
Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

author:Egg tart edge 8855

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife will make trouble every year, can this Golden Goblet Award nomination really be quelled?


Wang Yuxin was shortlisted for the Golden Goblet Award caused a commotion

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife Wang Yuxin appeared on the cusp of public opinion again, and this time the fuse was that she was nominated for Best Actress in the Asian Newcomer Unit of the Shanghai International Film Festival with her work "Sheltering Tower". This news set off a commotion on the Internet, especially Huang Jingyu's fans, who ran to insult and belittle her. Good guys, this scene is really getting more and more exciting. We have to sigh that this ex-wife is really good at choosing the right time, every time Huang Jingyu moves a little, she will appear in the public eye "at the right time", which is really laughable.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Wang Yuxin responded by posting on her social media, saying that she "refuses to be disturbed and any warnings", which sounds a bit intriguing. She alluded to the impact on her life, and said that if she continued to be entangled like this, she would make public what Huang Jingyu said and "speechless follow-up" and "screenshot of your current girlfriend". Wow, this is simply a realistic version of the "bloody drama", and people can't help but wonder what kind of exciting content these "speechless follow-ups" are.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Netizens expressed their opinions in the comment area, and some people jokingly said: "This sister must make trouble every year, as soon as Huang Jingyu's drama is broadcast, she will be online, it is simply a drama of the year." Some people also ridiculed: "Wang Yuxin is going to fight for traffic with Huang Jingyu!" It is said that people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, but now it's okay, pigs are also afraid of having ex-wives. Such comments are interesting and sharp, and perfectly reflect everyone's mentality - eating melons and watching dramas, and never get tired of it.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

The coincidence of Huang Jingyu's drama broadcast time and ex-wife's dynamics

Some attentive netizens found that whenever Huang Jingyu has a new drama to be broadcast, Wang Yuxin will always "happen" to make some moves, which is so tacit that it makes people wonder if it was discussed in advance. This time, Huang Jingyu's new drama is about to be launched, and the timing of his ex-wife Wang Yuxin's operation can be described as accurate, which can't help but make people sigh that the "linkage" between the ex-couple is really wonderful.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Huang Jingyu's new drama this time is called his "return work", and fans have been looking forward to it for a long time. Just when everyone was cheering for Huang Jingyu's return, a small essay by Wang Yuxin once again ignited the powder keg of public opinion. She mentioned her achievements in the article, alluding to the fact that her life was disrupted because of Huang Jingyu's fans. This tactic of "retreating as advancing" made netizens speculate about her true intentions.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

"Is this sister promoting her new film? Every time Huang Jingyu is a little troubled, she jumps out, it's really enough. Some netizens couldn't help but complain. And another netizen was even more blunt: "Huang Jingyu is 'bound' by his ex-wife, right?" Every time there is a new drama, you can see her figure, which is really a magical law. This wave of discussion reminds people of the "serial marketing" routine in the entertainment industry, and I don't know if this drama will continue to be staged.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

The ex-wife's "speechless follow-up" and the mystery of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend

What exactly is the "speechless follow-up" mentioned by Wang Yuxin, this has become one of the topics that everyone is most concerned about. She hinted that she had some "fierce material" in her hands, and if Huang Jingyu's fans continued to harass her, she might break the news. This feeling of "you have a good plan, I have a wall ladder" makes the whole incident full of drama.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Many netizens speculated that Wang Yuxin's so-called "speechless follow-up" may be related to Huang Jingyu's private life. She mentioned that she wanted to "take a screenshot of her current girlfriend", which made everyone curious about Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend. Who is it? Could it be an insider, or is it Huang Jingyu's low-key and protective relationship? It's all reminiscent.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

A netizen commented: "Is this sister going to make a big news? I feel that Huang Jingyu is going to be 'hammered' this time. Another netizen said: "If she really has the material, then let it out, don't always hang everyone's appetite like this, it's really tiring and panicking." This kind of interaction makes people feel that the "ex-husband and ex-wife war" between Wang Yuxin and Huang Jingyu is even more exciting than the TV series.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

The reaction of Huang Jingyu's fans and Wang Yuxin's response

Huang Jingyu's fans are naturally very dissatisfied with Wang Yuxin's remarks. They think that Wang Yuxin is rubbing Huang Jingyu's popularity and using his fame to build momentum for himself. This view makes fans full of hostility towards Wang Yuxin's every voice. After all, in their eyes, Huang Jingyu is innocent, and Wang Yuxin is the "initiator".

