
The top 18 matches were grouped for only 1 day, and the national football team lost its horse! The next draw became the upper sign, and 15 points were scored in 10 rounds and qualified

author:Wisdom Evelyn

The top 18 matches were grouped for only 1 day, and the national football team lost its horse! The next draw became the upper sign, and 15 points were scored in 10 rounds and qualified

The 2024 match grouping of the Asian zone of the World Cup qualifiers has been revealed, and the Chinese national team has once again fallen into what is considered the "group of death". This is undoubtedly a major blow to the much-watched Chinese football. But a closer look at the grouping reveals a chance to emerge from this controversial group and achieve our goal of qualifying.

In the past few World Preliminaries, the performance of the Chinese team in Asia has never been satisfactory. However, this time we seem to have a tougher opponent. Japan, Australia and Saudi Arabia are undoubtedly the top teams in Asian football, and they all have good performances around the world. For the current Chinese team, which is still lacking in strength, this is indeed a big challenge.

However, we still have to look at the results of this grouping objectively. Even if you encounter such a strong opponent, as long as the national football team goes all out, changes the negative mentality of the past, and prepares seriously, everything is still possible. Historically, weak teams have often surprised strong teams with their tenacious fighting spirit and tenacious hard work. We are fully confident that we will have a place in this group.

The top 18 matches were grouped for only 1 day, and the national football team lost its horse! The next draw became the upper sign, and 15 points were scored in 10 rounds and qualified

First of all, we need to face up to the current disparity in strength, but we must not be intimidated by strong opponents. On the contrary, we need to draw momentum from it. Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia are undoubtedly our targets, and we need to learn from them with concrete actions to improve our overall strength and narrow the gap. In the battle against these strong teams, we must maintain a positive and enterprising attitude, have the courage to challenge, and not be afraid of strong opponents.

Second, we need to give full play to our strengths. Compared with the Asian powerhouse, the youth training system and reserve force of the Chinese team may be more sufficient. We need to make the most of the potential of our young players and inject fresh blood into the national team. At the same time, we should make good use of the advantages of local coaches who are familiar with the national conditions, formulate strategies and tactics that suit the national conditions, maximize the outstanding characteristics of the players, and take the initiative in the confrontation with strong teams.

Thirdly, we need to pay attention to details and try to avoid mistakes. Against such a formidable opponent, the slightest sloppiness can have devastating consequences. Therefore, we must always be highly vigilant, carefully organize our defense, and be cautious and pragmatic in attack to minimize unnecessary mistakes. Only in this way will we be able to maintain our advantage against the strong teams and strive for unexpected results.

The top 18 matches were grouped for only 1 day, and the national football team lost its horse! The next draw became the upper sign, and 15 points were scored in 10 rounds and qualified

Finally, we need to fully mobilize the power of fans across the country. In this process, the support and encouragement of the fans is crucial. We must actively create a good atmosphere of public opinion, mobilize the enthusiasm of the people of the whole country for football, and let every fan become the follower and backing of the national football team. Only by working together as a whole can we overcome all kinds of difficulties and create miracles in this seemingly dangerous "group of death".

Although the Chinese national football team has encountered great challenges in the group of the World Preliminary Championship, as long as we fully understand the severity of the situation, take the initiative to seek changes, earnestly improve our own strength, and unite the strength of the people of the whole country, we will definitely be able to break a way out of this difficult group and achieve the goal of qualifying from the group. Let us work together to cheer for the future of Chinese football and work hard for the motherland to write a new chapter in international football!

Despite the face of such a formidable opponent, we must not lose confidence. Chinese football has always been full of controversy and doubts, but it is precisely such doubts that give us the impetus to move forward. We must meet this daunting challenge with unwavering determination and the conviction that we will win.

The top 18 matches were grouped for only 1 day, and the national football team lost its horse! The next draw became the upper sign, and 15 points were scored in 10 rounds and qualified

First of all, we need to strengthen targeted training against strong opponents. Japan, Australia and Saudi Arabia are all opponents that we must focus on, and we need to carefully analyze their tactical characteristics, player strengths and weaknesses, and develop specific strategies to deal with them. At the same time, we must strengthen the tacit understanding between the players, improve the overall quality of the team, and be fully prepared to deal with strong opponents.

Secondly, we need to focus on playing on the spot at critical moments. In the face of strong teams, the slightest mistake can lead to catastrophe. We need to develop the ability of players to stay calm and see the big picture under pressure, and improve their on-the-spot decision-making and execution. At the same time, we need to strengthen mental training and enhance the confidence and courage of the players to overcome strong opponents. Only in this way can we keep a clear head and perform at the critical moment.

Thirdly, we need to make the most of home advantage. As hosts, it is our responsibility to create a home atmosphere full of enthusiasm and strength, so that the players feel supported and inspired by the people of the whole country. We want to call on fans across the country to actively participate in this football event that has swept Asia, cheer for the national football team, and make the opponent feel unprecedented pressure. Playing at home, we have to give it our all and get a crucial win at home.

The top 18 matches were grouped for only 1 day, and the national football team lost its horse! The next draw became the upper sign, and 15 points were scored in 10 rounds and qualified

Finally, we need to work hard to improve the competitiveness of young players. As a team in transition, we need to continue to inject fresh blood and inject lasting vitality into the national football team. We need to make every effort to cultivate the youth training system and provide more high-quality players for the national team. At the same time, we must also give these young players enough opportunities to experience and grow in the confrontation with strong opponents, and lay a solid foundation for the future development of the national football team.

Through all these efforts, I believe that the Chinese national football team will be able to overcome many difficulties in the high-profile World Preliminary Round of 18 in Asia and fight their way out in this group that is regarded as the "Group of Death". We must use tenacious fighting spirit and persistent hard work to prove the strength and potential of Chinese football to the world, win glory for the motherland, and make all Chinese fans proud. Let us work together to achieve the great rejuvenation of Chinese football!