
The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

author:Gao Jiuheng said medicinal herbs

June is the off-season of the pharmaceutical market, but it is extremely hot driven by the variety of seasonings, and the fluctuating trend and the fluctuation of big ups and downs have increased the difficulty for Chinese herbal medicine investors to control the market. Everyone agrees that the current market is a market that only arises during the big cycle, so is the market cycle really easy to control?

The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

The price of Yizhiren fell slightly: with the buyers' stoppage, entering the actual digestion channel, the price fell slightly, and the current market price of the whole goods was 65-68 yuan, and there were few transactions for large goods. The low price of the product has been released in the short term for many years, and it is necessary to actually digest the inventory and consolidate the market, and it is expected that the price will not fluctuate greatly in the short term.

The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

Black pepper market oscillation: due to the recent price increase in black pepper is too large, a large number of low-priced old goods are sold, buyers stop and wait, the price has fallen sharply, the current market price is more chaotic, ranging from 50-53 yuan, and there are also less than 50 yuan to sell. There are many followers of the current round of price increase and high price of the product, and many buyers will not have time to sell in the future, even if there is a wave of rebound market, there are few buyers again, and it is expected that the big market will be difficult to reproduce in a short period of time.

The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

The price of bergamot rose strongly: this year, some production areas have reduced production, and some businesses actively buy to pull the price up strongly, and the current market is 53 yuan for Sichuan goods, about 50 yuan for Guangxi goods, and 60 yuan for Guangdong goods. The new product is getting closer and closer, and the size of the new output this year should be focused on.

The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

The new price of psyllium production is firm: this year's new production is not small, but due to the weather, some areas are affected by the reduction of production is good, there are businessmen actively buying to pull the price up slightly, and the operators are more with the sale and purchase, mainly in small batch transactions, the price of the holder is firm, the price of Jiangxi goods is 31 yuan, and the price of Sichuan goods is 29 yuan. Stimulated by high prices in the past three consecutive years, the planting area is large, and the production is seriously overproduced, and it is expected that the price will continue to rise in the short term.

The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

The market of Zhejiang fritillary has stabilized: the price of sulfur-free decoction pieces in the production area is about 160 yuan, and the height is 105-110 yuan. The product has a good production reduction this year, and there are more businesses that are optimistic about the market outlook, and it is expected that the market outlook will not be calm.

He Shou Wu went up at a high price: 36 yuan for Yunnan products, 40 yuan for Sichuan products, and 43 yuan for Bozhou pieces. In the past few years, the domestic varieties have been reduced due to low prices, and it will take 3 years for production to recover, but the current price has been high, and the impact of wild supply should be beware.

The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

The price of hook rattan continues to rise steadily: at present, the origin of 80% of the hook is 118-120 yuan, and the asking price of more than 90% of the hook is more than 140 yuan.

The "off-season" is not light, and individual medicinal varieties are extremely popular, is it a flash in the pan or a promising future?

Citrus aurantium new goods listed on the market: this year's production reduction is good, the recent purchase of more buyers in the production area, driving the price to rise slightly, lime 1.0-1.2cm goods selling price of 45-46 yuan, 2.0-2.5cm goods 30-32 yuan, sweet orange 17 yuan, the market outlook is worth continuing to pay attention to.

There are more new varieties produced this month, which is also a turning point for the market of some varieties, and the "drought" weather factor still affects the variety market. Of course, the impact of a single factor is not enough to support the long-term upward trend of the variety market, different varieties need to be treated differently, carefully analyze the market fluctuation factors behind the variety, if there is no cognition of the variety vision, do not get on the car casually, otherwise, in the end, it can only be reduced to the leek harvested by capital.

Source: Medicinal herb planting network. If the unit is not specifically indicated, it is "yuan/kg", and the above information is for your reference only!

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