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Ms. Wang's response was quite tough. She said she didn't want to be disturbed anymore and asked Ms. Wong's fans to stop harassing her. This direct attitude makes one have to admire her courage and determination. However, this attitude of hers has also sparked more controversy. Some netizens ridiculed: "This sister's courage is really getting bigger and bigger, dare to do it against so many fans, admire." ”

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Some netizens are more neutral, believing that things are not so simple. Someone commented: "Anyway, marriage is a matter for two people, is it okay for each to be okay after divorce?" Why does it have to be so noisy every year? Another netizen said: "Fans should also calm down, after all, no matter how much outsiders comment on the affairs of two people, they can't change anything." These voices of reason make the whole thing seem more complicated and allow everyone to see a different perspective.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Wang Yuxin's Golden Goblet Award nomination and acting career

Wang Yuxin's nomination for the Golden Goblet Award can be said to be an important milestone in her acting career. As an actor, she was shortlisted for "Shelter Tower" in one fell swoop, and such an achievement is indeed worthy of recognition. However, behind such an achievement, it was overshadowed by the entanglement with Huang Jingyu. This makes people have to sigh that disputes in the entertainment industry are really everywhere.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

For Wang Yuxin, it is indeed not easy to achieve such achievements in her acting career. Her statement on social media is both an affirmation of her own efforts and a response to doubts from the outside world. She hopes to prove that she does not rely on Huang Jingyu's fame through her own efforts and achievements, but on her own strength. However, the reality is that such efforts and achievements are always questioned because of the existence of her ex-husband.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

"It's not easy for this sister, and it is indeed worthy of recognition that she can have such achievements after the divorce." Some netizens said in the comments. Another netizen was even more humorous: "This is called 'not afraid of god opponents, but afraid of pig teammates', Huang Jingyu's fans, you really helped him a lot this time." Such comments can't help but laugh, and it also makes people see that Wang Yuxin's "battle" is not so easy to end.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

The growth of his ex-wife and Huang Jingyu's current situation

After the divorce, Wang Yuxin has been working hard to live her own wonderful life. Her acting career gradually took off, and the nomination for the Golden Goblet Award made her name appear in the public eye again. And Huang Jingyu, as an actor, his career is also developing steadily. Although the two have parted ways, for various reasons, they still have an entanglement of cutting and untidying.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Huang Jingyu's fans have always believed that he is innocent, and they think that Wang Yuxin is using Huang Jingyu's fame to build momentum for himself. However, Wang Yuxin's fans believe that her efforts and achievements are obvious to all, and she should not be denied because of Huang Jingyu's existence. Such an argument makes the whole incident seem confusing.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

A netizen said in the comments: "This former couple is really a great spectacle in the entertainment industry. It's amazing that there can be such a lively scene after the divorce. Another netizen joked: "This is simply 'self-cultivation of ex-husband and ex-wife', and there are new dramas to watch every year, which is really exciting." Such an interaction makes people sigh that the grievances and hatreds in the entertainment industry are really more exciting than TV dramas.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Controversial Summary: The Game of Marriage and Personal Achievement

Throughout the incident, the relationship between Huang Jingyu and Wang Yuxin, whether it is marriage or post-divorce interaction, has become the focus of public attention. Marriage is supposed to be a private affair between two people, but in the entertainment industry, such private matters are often magnified, whether it is achievements or controversies, they are infinitely magnified in the public eye.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Wang Yuxin's ability to achieve such an achievement after the divorce is indeed the result of her personal efforts. However, Huang Jingyu's fans questioned and attacked her, which also cast a shadow on her achievements. Whether it is Wang Yuxin's tough response or the dissatisfaction of Huang Jingyu's fans, they are all part of this marriage game.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

Some netizens said: "If two people are divorced, they should be okay and stop interfering with each other." Another netizen joked: "This is simply the drama of the year, the story of Huang Jingyu and Wang Yuxin is even more exciting than the TV series." Such comments make people wonder what the outcome of the game between marriage and personal achievement will be.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

In any case, this game of marriage and achievement continues. The story of Huang Jingyu and Wang Yuxin, there may be more dramas to be staged. And we, the people who eat melons, can only quietly wait for the arrival of the next big show. After all, in the entertainment industry, there is never a shortage of topics and controversies.

Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is online again! The drama that comes out every year, are you still chasing it?

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