
laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

author:There are idle fish in the depths of the abyss
laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

There are idle fish in the depths of the abyss

There are idle fish in the depths of the abyss


Recently, with the hit of the TV series "The Story of Rose", starring Liu Yifei was in the live broadcast on the evening of June 28

He shared many of his views, which aroused widespread attention and discussion.

The video can be viewed here


When talking about her thoughts on the role of rose in the play, Liu Yifei said frankly: "Actually, I am not like rose...... The experience of roses is not my real-life experience,

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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But the only thing I've ever encountered when I met a scumbag, I've encountered it. This remark gave the audience a deeper understanding of her personal experience.

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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What's even more thought-provoking is that Liu Yifei expressed a sharp and profound insight when talking about how to be a good actor.

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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She emphasized: "To act well, you must first be a person. In her opinion, an actor must first have a good humanity and personality, and only in this way

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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It is possible to truly understand and feel love and emotion, so as to convey sincere emotions in the performance,

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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As a public figure, if you have a moral bottom line, then you have a chance to be a good actor.

To tell the truth, water can carry a boat and capsize a boat

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

To tell the truth, some people are popular, and it is very important to stick to their hearts no matter when and where

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

It reminds me of what Fan is stepping on a sewing machine

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

Let you say that you are floating, not let you say that you hate it

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

In addition, Liu Yifei also bluntly pointed out some problems in the current entertainment industry. She mentioned: "There are some actors who may really become popular too quickly,

In fact, he has not experienced the accumulation and tribulation of art, and then he became popular and then floated, and then he didn't think about the drama well, which may have a very bad impact on the public.

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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It also brings some very negative things to the entertainment industry. Her remarks are undoubtedly a wake-up call to those actors who lose themselves and forget their original intentions after becoming famous.

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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In today's entertainment industry, examples of overnight success are not uncommon. Some actors, after becoming popular with a work, fail to properly deal with this sudden glory and attention, but fall into a vortex of self-aggrandizement. They no longer focus on improving their acting skills and no longer pondering their roles with their hearts, but are carried away by fame and fortune and forget their own job as actors. Such behavior not only caused damage to his acting career, but also made the audience question and disappoint the entire entertainment industry.

laughed numbly, Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast that some actors floated after they became popular, and netizens fried in the comment area

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However, as Liu Yifei said, these "floating" actors are destined to not go far, and sooner or later they will be counterattacked. The entertainment industry is a highly competitive and rapidly changing place, and only those actors who truly love acting, constantly hone their acting skills, and maintain a humble attitude can gain a long-term foothold in this industry.

Liu Yifei's remarks are not only a review of the current situation of the entertainment industry, but also an expectation for the future development of the industry. With her persistence and sobriety, she has set a correct example for the majority of actors. I hope that more actors can be inspired by her words, not forget their original intentions on the road of acting, forge ahead, and bring more excellent works to the audience.


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