
Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

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"Are you serious? Can goji berries increase sperm and lower blood sugar? That's what my grandma told me all the time! Wang Lili asked in surprise, with a hint of doubt in her tone.

"No, I listened to my dad, he's an old Chinese medicine doctor!" Li Ming replied confidently, with a smug smile on his face.

"Old Chinese medicine doctor? Your dad is a Chinese medicine doctor? Why haven't I heard of it? Wang Lili obviously didn't believe it, she rolled her eyes, and continued: "I don't believe it, it is said on the Internet that eating too many wolfberries will cause fire, and it will also cause yellow eyes, what did your father say?" ”

Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

Li Ming was speechless when asked, he scratched his head, and said hesitantly: "Eh... My dad said that these are all rumors, as long as you eat in moderation, you won't have these problems, and goji berries can also enhance immunity and delay aging! ”

"Really? It's amazing! So how to eat goji berries best? Is it better to eat it dry or make tea? Wang Lili's curiosity was completely aroused, and she couldn't wait to learn more.

"My dad said that dried wolfberries can be eaten and made into tea, but the effect of dry eating is better because it can better absorb the nutrients of wolfberries." Li Ming swore that it was as if he had really inherited his father's mantle and became a Chinese medicine expert.

Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

"However, it is said on the Internet that wolfberry is more convenient to make tea, and you can avoid eating too much, and it can also reduce anger, which statement do you say is more reliable?" Wang Lili's questions grew, and she began to doubt the credibility of Li Ming's words.

"Uh... This one... I... I don't know. Li Ming was asked incoherently, and he suddenly remembered that his father had said that the efficacy and eating method of wolfberry are not so simple, and they need to be chosen according to their physique and situation.

"Hey, it looks like you'll have to ask a professional." Li Ming sighed helplessly, he decided to go to the hospital to consult the doctors and see what they said.

Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

Together, Li Ming and Wang Lili found a nearby community hospital and found an experienced doctor surnamed Chen.

"Hello, Dr. Chan! We would like to ask a question about goji berries. Li Ming asked politely. Dr. Chan smiled and nodded, motioned for them to sit down, and asked, "What do you want to ask?" ”

"We have heard that wolfberry can increase sperm and lower blood sugar, enhance immunity, and delay aging, is it true?" Wang Lili couldn't wait to ask.

Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

Dr. Chan patiently explains, "Goji berries do have certain medicinal properties, but they are not a panacea and cannot be exaggerated.

Goji berries are rich in polysaccharides, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients, and do have certain effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, benefiting the eyes and eye, lowering blood sugar, antioxidant and so on, but these effects need to be taken for a long time to be reflected, and it is necessary to choose the appropriate way to take it according to the individual's physique and situation. ”

"So how to eat goji berries best? Is it better to eat it dry or make tea? Wang Lili asked.

Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

"Goji berries can be eaten dry and made into tea, but the effect of dry eating is better because the nutrients of goji berries can be better absorbed.

If you make tea, the active ingredients in the wolfberry will be lost with the increase of water temperature, and the brewing time will also affect the nutritional value of the wolfberry. Dr Chan explained.

"Are there any side effects if I eat too many wolfberries?" Wang Lili asked worriedly.

Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

"Eating too many goji berries may cause symptoms such as irritation and yellowing of the eyes, but these symptoms are generally mild, and as long as you stop taking them, the symptoms will disappear. However, for some special groups, such as pregnant women, lactating women, diabetics, etc., it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking goji berries. Dr. Chan reminded.

"I see, thank you Dr. Chan!" Wang Lili and Li Ming suddenly realized that they finally understood the truth about wolfberry.

"No thanks, you have to remember that no health care products can replace medication, if there is a problem with the body, you must seek medical attention in time." Dr. Chan advised.

Goji berries not only increase sperm, but also lower blood sugar? Goji berries dried or made in tea? The doctor tells the truth

Wang Lili and Li Ming said goodbye to Dr. Chen, and they walked out of the hospital in a much lighter mood. They finally solved the doubts in their hearts and understood the correct use of wolfberries.

"It seems that the information on the Internet is really not credible, and you still have to listen to the doctor." Wang Lili said with emotion. "yes, I'm not going to eat anymore." Li Ming also nodded in agreement.

Goji berries, this little red fruit, contain rich nutrients and miraculous effects, it can not only increase sperm and lower blood sugar, but also enhance immunity and delay aging, but it also needs to be eaten correctly in order to exert its best effect.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


1. Medicinal value of wolfberry and modern research progress. China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information, 2017, 24(11): 10-13.

2. Research progress on the pharmacological effects of polysaccharides in Lycium barbarum. Chinese Materia Medica, 2018, 41(1): 1-4.

3. Nutritional value of wolfberry and how to eat it. CHINA FOOD AND NUTRITION, 2019, 25(1): 45-48.

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