
When it rained when I was sending my female colleague home, I went to her house for a while, but the next day she asked me to be responsible

author:Lively evening breeze kD

Have you ever experienced a sudden rain disrupt your plans, leaving you and someone to take shelter and then the next day, she actually turned to you and put you responsible? This is not the plot of the movie, but the real experience of me, Li Hao, a 30-year-old ordinary office worker.

My name is Li Hao, I am 30 years old this year, and I work as a product manager in an Internet company. I come from an ordinary family, my parents are retired teachers, and they have always taught me to be responsible and respectful of others. After working for so many years, I have always tried to be a good employee and a good colleague.

When it rained when I was sending my female colleague home, I went to her house for a while, but the next day she asked me to be responsible

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Yesterday after work, I had a cup of coffee in the café downstairs from the company as usual, ready to ride home. At this time, my female colleague Xiaofang came over, she looked a little tired, said that she was working late overtime, and wanted me to send her home. I thought about it, and I agreed anyway.

We rode the bike, chatted, and soon arrived at Xiaofang's community. Just as he was about to say goodbye, suddenly the sky was full of dark clouds, and the raindrops the size of beans fell instantly. We didn't have umbrellas with us, so we had to find a place to shelter from the rain. Xiaofang proposed to go to her house and sit for a while, and wait for the rain to stop before leaving. I thought about it, and decided that there was nothing wrong with it, so I followed her into the door.

Xiaofang's home was very cozy, she poured me a cup of hot tea and brought snacks. We sat on the couch and chatted while watching TV. Before you know it, the rain stopped. I looked at the time, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening. I stood up and prepared to take my leave. Xiaofang suddenly grabbed me, saying that she lived alone and was scared at night, and wanted me to stay with her.

I was stunned, I was caught off guard by the sudden request. I looked at Xiaofang, her eyes were full of anticipation and dependence. I was a little entangled, on the one hand, I felt that this was not good, and on the other hand, I was worried that she was really not safe alone. In the end, I stayed.

We chatted for a long time on the couch, from work to life, from dreams to reality. I found out that Xiaofang is actually a very independent and strong girl, but sometimes she also feels lonely and helpless. We talked very speculatively, as if we had found a soulmate.

As time passed, I began to feel sleepy. Xiao Fang saw that I was tired and took me to her bedroom to rest. I lay in bed, listening to the sound of rain outside the window, and my heart was a little complicated. I don't know why I'm here, or what will happen next. But I know that the warmth and peace of mind of this moment is real.

When it rained when I was sending my female colleague home, I went to her house for a while, but the next day she asked me to be responsible

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The next morning, I was woken up by an alarm clock. I opened my eyes and found myself still lying on Xiaofang's bed. I sat up abruptly, feeling a little embarrassed and uneasy. Xiaofang had already gotten up, she walked into the bedroom, and when she saw that I had woken up, she smiled and said, "Morning, Brother Hao." ”

I smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Xiao Fang suddenly became serious, and she said, "Brother Hao, thank you for accompanying me last night." I know it may be abrupt, but I really think you're a good person. I think...... I want to be with you. ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect her to say such a thing. I looked at her serious eyes, and my heart was a little confused. I don't know how I feel about her, and I don't know how to respond to her. But I knew that I couldn't easily say yes to her, and I couldn't say no to her outright.

I took a deep breath and tried to make my tone sound calmer: "Xiaofang, I am grateful for your company and trust last night. But...... But I can't give you any promises right now. We need more time to get to know each other. ”

Xiao Fang listened to my words, and a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes. But she quickly regained her composure, and she nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Hao." I understand you. I'm not going to force you. But...... But I still hope you can give me a chance. ”

I looked at her determined eyes and felt a little moved. I knew I couldn't live up to her expectations and trust. So I nodded and said, "Okay, Xiaofang." I'll seriously consider it. ”

Since then, my relationship with Xiaofang has become more delicate. We often get off work together, eat together, and chat together. I found myself enjoying the feeling of being with her more and more. But whenever I think about what she said that night, I feel a little stressed and uneasy. I don't know if I'll really be able to take on this responsibility and obligation.

When it rained when I was sending my female colleague home, I went to her house for a while, but the next day she asked me to be responsible

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Until one night, we went back to Xiaofang's house together. Once again, she expressed her heart and expectations to me. As I looked at her affectionate eyes and determined attitude, I finally understood my heart – I loved her too! So I decided to let go of all my worries and worries and embrace this love!