
Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

author:Laurel muffins


Stars are volumes! The summer vacation has just begun, and Zhu Dan and his wife were photographed taking their 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school. Zhu Dan was developing in Beijing on Monday, but the two took their daughter to interview Hangzhou Qiantang Experimental Primary School, which caused a lot of doubts.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

On June 29, a parent said that she took her daughter to take the entrance test, and met Zhu Dan and his wife, who also brought their daughter to report to the first grade. The parent also praised the two for being tall and thin.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

When the students entered the exam, the classroom was full of waiting parents, including Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei. It was obvious that Zhu Dan was very nervous, and she should be anxious about her daughter's test results with her eyes closed. Zhou Zhouwei was intimate and comforting, holding coffee in one hand and not forgetting to hold Zhu Dan tightly in the other.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

However, it was obvious that Zhou Zhouwei was also very nervous, and he also stared at the classroom in a daze with a nervous expression. One hand was holding Zhu Dan tightly, and at the same time he was comforting himself. Looking at Zhu Dan Yiwei's appearance, the parents behind him also smiled, presumably they didn't expect Zhu Dan Yiwei, who had seen so many big scenes, to be so nervous because of his daughter's entrance test.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

After that, Zhou Yiwei and Zhu Dan wandered around the campus again, and the couple observed the campus one after another, and it could be seen that both of them were very serious and careful. In particular, Zhu Dan looked around with a very serious expression, taking a good look at where her daughter would study in the future.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei have a son and a daughter, and although the two are very low-key after marriage, they also occasionally post photos of the family. Zhu Dan's daughter has a round face and looks like her father, and now she is 6 years old, and she is indeed in the first grade.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school
Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

It's just that for Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's choice of school for their daughter, netizens are full of doubts.

First of all, some parents exposed the content of the interview, saying that in addition to the normal fluency of this on-site inspection, there was also a small test. First read picture books, then memorized two ancient poems by myself, listened to audio and memorized nursery rhymes, mathematical thinking tests, and rope skipping tests, which were very rich in content and very demanding.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

Another student's parent directly announced the topic of her daughter's interview, which was also very interesting.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

Some netizens don't understand why Zhu Dan Yiwei didn't let her daughter study in Beijing, and chose a public school in Hangzhou. In this regard, the insider revealed that Zhu Dan is from Hangzhou, and Zhou Yiwei also said that he likes Hangzhou. In addition, the Ginkgo Hui community where the two live is very close to the school.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school
Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school
Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

Some netizens searched for the housing prices in the Ginkgo Hui community, and each square meter was as high as 77,001 square meters, which is considered a rich area.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

Even so, some netizens questioned Zhu Dan's choice on Monday. According to people familiar with the matter, the school can only be regarded as an ordinary public school, and it can only be regarded as the second echelon in Hangzhou.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school
Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

Perhaps in the eyes of netizens, Zhu Dan Yiwei, as a star, obviously has better resources and abilities, which can give her daughter a better choice. But I chose to share the same track with ordinary people and go to school in an ordinary public, so I don't understand it very much. However, if you think about it carefully, celebrities are ordinary people who have lost their halos, and the future of children should also be planned by parents based on their own circumstances and the characteristics of their children. The essence of education is not only the advantages of the school, but also the guidance of the family and the efforts of the children themselves. Perhaps Zhu Dan Yiwei was well aware of this and made such a choice.

Zhu Dan took her 6-year-old daughter to interview for primary school on Monday! The content of the interview was exposed, and he was questioned that he would not choose a school

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