field, and the heroic spirit will follow. Sweat is sprinkled like rain, and the hard work is not fading. The ball flies like lightning, and the interception shows its magical powers.

The morale is high, and the impermanence of victory and defeat is longer.

The youth is high-spirited, and the fighting spirit is high. The stadium is like a battlefield, with a vastness of victory and defeat. Defeat today, but do it again tomorrow. Love is as deep as the sea, and friendship is better than gold.

In the changing situation of the stadium, joys and sorrows are always related.

The stadium is stormy and unpredictable. One goal determines the situation, and the outcome changes in a blink of an eye. Where joy and sorrow are intertwined, emotions are the most real. Fans go with each other and go through the ups and downs together.

The iron-blooded Dan swears unswervingly, and the pride of the stadium will be passed on forever.

Iron and blood forge the heart, and swear not to move. The stadium is proud and has been praised for thousands of years. Sweat is sprinkled like rain, and you will fight forever. Heroes never give up, and fans will always be with them.

The rivers and lakes are far away, and the football dream will never disappear.

The road is long, and the football dream is not gone. Galloping on the green field, smiling proudly. The years are like flowing water, and youth does not treat others. But if you want to win the battle, you will live up to this life.

At this time, the football feast is not young.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, the football feast opens. Fans are united and celebrate this time. The cheers shook the world, and the passion was full of heart. The event is short, but the fun lasts forever.

The event is over, and the heroes shed tears on the green field.

The event will be endless, and the affection will last forever. Where the hero's tears are sprinkled, the greenery is even greener. Parting is not goodbye, reunion for the coming year. The dream of football is not over, and youth never gets old.

The ancient rhyme is leisurely watching the event, and the pride is in the heart.

The ancient rhyme is passed on for a long time, and the event is in full swing. The pride rises, and the heart ripples. See you on the green field, heroic spirit. Fans celebrate, football dreams are boundless.


This European Cup match, like the heroes depicted in the ancient rhyme, is full of passion and dreams. Every drop of sweat on the pitch has witnessed the struggle and hard work of the players; Every cheer and shout conveys the support and love of the fans. Under the reflection of the ancient rhyme, we have a deeper sense of the charm and spiritual power of football. Let's continue to fight for our dreams and go crazy for football!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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