
Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

author:Yu C

On this starry summer night, the 29th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Award Ceremony came as scheduled, which is not only a summary of the hard work of the TV drama industry in the past year, but also the highest praise for the talent and sweat of the actors.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

In the eyes of countless expectations, Zhou Xun won the Best Actress crown again with her profound performance in "Imperfect Victim", and although Tang Yan regretted missing the award, she won the hearts of the audience with her elegant demeanor and unknown efforts behind her.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

On the night of Magnolia, starlight and tears shine together

On that unforgettable night of June 28, the Shanghai Lingang Performing Arts Center was like a bright pearl embedded in the bustling city of the city, with lights like day, reflecting the sky, as if even the stars were dimmed.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

This is not only an awards ceremony, but also an audio-visual feast, the stars shine, and every guest present is the brightest star in the night sky, and their presence makes the night even more dazzling.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

As the host's voice slowly rose, it was like a clear spring flowing in the quiet venue, and all eyes and breaths seemed to be frozen at this moment, just waiting for that exciting moment - the announcement of the "Best Actress".

There was a tense and excited atmosphere in the air, and everyone's heartbeat was in tune with the beating lights on the stage, weaving a silent music of anticipation.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Finally, the decisive moment came, when the host's voice fell, the words "Zhou Xun" pierced the silence like thunder, and instantly detonated the entire performing arts center.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

The applause thundered like a tide, which was the audience's sincere admiration and love for this powerful actor.

Zhou Xun, a name that stands tall in the entertainment industry, every time she appears, she is accompanied by endless surprises and touches.

This award not only marks another victory for her as an acting school, but also engraves her name on the historical monument of the Magnolia Awards, becoming one of the few outstanding women who have won many awards.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Zhou Xun walked on stage, with a gentle smile as always, and his eyes flashed with endless love for art.

Her acceptance speech was simple but extraordinary, with every word and every sentence full of affection.

She talks about the stories behind the characters, the untold efforts and sacrifices; She shared her unique insights on art, which is a keen capture and deep understanding of the subtleties of life; She also mentioned her perception of life, revealing a deep insight into human nature and a gentle treatment of the world.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

This remark, without the accumulation of flowery rhetoric, but goes straight to the heart, allowing people to see the sincerity and humility of an artist, and also feel her infinite love and awe for this profession.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

On the other side, Tang Yan, who was also nominated for Best Actress for "Flowers", although she failed to stand on the podium, shed tears backstage.

These tears are not only a symbol of loss, but also the best testimony of her dedication to the role and her persistent pursuit of art.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

On social media, countless netizens cheered for Tang Yan, praising her delicate performance in "Flowers" and her strength in the face of defeat.

Tang Yan's elegance and tenacity became the most heart-warming scenery that night.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Strength and demeanor coexist, Zhou Xun's road to glory

Zhou Xun's award is a well-deserved honor.

In "Imperfect Victim", she played the defense lawyer "Lin Kan", with her complex emotional level and profound psychological portrayal, everyone who watched the play was moved.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Zhou Xun used her talking eyes to vividly interpret the character's inner struggles, contradictions and persistence.

The moment she won the award was not only a reflection of her personal glory, but also an encouragement and affirmation to all the unknown actors who were deeply involved in their acting skills.

Her success shows us that no matter how the times change, sincere and profound performances are always the strongest voice that touches people's hearts.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Tang Yan's tears reflect the actor's growth path

Tang Yan's tears are the sparks of the collision between dreams and reality.

In "Flowers", she played the role of "Miss Wang", showing a mature acting skills that are different from the past, and won the recognition of the audience and the industry.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Although she failed to win the crown, behind her tears is a higher expectation of her acting career and respect for every attempt and challenge.

Tang Yan's story tells us that every failure is the only way to success, and every imperfection is a more perfect foreshadowing for the next time.

Her tears, like seeds, are sown in the hearts of the audience, looking forward to more brilliant flowers in the future.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Starlight lives up to the passers-by, and Magnolia witnesses every effort

The stage of the Magnolia Award is a place where glory and dreams are intertwined.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Here, we witnessed Zhou Xun's re-coronation, and also felt the tenacity of Tang Yan's tears.

Their stories are the epitome of every actor's career, with both the joy of standing at the top and the struggle of falling to the bottom.

But it is these experiences that shape the unique artistic lives of the actors.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

In the days to come, whether in the spotlight or behind the scenes, we should give them more understanding and respect, because every effort deserves to be seen, and every growth deserves to be expected.

On this summer night, the Magnolia Award is not only a recognition of the past, but also an inspiration for future artistic exploration.

Let's look forward to the next Magnolia Awards, there will be more excellent works and actors to emerge, and continue to write a glorious chapter of Chinese TV dramas.

Zhou Xun's inside story of winning the award was exposed! Tang Yan didn't win the award, and the backstage tears were like rain, netizens: It's distressing

Let us witness together how those souls who are struggling in the world of light and shadow shine more brightly in the long river of time.

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