
This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

author:Turkey-flavored pancakes
This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

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This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

This society is full of all kinds of people and things, some of which make people feel warm, and some things that make people feel shocked and angry.

For example, a recent incident of a married male teacher seducing a female student, as soon as this incident came out, it simply made people angry and hateful.

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

It is reported that the protagonists of the incident are a married male teacher Hua Mouyang and a female student surnamed Zhan.

Isn't he afraid that after this incident is exposed, how sad his wife will be if she finds out?

And Hua Mouyang's doing this is also a kind of harm to Zhan, which is already suspected of luring minors, right?

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off
This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

You must know that today's minors are not fuel-efficient lamps, especially female students, their social experience is relatively poor, and they can't distinguish the real intentions of others at all.

Therefore, at such a time, it is particularly important to protect the eyes and hearts of minors, and not allow some bad people to take advantage of the situation and bring them irreparable damage.

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

Judging from Zhan's attitude, she is really a very sensible girl, knowing that Hua Mouyang already has a wife, but when chatting, she still talks to Hua Mouyang very politely and does not create any opportunities for him.

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off
This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

And when Hua Mouyang invited her to go to a private theater, she did not refuse directly, but tactfully reminded him to let him go with his wife.

However, Hua Mouyang turned a deaf ear and continued to keep in touch with Zhan, which has seriously hurt Zhan's feelings and personal safety.

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

Fortunately, Zhan was not blinded by Hua Mouyang, she knew very well what she should do, and she was not confused by Hua Mouyang, and chose to make this chat record public at the appropriate time.

In this way, it can not only remind other girls, but also give a wake-up call to some people who don't know the height of the sky, let them know that minors are not their tools to play at will, let alone the object of their casual seduction.

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off
This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off
This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

And the school's response was also very timely and appropriate, and Hua Mouyang was expelled as soon as possible, such a teacher is not worthy of appearing on campus at all, and his words and deeds may have a bad impact on the students.

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

I hope this incident can give more people a revelation, whether it is a student or a teacher, they should know their own proportions, and not bring irreparable damage to themselves and the people around them because of a momentary impulse.

This time, the married male teacher who invited the girl to a private theater had her "bottoms" stripped off

Xiaobian also hopes that sensible girls like Zhan can receive more people's attention and care, their growth is not easy, we should give them more understanding and support.

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